I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 119 Help Fu Jiang get dressed

Chapter 119 Help Fu Jiang get dressed (please vote for me, 嘤嘤嘤)

In his previous life, Yoshizakigawa had seen some analysis of dreams from a third-rate lucid dreaming forum.

A very interesting point was made in it, that sex is not allowed in lucid dreams. One of the comments said that if you are a virgin, because your brain has never experienced this, it cannot support the rendering of the plot.

Most of them will get stuck in taking off clothes or kissing, and then wake up from the dream, or fall into a normal dream.

Then there is a reply to him below, saying that I have experienced it in real life, why is it still not working?

In the end, perhaps through the experiment of lucid dreaming, the two came to a common answer;

You are not allowed to take off your clothes in a dream, so you cannot have sex.

——Since ancient times, humans have worn hula skirts for hunting, and clothing has been imbued with many meanings.

It is armor to protect against severe cold in severe cold weather.

It is a wall that demarcates a private territory for the body and prevents others from peeking at you.

It is the flag that defines your attributes.

At the first glance, people will always look at the clothes. Black, white, pink, and floral colors are all given different connotations.

Black is restrained, white is pure, pink is flamboyant, and the colors—this person is a slut.

Grass skirts, tops, bottoms, underwear and outerwear, with the development of the times, there are more and more clothes, and the awareness of private territory is getting stronger and stronger.

And in dreams, they symbolize defense.

When a person appears naked in a dream, it means that her inner defenses have been broken down and she is in her weakest state.

It is impossible to put yourself in this state during a lucid dream, so you cannot have sex in the dream because you cannot take off your clothes.

Moreover, when undefended, people can become extremely aggressive.

Yoshizakikawa actually didn't know what happened here, and he didn't have any thoughts.

He asked: "Who do you want you to be in my eyes?"

In the dream, Fu Jiang shook her head with tears in her eyes. She didn't know what she was thinking in her heart and what kind of person she hoped she would be in his eyes.

Those words just now were just to vent my emotions. I didn’t know, I really didn’t know.

At this moment, the squatting Yoshizakigawa suddenly stood up, stretched out his hand, and placed it in front of the latter.

"Let me take you to see what kind of person you are."

She seemed to be hesitant and huddled in the corner without getting up. After a moment, Fu Jiang finally raised his hand tremblingly and grabbed the hand.

Then he was pulled up,

She was completely naked at the moment, except for a pair of socks with dog patterns printed on her feet. However, it might be due to the dream. Yoshizakigawa would not be affected by Tomie's powerful charm in reality, so even if she was naked in front of him, he would not feel it. How powerful is the charm.

"I'll carry you."

Looking at the clothed Yoshizakigawa in front of her, Tomie didn't seem to resist this. She lay silently on Yoshizakigawa's shoulder, her cheek close to his shoulder.

She felt like she was being covered in front of her, like someone holding an umbrella on a heavy rainy day. She felt inexplicably more secure and her mood became slightly more stable.

Carrying Fujiang on his back, he walked into the corridor;

The strange noises on the other side of the wall continued, and from time to time there were screams or roars, or the sound of some kind of reptile crawling;

But outside this corridor, it should be the edge of Fujiang's dreamland.

Yoshizakigawa ignored the noise over there, while Tomie acted as if he couldn't hear it, relying on his broad shoulders with peace of mind.

The distance in the corridor seems to be getting farther and farther, the road ahead is unpredictable, and even time and space are meaningless at this moment.

"In this world, no one can make you who you are, Tomie. Only you can decide who you are."

"So, in my eyes, you are Fu Jiang, not some other person."


"Do you still remember what I said to you in the office before?"

"do not remember."

Fujiang squinted her eyes. She enjoyed the feeling of being carried forward on someone's back, and her previous hesitation and fear had subsided.

The privacy in front of him was covered, as if he was wearing a layer of clothes.

"You are a human being first, and everything else second. The attributes that society brings to you are just your attributes in the eyes of others. Don't pursue the attributes given to you by others. Think about your own essence. You are not a prostitute or a prostitute. Bitch, you are just a beautiful girl named Tomie Kawakami in her prime."

