I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 122 Kissing the Teacher 1 Mouth

Chapter 122 Kiss the teacher

"Teacher, wake up, get up and eat."

Looking at the teacher who was sleeping on the chair in front of him, Kayako felt a little distressed;

The teacher is so dedicated. I don’t know how long it took for him to fall asleep yesterday. Today, when Kayako came out, he saw him sitting on the chair and falling asleep.

He did not wake up the sleeping teacher, but went to the kitchen to make breakfast;

She placed the plate gently on the table,

Looking at Teacher Yoshizakigawa's side face lying on the table, her original idea of ​​waking him up suddenly changed to another idea.

If - if I kiss the teacher now, he will definitely not know about it, right?

When she thought of this, she swallowed and her heart began to beat loudly.

Kayako clenched his hands nervously, and there was a war between heaven and man in his heart.

What if the teacher suddenly wakes up while I’m kissing him?

What would he think of himself?

However, the teacher in front of him was lying there quietly. He was very sleepy and would never wake up.

Moreover, as if he was caught kissing the teacher, which broke the relationship, he confessed his love to her, then went to bed with her and slept with her.

Then, with great joy in his heart, he leaned into Yoshizakigawa's ear and whispered:

"Teacher, it's time to eat."

However, this is a rare opportunity!

If we don't kiss him now, we may have to wait for Mr. Saito to make the first move in the future.

I can also spend all day with the teacher.

Yoshizakigawa prefers the second answer. After all, the world is so weird, and it is normal for some sects to be born.

Gaoyao's heart relaxed a little and he said happily: "Teacher, it's Friday today. After class today, you can have two days of rest."

There is no name for that sect in my mind. It may be a movie that I have not seen, or it may be the ontological sect that was born in this strange world.

Ah, will there be another opportunity like this in the next two days?

Then Yoshizakigawa felt that the left side of his face was a little wet. Under Kayako's nervous eyes, he just touched it, and then there was no follow-up.

This is not possible, the teacher’s first kiss must be hers!

She pretended to be nonchalant and put her cheek against Yoshizakigawa's ear.

In fact, after being kicked out of the dream by Tomie yesterday, Yoshizakigawa received Kotoko's email. After replying, he inquired about the so-called sect.

"Well, I made today's lesson plan yesterday, so I'm a little tired."

A slight smile appeared on his face: "Sorry, Kayako."

She shook her head violently, wondering where her thoughts were.

Second, I don’t know what the purpose of this sect is.

When I give birth to a child in the future, the child’s name will be Yoshizaki...

At that time, if the teacher is lying on the bed, maybe... I can kiss him?

When he thought of that scene, Kayako's heart beat a few beats faster.

Yoshizakigawa was awakened, and opened his eyes a little tiredly, feeling as if there was heat on his face.

It turned out that Kayako was approaching him. He didn't think much and glanced at the screen first.

First, I cannot estimate its strength.

After seeing the black screen, he felt relieved and looked at the steaming omelette and a cup of hot tea on the table.

However, such a sect has two serious problems.

Seeing that the latter seemed to have no reaction, he kissed her quickly like a dragonfly touching water.

The information Qinzi gave herself was also relatively ambiguous, although she said that she had fought against each other before, and that the "lord" behind the sect did not exist.

It did not say how strong the master was or what the purpose of the sect was.

According to Qinzi, these words must be said face to face.

I have to go find her after class today——

After finishing the omelette, Yoshizaki Chuan felt that Kayako seemed particularly happy today for some reason.

Maybe it's because of the upcoming vacation?

But be happy, don't be so gloomy, be more sunny.

Maybe there will be no more grudges in the future.

Judging from the curses she encountered in the house before, the current Gaya is exposed to the sun, and future curses will also be affected by her memory.

When the curse crawled out of the girl's mouth, he thought it was a demon, so he attacked it, but it turned out to be a damn curse.

Until this moment, Yoshizakikawa was still secretly afraid.

Fortunately, he went ahead and awakened the curse's memory about Kayako.

Only the latter will awaken and help him deal with the Pomo Demon.

What if I had been influencing Kayako so that the latter would not have any resentment until his death?

Will the future grudges disappear because they cannot find a carrier?

