Chapter 472 Visit Mr. Lou again!

Because there are so many people who want to exchange academic ideas with Chen Wen!

So in the end, it developed into a large number of scholars gathering together to hold a small academic exchange meeting centered on Chen Wen!

Knowing that these scholars would not rest at night but would hold an academic exchange meeting, the hotel quickly vacated a banquet hall!

Be prepared to conduct academic exchanges with scholars.

Chen Wen naturally participated in this academic exchange meeting initiated by himself!

After sharing some opinions and ideas at the exchange meeting, it actually resonated with many people!

The last academic exchange meeting lasted until twelve o'clock in the evening!

of course! Chen Wen didn't attend that late!

As one of the initiators, Chen Wen probably stayed at the meeting for an hour or two.

At about 10:30 in the evening, I had already left early!

The other initiators also left the venue one after another around eleven o'clock!

However, the departure of the initiators did not hinder everyone's communication.

It lasted for another hour, and it wasn't until after twelve o'clock that the entire exchange meeting ended!

And what about Chen Wen at this time?

He had already returned to his hotel room and asked Lu Yunxing to make arrangements!

Going to visit Mr. Lou tomorrow!

When visiting Mr. Lou, you must bring some souvenirs!

After all, I am visiting as a junior, not as a subordinate at work!

So be sure to prepare gifts when you visit!

Lu Yunxing left this matter to Peng Junhua!

Lu Yunxing did this not because he was lazy, but because Chen Wen had a second secretary, so he would just dump the work assigned by Chen Wen to Peng Junhua!

Although as Chen Wen's number one secretary, Lu Yunxing can indeed do this!

But in this matter, Lu Yunxing did not arrange Peng Junhua's work with that idea!

The important reason for doing this is that Peng Junhua was a staff member of the Secretariat of the Chinese Academy of Engineering!

The other party is from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, so he will naturally understand the various preferences of the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering better than Lu Yunxing, who is from the Chinese Academy of Sciences!

And Mr. Lou is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, so it is right to leave this matter to Peng Junhua!

Chen Wen on the other side also knew what Lu Yunxing would do!

So after arranging things, Chen Wen started to wash up and prepare to rest and sleep!

After I finished washing, it was already past eleven o'clock!

At this point in time, Chen Wen was indeed a little sleepy.

So I lay on the bed, used the laptop I always bring with me on business trips, and sent an email to Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang.

In the email, I asked two people how the cold zone test of the fourth-generation main battle tank was going?

After doing these things, Chen Wen lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Chen Wen slept until about eight o'clock the next morning before getting up from the bed.

After going to the hotel restaurant to have a meal, Chen Wen asked Peng Junhua to go out together!

Lu Yunxing did not follow him today, but mainly went shopping with his parents and younger brother.

certainly! Lu Yunxing is not the one who is mainly responsible for accompanying!

The person responsible for accompanying Chen Wen's parents when they go shopping is mainly Fang Tong, Chen Wen's girlfriend and the future daughter-in-law whom Chen's father and mother have never seen before!

Lu Yunxing only needs to help coordinate and arrange vehicles and other things!

As for the person who accompanied Chen Wen to visit Mr. Lou, it was the newly arrived No. 2 Secretary Peng Junhua!

Lu Yunxing could think of gifts for Peng Junhua to prepare for a visit to Mr. Lou, so Chen Wen didn't know that it would be more appropriate to bring Peng Junhua for a visit!

After all, Peng Junhua is from the Chinese Academy of Engineering. With him here, he can get closer to Mr. Lou!

Due to various considerations, the secretary who finally followed Chen Wen out was Peng Junhua!

The work of Lu Yunxing and Peng Junhua was suddenly reversed. Peng Junhua is still very happy about this!

After all, this was his first time going out on business with Chen Wen!


As soon as he came out of the hotel, Chen Wen led Peng Junhua and several security guards towards Mr. Lou's home!

Regarding the matter of visiting Mr. Lou, Chen Wen had already called Mr. Lou in advance when he returned from the hotel yesterday.

The old man has been taking a break recently and did not go to the group headquarters building to work!

After all, the academician selection meeting of the two academies is about to begin, and Mr. Lou serves as the member-in-charge of the selection committee.

The old man has a lot to do!

That is to say, I heard that Chen Wen was coming to visit me!

If it had been anyone else, the old man would have simply replied that he had no time!

This also shows in disguise how much Chen Wen is valued in front of all the old leaders and seniors!

Mr. Lou’s home is not far from Professor Yu’s house!

But this is normal!

After all, the two old men have unusual identities, and it is normal for them to live in the same villa area!

So after Chen Wen visits Mr. Lou later, he can also drop by to visit Professor Yu!

When the car drove to the entrance of the villa area, someone immediately stopped Chen Wen's car.

"Hello! Please show me your ID!"

I saw someone immediately coming up to block the traffic lane.

As I have said before, the security standards of this villa area are very high!

Because there are many bosses and retired bosses living here!

So there were even army soldiers standing guard inside!

After hearing what the gatekeeper said, Chen Wen motioned to the driver to lower the window and handed the ID to the driver!

"I'm Chen Wen! I'm here to visit Mr. Lou!"

After the driver handed the ID to the other party, Chen Wen spoke out the window.

The guard at the gate sounded familiar to the name, and then remembered that Mr. Lou had specifically called to inform him an hour ago.

He said that if a young man named Chen Wen came to see him later, he would let the car in directly!

So after confirming Chen Wen's identity, the vehicle was let in!

Some people may think it’s too hasty!

What if it wasn’t Chen Wen inside the car, but someone else’s gangster disguised as Chen Wen?

This is completely impossible!

There is a camera hanging on the chest of these gatekeepers!

These cameras are not just for decoration!

It is connected to the Chinese population database!

Confirming your identity is a breeze!

Moreover, some of the documents owned by a scholar like Chen Wen cannot be faked!

So there is no problem, the gate guard will naturally let you go!

And there are people patrolling the villa area 24 hours a day.

The security intensity is comparable to that of a military powerhouse. With this intensity, any gangster will be blind!

The security personnel who are responsible for patrolling and standing guard can send out mobile teams to deal with the situation at any time!

So after being released, Chen Wen asked the driver to drive directly to the small single-family building with a small courtyard where Mr. Lou lived!

(End of this chapter)

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