Yoshizakigawa opened the corridor door and walked into Tomie's room;

He did not close the door, but it closed of its own accord;

The moment the door closed, the originally clean corridor outside instantly turned into a mess of blood, rotten flesh, and bones scattered on the ground. A woman's head with only half of it left and bulging eyes appeared from the other side of the corridor in horror. Slowly rolled to the door, bumped gently against the front of the door, and made a low sound;

Even so, her eyelids were still trembling, and the remaining eyeballs were trembling with intense fear;

When she was dying, she entered another level of nightmare;

In the darkness, Song Yuan Shenyue's thinking and logic at this moment were all destroyed by fear. She returned to the original time, inside the quilt, under the faint moonlight, she tightened the quilt to cover her naked body;

She looked frantically toward the cabinet, the window, and the corner. She wanted to turn on the light, but she was afraid that the evil ghost was under the light;

She wanted to get up and draw the curtains, but she was afraid that there was an evil spirit under the bed;

But her instinct for survival made her grit her teeth, immediately stand up from the bed, and then walk to the window;

next moment,

The glass made a tooth-breaking squeaking sound,

The hanging cheek hit the front of the glass like a free fall. At the moment when it was about to approach, Matsumoto Shenyue suddenly pulled the curtains shut!

She just breathed a sigh of relief,

at this moment,

outside the door,

"Dong, dong, dong——"

The sound of knocking on the door was like a death knell, and also like a big hand grasping her heart;

She flicked on the room light, and light flooded the room;

Her eyes were bloodshot at the moment, and she was as nervous as a madman. She tried to find some weapons in the room, but what made Matsumoto Shenyue desperate was that there was nothing at all in this huge room! !

The knocking on the front door went from slow at first to extremely fast, like some wild beast hitting the door, and there was an unsettling sound of loosening from both sides of the door.

"It can't come in, it can't come in. This is my own world, this is my dream, the dream in my heart."

Song Yuan Shenyue was walking in circles in the room in a daze at this moment, talking to herself and comforting herself, as if this could relieve the extreme pressure;

But, at this moment.

The sound of the door banging in front suddenly stopped, and then;


The door opened slowly,

Then, she saw the mutilated head in front of the door, which looked like her own;

The next moment, the world was spinning, and she felt like she was flying. In a 180-degree rotation, she saw the evil ghost standing behind her.

With her head flying high, the fear of imminent death made her heart tremble, and she was powerless to do anything, if... all of this could happen again;

Song Yuan Shenyue suddenly woke up from the bed and looked at the open door outside. She didn't dare to get out of bed at the moment;

The moonlight shines brightly on the quilt, forming a layer of dark light;

She stared intently at the door.

At this moment, there seemed to be some movement under the bed, like the sound of rustling clothes or the sound of mice gnawing on wooden boards.

In the quiet environment, the sound seemed particularly harsh.

She looked under the bed in horror. Almost instantly, a hand suddenly reached out and grabbed her ear. She subconsciously raised her head, blood spilled on the spot, and her ear was pulled off. Matsumoto Shenyue was about to shrink back, but was brutally beaten. Pulled hard under the bed,

There was a sound of chewing,

Song Yuan Shenyue lay on the bed again, her heart beating like a pump, up and down, and she swallowed nervously;

This time she swore that she would hide under the covers and not go anywhere or look anywhere!

However, when she lifted the quilt;

A pale face was hidden in the quilt, showing her a penetrating smile.


inside the room,

Yoshizakigawa put Tomie on the bed,

The moment she was put down, she hugged Yoshizakigawa suddenly;

"Yoshizakigawa, I'm afraid."

Just like her previous fear of being bitten by a dog, she became frightened, and the feeling of gain and loss was unbearable.

Tomie actually didn't understand what Yoshizakigawa was talking about.

Those words were too confusing to her.

But Tomie knew one thing, and that was - she wouldn't be afraid if she was hugged by Yoshizakigawa.

Yoshizakigawa did not push Tomie away, but carried her to the closet;

Then he opened the closet. Inside the closet was a white shirt with plum blossoms and a school uniform, but the mottled spots on the shirt were red, like blood.

Yoshizakigawa didn't pay attention to these details. He took the clothes in his hands and tightened them. Then he looked at the naked girl in the room. With her doubtful eyes, he helped her put on clothes thoughtfully.

Then put the school uniform jacket on her body;

Squatting in front of her, he carefully zipped up the Fujiang school uniform, then straightened the folds of the skirt, smoothed the collar around her neck, and said with a smile.

"If I have to give a definition, this is Tomie-san in my mind."

Yoshizakigawa pushed Tomie in front of the mirror in front of the wardrobe;

(End of this chapter)

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