Chapter 517 Mr. Xu’s Question

Looking at the basin filled with hot water, Chen Wen was also very happy.

I thought to myself that Mr. Wang, the boss of the restaurant, was quite capable of getting things done!

Even I, a native of Fujian Province, know what I need when eating out!

Chen Wen was happy when he thought of this.

I do have this habit. After all, this habit can be said to be engraved in my DNA.

Therefore, even after attending college in Jinling for so many years, Chen Wen would still maintain this habit of scalding bowls.

As for why you need to scald the bowl?

Mainly because the weather in the south is prone to humidity.

Moisture will naturally cause the tableware to get damp.

And moist places happen to be the favorite breeding grounds for bacteria!

Chen Wen heard that he had seen a test before.

It is a comparative test of various types of tableware.

Tableware placed in a humid environment has more than 25% more bacteria than those placed in a dry environment!

This experiment also proves that when humidity is high, mold will grow more easily than usual!

And inside the tableware, especially the chopsticks!

Bamboo chopsticks are more likely to get moldy than wooden chopsticks, and chopsticks that have been used for more than half a year are also more likely to get moldy!

In other words, things like tableware must be placed in a ventilated and dry place.

But the South! Especially close to the seaside, the weather can easily turn southward.

Moisture is difficult to avoid.

That’s why southerners are used to scalding their bowls and chopsticks when eating!

of course! This kind of ironing of dishes and chopsticks is just a psychological comfort at best.

From a professional point of view, rinsing tableware with boiling water actually has no effect.

This is because the time for blazing tableware is too short, and bacteria and other microorganisms are really attached, and it is difficult to effectively kill these microorganisms!

According to a more scientific theory.

No matter which disinfection method is used, the time must be more than 20 minutes to effectively remove bacteria on the tableware!

As a scholar who pays attention to science, Chen Wen naturally knows this very well.

But this habit has been maintained since childhood.

Even if Chen Wen knew it was useless, he would still do it habitually.

As mentioned before, this habit is engraved in the DNA.

So after bringing over the basin filled with hot water, Chen Wen habitually rinsed his own and Mr. Xu's tableware together!

This also exists in the habits of southerners.

Eating with others and ironing dishes and chopsticks for others is a regionally unique dining etiquette.

This will make others feel that you respect and value me!

It will give people a better sense.

Although Mr. Xu is not from the South, he worked in the South for more than ten years when he was young.

Therefore, Chen Wen also knows and understands this habit.

So Chen Wen was left to do whatever he wanted.

When the tableware is finished rinsing, the restaurant begins to serve the food.

After the dishes were served, the waiter also removed the basin of water.

Then Chen Wen and Mr. Xu began to eat and talk together.

The old man invited Chen Wen to have dinner together, of course he wanted to communicate with Chen Wen.

Then he asked Chen Wen to help him so that his grandson Xu Yi could have a more stable job in Jinling in the future.

After all, there is also a circle of fame and fortune in the academic circle. It is certain that the old man's grandson will work under Chen Wen.

Then the old man would naturally have to inform Chen Wen and ask him to take more care of him in Aurous Hill.

Regarding the matter raised by Mr. Xu, Chen Wen agreed without even thinking about it.

After all, the old man's request was not excessive, and it was completely within Chen Wen's ability.

Besides, Xu Yi was chosen by Chen Wen based on his own ability.

It wasn't Mr. Xu who said hello and let him in. During the interview just now, the old man asked questions about his grandson, and his questions were even more tricky than Chen Wen's. Everyone has seen this!

Now the old man just mentioned it to Chen Wen and asked him to take care of Xu Yi a little after he went to Jinling.

This isn't really a big deal at all.


After chatting with Chen Wen about personal matters.

The old man's appetite was almost half full.

Immediately afterwards, he started talking to Shen Wen about business.

"Xiao Chen! Although we haven't known each other for a long time."

"But as a senior, I want to have a good chat with you about the space exploration project planning and engineering!"

Mr. Xu put down the bowls and chopsticks for a while, looked in the direction of Chen Wen and said.

"Mr. Xu! Just say it!"

"This junior must tell you everything he knows and tell you everything!"

After hearing Mr. Xu's words, Chen Wen quickly put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands and responded to Mr. Xu with his eyes and words.

"Hahaha! Don't be so nervous!"

"Let's just chat for a while!"

"You go on eating, I'm almost done eating!"

Seeing Chen Wen also put down the bowls and chopsticks, Mr. Xu responded feeling a little funny.

Mr. Xu is old, over ninety years old!

The old man’s health doctor gave him the advice to eat less and more meals!

This means that the old man eats several meals a day, but each meal is a very appropriate amount.

So after half-full dinner, the old man felt that it was almost done.

As for feeling hungry at night, just drink a glass of milk and rest!

So the old man put down his bowl and chopsticks and stopped eating.

But Chen Wen was only in his early twenties. To put it bluntly, he was in his prime!

At this stage, even if you only eat this small amount of food, you are not full at all!

The old man also felt it was inappropriate to put down the bowl and chopsticks because he wanted to talk to himself.

For a moment, the old man felt that he was a little too anxious.

Chen Wen should have been allowed to finish his meal first, and then the two of them could chat.

Then it wouldn't be as awkward as it is now.

After listening to Mr. Xu's words, Chen Wen nodded, then continued to pick up the bowl and chopsticks and continue eating.

As a scholar who is well versed in the ways of the world and has almost full experience in this area.

Chen Wen knew very well what the old man was embarrassed about.

After all, it is not appropriate for me to speak to an old man as a junior, or to eat by myself.

The old man was afraid that he would feel embarrassed, so he committed the habit of embarrassing others.

So after understanding this reason, Chen Wen just let go and continued eating.

This way the embarrassment can be resolved.

Anyway, I'm almost full after just two more mouthfuls.

When the time comes to answer the old man’s words, just stop and answer seriously!

So thinking of this, Chen Wen continued to eat.

The old man also felt happy when he saw Chen Wen like this.

The awkwardness just now has passed.

I feel in my heart that this young man Chen Wen is a good listener and he is quite good at some things!

At this time, the old man also treated Chen Wen as a close descendant like his grandson Xu Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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