I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 123 Tomie, you lost

Chapter 123 Tomie, you lost

In the eyes of Qinzi who wanted to complain, Yoshizakigawa finally translated this sentence into human language.

"The curse is a video. Anyone who sees the video will receive a phone call at midnight and will die of a heart attack seven days later, regardless of whether they respond or not."

"Yes, there is no limit to the number of people."

Hearing Yoshizakigawa's words, Kotoko had a headache;

"Has the curse of the former ghost and the latter ghost become so advanced?"

Qinzi quickly found out the problem with the curse transmitted through video.

This kind of curse is too small to say the least. As long as all the videos conveying the curse are blocked, the curse cannot be passed on.

And not many people currently have projectors at home.

But it’s a big deal. If this video is not properly stored, dozens of copies are copied by people with ulterior motives, and it is shown in major theaters across the country and continues to be killed. Who can withstand this?

And if the video has the ability to clone and kill people like the Soul Demon, then the number of people who will die by then will be astronomical.

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa was slightly silent. After a moment, he said: "Forget it, this school can be without the principal, but it can't be without me!"


"And of these fifteen, twelve are in South Korea, one is in the United States, and only two are in Japan..."

At this time, Higa Kotoko felt that these explanations were a bit troublesome, so she simply said:

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to explain. You only need to know that three years ago, I personally expelled the owner of their arrival, and you can rest assured."

He felt that there must be some kind of conspiracy here, so he asked:

"What is the name of that sect? I have heard so much about it, but I still don't know what its name is."


He nodded and asked: "Isn't that guy controlled by the Pomo Demon because of his abortion? Why is he involved?"

Although it felt like Miss Qinzi was lying to him, Yoshizakikawa still nodded to her kindness and did not refuse: "Then thank you in advance."

Then Kotoko Higa hesitated, and asked, "Are you under a lot of mental stress recently, that's why you often have nightmares?"

Yoshizakigawa said honestly.

You know, they are existences that can manipulate Qinzi in front of her eyes.

After talking about this matter, Qinzi just turned the topic to that sect;

"Do you still remember the man who came out to destroy the ritual when we were dealing with the Pomo Demon?"

Speaking of this, Qinzi's face was filled with dark clouds. She didn't expect that rat-like sect to be so bold and dare to disrupt her exorcism ceremony.

Seeing Yoshizakigawa's appearance, Qinzi knew that he had misunderstood and explained:

Hearing Qinzi's words, Yoshizakigawa was speechless, and his understanding of the horror of this world deepened in his heart.

Later, due to their own negligence, they snatched the child's body away, leaving the mother still in no peace.

There are known to be fifteen large-scale cults. This sect's intelligence capabilities and various abilities are astonishing, but the result is only low-risk.

"I'll keep an eye on her."

Yoshizakigawa suspected that if he traveled again, he would do something outrageous.

Thinking of this, Yoshikawa's heart gradually sank.

But at that time, he was beaten back by himself, but in the confrontation, one died and two were killed.

Seeing Yoshizakigawa frowning just now, Qinzi was afraid that he would have another nightmare at night, so she comforted her in a good voice: "Leave these things to me. You only need to take care of those children. If you are really worried, tonight Come up and I'll take you to see how I sweep away their stronghold."

It can only be enshrined on the altar, and the resentment is difficult to resolve.

——The saint is an ordinary girl who was deceived.

However, to Yoshizakigawa's surprise, Kotoko waved her hands: "I don't know, but I fought with them three years ago. Later, it was internationally named as a cult because it was the 15th one discovered. It is a large cult, so its serial number is JP-15, and its threat level is: low risk."

In Qinzi's eyes, this so-called cult was not even worthy of carrying shoes, considering the danger it might pose to those Yoshizakigawa students.

Qinzi sighed, feeling a little numb at the moment.

The last time I went to the villa, I was traveling, but it happened to be at the Shura Field. Video tapes of the curse and the three ghost kings came out, and I almost died!

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa was shocked;

Unexpectedly, the previous incident was actually done by this sect. What was their purpose?

The purpose of targeting Fu Jiang was to sacrifice, so why did he ruin the ceremony before?

Is it possible that they are also eyeing Kayako?

Unless the body of the child is found, the mother will probably never be born again.

A few years ago, they tried to make the so-called "Lord" in their mouths to be born through the saint.

Now Lord Yoshizakigawa only needs to do two things. First, don't have nightmares. Second, take care of those children.

