Chapter 516 Mr. Xu’s invitation!

Regarding Chen Wen's arrangement, the scholars who came to the interview meeting also expressed their understanding!

After all, these people have also experienced interviews with others!

We can also have a rough understanding of the current mental state of Chen Wen and the interview judges.

I know they are all starting to get tired now.

If the interview continues, I'm afraid the effect will not be very good.

Especially the scholars present here don’t think they are any worse than others!

Everyone felt that they were the talents Chen Wen needed.

Naturally, I don’t want to be eliminated due to some external factors!

Of course, there are also more impetuous people who are dissatisfied with Chen Wen's arrangement.

However, someone around me reminded me that one of the interview judges was Mr. Xu.

This is the time for Beidou, the Tarzan in the field of aerospace science!

These complainers were instantly silenced.

After all, they could be inconsiderate of Chen Wen, but they would never dare to say that they were inconsiderate of a ninety-year-old academic giant like Mr. Xu!

If you dare to complain, let alone Mr. Xu's disciples or disciples, will they eat the person who complained alive?

Considering the old man’s status in this field, no one would dare to complain about the old man.

Unless you really don’t want to be in the circle.

You must know that as a giant in the field, Mr. Xu is deeply respected by the younger generations in the field!

Even if these juniors are not the disciples or disciples of the old man.

But given the old man's prestige in the academic world, these people are extremely respectful to Mr. Xu.

After all, I grew up listening to the legendary stories of the old man's generation.

Of course, there are idol filters!

So the interview meeting that might have caused a lot of noise happened after everyone knew that Mr. Xu was one of the judges.

Everyone left the venue quietly and waited to come over early tomorrow morning to participate in the interview!

According to Chen Wen's temporary plan, tomorrow is the last interview meeting!


After all interviewees have left the venue.

It was also time for Chen Wen and others to leave.

But before Chen Wen left, Mr. Xu suddenly stopped him.

"Xiao Chen!"

"Would you be interested in having dinner together?"

I saw Mr. Xu extending an invitation to Chen Wen.

"Mr. Xu, you invite me very much. This junior dare not disobey!"

After hearing Mr. Xu's words, Chen Wen's eyes also lit up.

Then he immediately responded to the old man.

To be honest, Chen Wen is quite famous in academia now!

But the fame is limited to a certain level of fame, and he is an academic figure known to the entire academic world and even non-academic people like Mr. Xu.

Chen Wen knew that there was a big gap between him and the old man.

Therefore, Chen Wen really wanted to communicate more with Mr. Xu.

But I never thought of any opportunities!

After all, he suddenly invited Mr. Xu to have dinner with him. Such a request was too abrupt.

So in this case, the best thing is to be invited by the old man!

Now that Mr. Xu has invited him, Chen Wen naturally has to agree quickly!

"Hahaha! Good!"

"Then let's go together!"

"Shikuoju! You must have heard of it, right?"

"Let's go have dinner there!"         "Old man! I have liked to go there to eat since I was young!"

"The prices in restaurants have also increased from a few cents per dish to tens or hundreds of dollars now!"

After hearing that Chen Wen had agreed, Mr. Xu's face was full of joy.

Then when he talked about his memories with Chen Wen, he was also very emotional when talking about it. I wonder if he felt that the food had become more expensive, or that time passed too fast?

As for the ‘food and braised restaurant’ that the old man calls it, it is a time-honored hotel with a quota in Beijing!

If we want to trace its origins, we can even trace it back to time-honored restaurants in the old society!

This store has been open for hundreds of years, so it must be unique!

Shizhuoju is an authentic Shandong cuisine restaurant.

Mr. Xu's native place is Shandong Province, and he also grew up as a senior official in Shandong Province.

I like Shizuoju so much, mainly because the food at Shizuoju is authentic, and more importantly, the old man can taste the taste of his hometown here!

After hearing the old man invite me to have dinner there.

Chen Wen and the old man's assistant helped the old man.

Let’s talk while walking, and then send the old man to the car first!

Then he got into his car and told the driver to follow the old man's car and go to Shizhuoju for dinner!

Upon hearing the order, the driver immediately started the car and followed closely behind the old man's car.

After driving on the road for about an hour, we were finally outside the restaurant.

To be honest, Shizhuoju has been in business for hundreds of years, and now it is basically operating as a high-end hotel.

When you get out of the car, you can feel the luxurious feeling just by looking at the hotel's appearance!

"Mr. Xu! You are here!"

"It's been quite a while since I've seen you!"

"You always have a box reserved for you!"

When Chen Wen and Mr. Xu appeared at the door of the hotel.

Immediately inside the hotel, a middle-aged man with a big belly ran out to greet him.

Chen Wen did some homework before coming here. Shangdu Niang checked out Shizhuoju, and naturally she knew that the person in front of her was the owner of Shizhuoju!

Seeing how enthusiastic he is towards the old man, it is obvious that the old man has always been a frequent visitor here!

"Xiao Wang! You don't have to be so polite and run out to pick me up!"

"Get ready! The dishes will still be the same as before!"

The old man first spoke to the owner of the restaurant, then turned to look at Chen Wen and asked, "Xiao Chen? Are there any taboos?"

"Tell Xiao Wang and ask him to tell the chef to pay attention!"

After hearing the old man's words, Chen Wen shook his head.

To be honest, Chen Wen has nothing to avoid!

After learning that Chen Wen had no taboos, the old man waved his hand and motioned for the middle-aged man named Wang to arrange the meals.

As for Chen Wen and Mr. Xu, they walked straight towards the box.

As a regular diner and a distinguished guest, it is normal for Mr. Xu to reserve a seat in the restaurant!

After walking into this private room, a sense of the atmosphere of the times hit me.

As the old man gets older, he always likes to recall the past.

The owner of the hotel, Xiao Wang, knew about this, so he specially built such a nostalgic box for Mr. Xu!

Chen Wen was a little bit dumbfounded when he saw it.

After he and Mr. Xu sat down, a waiter immediately brought the dishes and chopsticks over.

Then he brought a basin filled with hot water.

This basin was specially prepared for Chen Wen!

The owner of the hotel, Xiao Wang, knew Chen Wen's identity.

I know that people in Fujian and Guangdong provinces have the habit of scalding and washing bowls and chopsticks when they use them when eating out.

So this hot water basin was specially arranged.

(End of this chapter)

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