Although he didn't know whether his speculation was correct or not, there was no doubt that this was the only solution at present.

As for eliminating the curse?

Come on, Kotoko is about to be beaten into a dog. She won't live a good life for a few more times, so she should take care of the poor exorcist!

Yoshizakigawa walked to school with Kayako, said goodbye to the latter, and then returned to the office.

The first thing he did was to open the drawer. When he saw that the video tape was still there, he felt relieved.

After locking the drawer again, put the note on the desk to remind yourself. Yoshizakikawa opened the lesson plan, and the teacher instinctively previewed it, and then planned to take a nap in the office.

But at this moment,

There was a knock on the door, his grandma's. Every time he wanted to rest, something always interrupted him.

Sighing in his heart, he said: "Please come in."

The next moment, Qinzi walked out wearing sunglasses and a black trench coat.

"Miss Kotoko?"

Yoshizaki Chuan did not expect that she would come to the door, and was a little surprised for a moment.

Qinzi took off her sunglasses. The reason why she wore them was actually to cover the murderous scars on her eyes.

That would be too eye-catching.

Higa Kotoko sat on the sofa on the side, and then said: "After you said you had a nightmare, I planned to come to you, but thinking that Kayako was still at your house, it was not suitable to discuss things, so I just I can wait for you to get to school."

Qinzi paid great attention to Yoshizakigawa's words and waited for Yoshizakigawa and Kayako to separate before following them.

"Now let's explain your dream clearly, and then we'll talk about that sect."

The focus is always on the top, this is Qinzi's way of thinking.

She is a decisive person.

As it happens, Yoshizakigawa is not a person who likes to beat around the bush. After hearing what Kotoko said, Yoshizakigawa had already prepared his words.

"Miss Kotoko, I still remember what you said about Yukaku."

When she heard that Yoshizakigawa did not talk about her dream, but started talking about "Yakuko Kaku", Kotoko quickly thought about the evil spirits related to Yakuko Kaku.

As an ancestor, Danyi Xiaojiao has surrendered countless evil spirits.

"Is it the evil spirit that Yu Xiaojiao surrendered? In your dream."

Kotoko asked.

Communication with smart people is always straightforward.

"Yes, it should be, because I dreamed about the statue of Yu Xiaojiao."

This point means that Yoshizakigawa lied, and this was just used to provide clues about how he knew about Yakusaku's relationship later.

"very scary?"

Qinzi asked again, even though she had asked this on the phone before.

"A girl cursed by ghosts before and after."

Yoshizakigawa revealed the most critical information, but also deliberately concealed some things.

He was talking about the cursed girl, not reincarnation.

Because, according to Qinzi’s character——

If Mako was the reincarnation of ghosts before and after, she would definitely try her best to get rid of this big scourge.

In her eyes, stability is always more important than a girl's life.

Therefore, Yoshizakigawa lied.

Qinzi herself is a bit arrogant. If she attempts to eliminate the reincarnation of ghosts before and after, thereby eliminating this danger, it will trigger Mako's instinctive protection.

And Kotoko happened to be unable to deal with it;

Yes, the midnight bell may be changed to the evil ghost coming to the world.

"So, she is a girl cursed by ghosts from behind and behind?"

Qinzi's face gradually became serious. The former ghost and the latter ghost were big evil ghosts that her ancestors had surrendered and guarded on some kind of overseas island.

As for why it was suppressed rather than eliminated?

Because his ancestor Yu Xiaojiao did not have the ability to destroy it——

Myths are always beautified, the former ghost and the latter ghost are husband and wife, the former ghost plows the land and the latter ghost sows the seeds.

All this is false, the world is not so beautiful.

The real situation is that the ancestor Yu Xiaojiao took advantage of the conflict between the Ghost King and the Ghost Mother and used the Ghost King to defeat the Ghost Mother, but he was unable to eliminate it.

They can only use their opposing forces to suppress them in the desolate land.

They are actually extremely terrifying evil spirits.

"So, what did you see in your dream?"

Her thoughts flashed away, and finally she asked the most crucial question.

"The girl dies tragically, the curse breaks out, and the midnight bell rings."

(End of this chapter)

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