Yoshizakigawa's memory is not very good, but it is impossible to forget such a short-term event that is very impressive.

"It's a little bit, but it can be overcome."

And this sect is still alive after the war, and is even still causing trouble now, which shows how terrifying it is.

As for Kotoko, she is currently known to be the strongest exorcist in Japan and the one with the most power.

"Oh, even I was deceived by that guy before. If the police patrolling recently didn't find him wandering around Fujiang, I wouldn't even know that he was also a member of that sect. Before, he came specifically to destroy the ceremony. .”

"Okay, I'll send you some nourishing tea leaves then, so you won't have nightmares in the future. Of course, don't think too much about it. I just think it's hard for you."

"Is it because the schoolwork is heavy and depressing? Why don't you consider taking a long vacation to travel?"

"According to what you said, after Fujiang's death, a terrible curse also broke out. After Zhenzi's death, a video curse also broke out. Kayako... her death will trigger a curse..."

"Um, maybe there is something wrong with your cognition. The evaluation standards of international associations are not based on strength, but on their brainwashing ability and the harm they cause to society."

Higa Kotoko is really scared. Look what this guy dreams about every day.

Basically, they are a terrifying existence that causes a large number of casualties and destroys one's own outlook on life.

Looking at Qinzi's appearance, Yoshizakigawa was stunned for a moment, and then he understood Qinzi's distress. He coughed lightly: "Well, don't worry, my ability to bear it is not that weak."

"That's good."

Qinzi breathed a sigh of relief, and then she stood up: "When something can be swept out tonight, if you can take down the entire church in one go, you can feel at ease."

Yoshizakikawa agreed with this very much. Now that he recalls the scene in his nightmare, Yoshizakikawa still feels uncomfortable.

After taking the requiem that Kotoko handed over, Yoshizakikawa felt calm and saw the latter walking away, then picked up the lesson plan and went to class.

Walk into the classroom, glance around as usual, and when you see the figure in the corner;

Yoshizakigawa was slightly startled,

Then the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a smile.

Because Fu Jiang was wearing the same clothes as in the dream, everything that happened last night was indeed true.

He had indeed helped Fu Jiang find himself again. Thinking of this, he actually felt a little sense of accomplishment.

"When the teacher came to the classroom today, he didn't look at himself at first glance, but at Tomie-san - and he even smiled at Tomie-san."

"When he smiled at me, there was no joy from the bottom of his heart——"

The joy of secretly kissing the teacher the morning before quickly faded away. Kayako lowered his head and wrote in an ordinary notebook, and then blacked out the sentence with a ballpoint pen.

Pretending to be nonchalant, he read the book. If the teacher really likes Tomie, Kayako finds that there is no place where he can compare with Tomie.

Classmate Tomie is beautiful and rich, and speaks openly and openly. He is not as timid as he is, and he doesn't even dare to speak.

If I were a man, I would definitely choose Tomie-san——

Moreover, with Tomie-san's character, if she becomes the teacher's girlfriend, she will definitely kick her out of the house, right?

Thinking of that kind of scene, Kayako felt a little frightened.

At the same time, on the other side, Mako looked back and forth at Tomie and Yoshizakigawa, but to no avail.

She is a big melon eater, and she especially likes to eat the melons of Teacher Yoshizakigawa and Tomie... Well, she also likes to eat the melons of Teacher Saito.


Mako dropped the pen on the ground, then bent down, pretending to pick up the pen and looked at Kayako behind him;

At this moment, Gaoyeo held the ballpoint pen tightly with his fingers, but his eyes showed no other expression, as if he was listening to the lecture seriously.

But Mako saw that she was a little too serious, but she was just pretending.

Picking up the pen, Yamamura Mako sat back, looked at the figure writing on the blackboard in front of him, and couldn't help biting the cap of the pen;

She felt like the classroom was like a battlefield at this moment, all because of the smile Teacher Yoshizakigawa gave to Tomie.

But why is he laughing? What happened between them?

Fu Jiang was a little shy at the moment. She didn't know why she wore this outfit in the morning, as if she was in a daze, but when she wore it now,

Especially in front of Yoshizakigawa, I thought of the way I was naked and hugged in my dream last night, and the way I was clothed by him yesterday;

Even in the dream, there is a feeling of skin being touched, just like in reality.

While getting dressed, she would inevitably touch certain parts. When she thought of this, her face turned red and she wished she could die immediately.

——Before, she simply thought it was just a strange dream.

