Chapter 473 Meeting Mr. Lou!

After wandering around the villa area for a short while, Chen Wen's car finally stopped in front of the small courtyard of Lou's hometown.

Before arriving, Chen Wen had already called in advance.

So when Chen Wen got out of the car, someone immediately came forward to lead him to see Mr. Lou!

Mr. Lou lost his wife in his early years and has four children, all of whom work in some departments!

Because of the old man's high position and authority, these children all hope to inherit the legacy of human connections and resources inherited from the old man in the future!

So usually when the old man is resting, Mr. Lou's grandchildren will follow their father's instructions and get closer to Mr. Lou, his grandfather or grandpa!

Mr. Lou also somewhat understands this!

My heart is full of sadness and emotion!

After all, when I spend my free time with my descendants, they all come here for the rights and resources at my disposal!

This makes Mr. Lou feel quite utilitarian!

At this time today, Chen Wen came over for a visit and happened to meet Mr. Lou's grandchildren, who came here again to get close to the old man.

Mr. Lou’s grandchildren look like they are very standard second-generation people!

The daily task is to eat, drink, and have fun!

Come by Mr. Lou’s place to spend some time with him!

But don't look at them as second-generation people. In fact, their parents can hold important positions.

Naturally, the discipline of children will not be any worse!

of course! Chen Wen had no interest in exploring the old man’s private life!

Chen Wen came over to the old man today just to consolidate his personal relationship with Mr. Lou!

Otherwise, it is related to my selection of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering!

The latter is the main purpose, the former is incidental!

Regarding the sudden arrival of a strange young man at home, Mr. Lou's grandchildren were also very surprised!

Chen Wen rarely appeared on TV or took photos. The only time he took photos and was on TV was on the news broadcast!

Since then, Chen Wen has occasionally been in the news a few times, but he has never shown his face for photos!

After all, I really don’t have the energy to take photos after the interview!

As for Mr. Lou's grandchildren, they rarely talk about watching any news broadcasts on weekdays.

So it’s normal not to know Chen Wen!

"Uncle Qian! Who is this?"

Among the old man's grandchildren, some curious people came to ask about the situation.

The person who inquired was Qian Zhengjun, the secretary next to Mr. Lou who came to pick up Chen Wen!

"Liyun? This is Director Chen! I'm here to visit your grandfather Lou!"

"You guys should go out and play quickly! I probably won't have time to have lunch with you today!"

I saw Qian Zhengjun saying this to Mr. Lou's grandchildren.

Although Qian Zhengjun is just Mr. Lou's secretary, he is after all an old man who has been with Mr. Lou for more than ten years.

So I don’t speak so politely to Mr. Lou’s grandchildren!

Moreover, it was Mr. Lou's intention to let these little brats go out to play without having to come back for lunch.

Qian Zhengjun was just conveying Mr. Lou's wishes.

As for introducing these brats to Chen Wen?

This kind of thing is really unnecessary!

After all, these little brats eat, drink and have fun all day long, which is far behind Chen Wen!

Introducing them to Chen Wen was really a waste of time!

Instead of having this skill, he might as well lead Chen Wen to see Mr. Lou!

So I simply introduced Chen Wen's identity to these brats.

Because Chen Wen’s job position is as the head of the key laboratory under the 208 Research Institute of the Huaguo Ordnance Industry Group!

So when Qian Zhengjun introduced Chen Wen, he was right about his position within the group!

When these people saw that Chen Wen was a director, they had no interest in getting to know him further.

We can only follow Qian Zhengjun's or Mr. Lou's wishes and obediently sneak out to play!

Come back after lunch!

No matter how stupid they are, they would know that the old man kicked them out to play just so they could have lunch with Chen Wen!

Although I don’t know why the old man suddenly wanted to have a meal with a little director.

But these juniors obviously didn't think much about it. Anyway, they really didn't want to know anything about the official matters of their elders!

After all, most of Mr. Lou’s grandchildren just want to eat and wait to die! Of course, one of them finds it strange and wants to explore it out of curiosity!

But that’s all for later!


Back to Chen Wen.

Qian Zhengjun, Mr. Lou's secretary, took him to the door of the study.

Then he said respectfully: "Professor Chen! Mr. Lou is waiting for you inside!"

After saying that, he left to prepare tea.

The reason why Qian Zhengjun is so respectful is mainly because Qian Zhengjun was also engaged in academics before he became Mr. Lou's secretary!

But in terms of administration, Qian Zhengjun is better than academics!

After being appreciated by Mr. Lou, he later transferred to Mr. Lou as a secretary and held important positions in the Huaguo Ordnance Industry Group.

As a former academic and current administrator!

Qian Zhengjun admired people like Chen Wen who were particularly outstanding in the academic field!

But Chen Wen didn't understand this.

At this time, he gently knocked on the study door.

Mr. Lou inside heard this and knew that Chen Wen was coming.

So he came and opened the door in person.

Of course, Mr. Lou opened the door himself, so only Chen Wen and a few people could enjoy it!

Either the visitor must have the same identity and status as the old man to receive such courtesy from Mr. Lou!

If it had been anyone else, it would have been considered very good if the old man had even opened his mouth to invite me in!

The worse thing is just one word "enter".

Seeing that the old man opened the door to greet him in person, Chen Wen also knew that the old man valued him.

So he quickly exchanged greetings and then handed Mr. Lou the gift that Peng Junhua had chosen for him.

"Mr. Lou! This is my first visit!"

"A small souvenir! It's not respectful, so please forgive me!"

Chen Wen handed the gift to Mr. Lou and said.

The old man took a look at the content and pattern written on the packaging box, and a delighted smile appeared on his face.

Seeing the old man's appearance, Chen Wen knew that Peng Junhua had made the right choice!

"Ouch! Xiao Chen!"

"It's already great that you came to visit! Why don't you bring any gifts?"

Of course that's what the old man said, but the smile on his face still expressed his satisfaction.

After some polite exchanges, Chen Wen finally sat down and talked with Mr. Lou.

In the ensuing conversation, Mr. Lou almost caught Chen Wen off guard with his words!

The scene became frozen and awkward for a time!

What was Mr. Lou talking about?

Of course it’s related to Chen Wen’s subsequent changes in work arrangements!

(End of this chapter)

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