But after checking later, she found out that it was actually... an erotic dream? ? ! !

I had an erotic dream last night.

And it’s Yoshizakigawa, the most annoying guy. Damn it, I obviously don’t like him at all, why does this happen?

Even Fujiang didn't dare to imagine what would happen in the dream if he didn't have that sentence of 100% in the exam, but accepted his own confession?

In the past, Fujiang had actually read some villain books about stacked Arhats kissing each other, so he was still a little confused about this aspect.

Hug, kiss, go to bed——

She didn't dare to think about it anymore.

So at this moment she felt extremely embarrassed and at a loss

He could only lower his head, not daring to look at Yoshizakigawa at all, so naturally he didn't see the change in the expression on the latter's face.

The English class, which was as painful as hell, passed in Fujiangkan's uneasiness;

After class, she barely hesitated at all, and walked up to Mako without even daring to look at Yoshizakigawa: "I... our psychic club hasn't had a meeting for a long time, Mako, let's go to the meeting, and you can call Kayako too. "

After saying that, she hurriedly left with a blushing face.

Seeing Tomie's blushing and shy look, Mako froze on the spot for a while, and then he covered his violently beating heart, feeling a little disappointed and relieved at the same time;

"Tomie-kun, did something indescribable happen to Mr. Yoshizakigawa last night?"

"Perhaps I should take a hint and ask Kayako-san."

In Mako's eyes, something was wrong with Tomie-san today from the beginning. He inexplicably changed his dressing style and turned into a pure student, without even putting on makeup.

Not wearing makeup is a first for Tomie!

Then, I saw Tomie’s face was red, and she didn’t even have the courage to look at Teacher Yoshizakigawa all morning, and even pinched her leg once!

Plus Yoshizakigawa’s meaningful smile——

Detective Mako was immediately keenly aware of their problem.

Yesterday, did Mr. Yoshizakigawa not live with classmate Kayako?

Walking to Kayako's table, Mako lightly tapped the table, and Kayako looked at it in confusion;

"Tomie-san said that a meeting of the Spiritual Society will be held to prepare for subsequent activities. Let's go there."

"oh oh."

Although he was a little afraid of the strange behavior of Tomie classmates and teachers, Kayako did not show it.

On the contrary, she was more normal than ever.

However, this is very abnormal in Mako's eyes.

While walking side by side, Mako seemed to ask inadvertently: "Kayako-kun, you live with Mr. Yoshizakigawa, right?"


Kayako was a little flustered. She didn't know why Zhenzi knew such a thing. She was a little happy and a little worried in her heart.

I am happy that everyone knows that I live with Teacher Yoshizakigawa, and then mistakenly think that I and him are lovers.

Are you worried that if this kind of thing spreads, will it have an impact on Yoshizakigawa-sensei's work?

Seeing Kayako's appearance, Mako's face showed a faint smile.

Just when Kayako mistakenly thought that Mako's classmates would say that you didn't want this matter to be known to everyone to extort your pocket money,

Mako's classmate's answer made Kayako stunned for a moment.

"Because I often see you walking together, but I won't tell others about this. It's mainly because I'm a little curious about something."

"By the way - was Mr. Yoshizakigawa at home last night?"

"always there……"

Kayako was just about to say these words, but suddenly thought of something.

That's why Mako-san is so concerned about Teacher Yoshizakigawa's dealings, and why she wants to ask if the teacher is always here.

Yamamura Mako "had a criminal record" with Kayako. When they were in the previous villa, Mako's words made Kayako feel that he was not a grateful person.

Although her later apology and videotape made her score in Kayako's mind go up, she still failed!

So at this moment, I heard that Mako was so concerned that he even wanted to pry the news from his own mouth;

Kayako's first thought was, would she seduce him into telling him about the teacher and then slander him?

——Gaya Coco is very wary of this.

After all, as long as she told her that the teacher was always at home, Mako-san might start a rumor and say that she and the teacher slept together, that's why she knew such details.

Then use this rumor to threaten or attack the teacher!

As a true child with a "dark history", he naturally has a negative score with Kayo.

In addition, Kayako himself is a very capable person, so he made this inference.

Wanting to hit here, Kayako's clever little mind thought of how to answer: "I... don't know, I slept in a separate room with the teacher yesterday."

Mako: "???"

Sleeping in separate rooms yesterday? So...what about before?

Her pupils widened and she fell into indescribable shock.

Tomie-san, you have failed!

(End of this chapter)

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