I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 118 What kind of person am I in your eyes?

Chapter 118 What kind of person am I in your eyes?

When is it

Was it that time when I closed my eyes in class?

However, any thoughts were meaningless at this moment, because the evil ghost that was thrown out by her was now crawling on the wall like twisted limbs, and began to crawl towards her rapidly;

"It's my dream, and I should have the authority to control it... No, I can't control my dream. Damn it, who exactly is this guy?"

She ran wildly and had no time to care about Fu Jiang;

Behind her, a dark, twisted evil spirit crawling crazily on the wall with its hands and feet, dragging a pool of stinky bodily fluids behind it, kept running towards her;

In Invasion Dreamland, there is a code;

You can destroy other people's dreams, because they are other people's dreams. No matter how much external will is manipulated, it can only affect the subconscious mind, but will not cause the collapse of consciousness, because there is a limit of "terror threshold";

When the horror becomes unbearable, the owner will wake up and he will be squeezed out of the dream.

This is like a limiter, protecting the lives of the host and intruders to the greatest extent.

But in a double dream like this, this limiter becomes ineffective.

Even the great fear of "death" cannot make him leave the dream. Instead, he loses consciousness and cannot wake himself up, which is equivalent to death.

——Of course, this is only for intruders.

She ran to the door, and the ferocious golden fur pounced over and bit the evil ghost behind her;

The next moment, the evil ghost grabbed the golden retriever's body fiercely, tore it into several pieces, and ate the golden retriever alive as blood spurted out;

Song Yuan Shenyue felt that a certain string in her heart was suddenly broken. The fear before was even worse, and she even became incontinent due to fear.

She knew that her fear now exceeded her threshold.

Although I don’t know why, my dream guard was forcibly turned into a golden retriever, but there is no doubt that judging from the strange feeling in my heart when it was bitten to death just now, it is indeed my guard.

At this moment, the guard was bitten to death.

And he hasn't woken up from the dream yet, which means that he will be chased by this evil ghost until he dies!

She is actually not afraid of ghosts, because she has conquered many evil spirits in reality, some of which are more powerful than this.

But with the help of the power of "god", he can still surrender or destroy it.

What Song Yuan Shenyue is really afraid of is that he is helpless in the face of ghosts and can only run away like an ordinary person.

In this dream, I lost all abilities, any spells, spells, and could not even communicate with "God";

As mentioned before, this method of entering dreams can bypass all protection and enter the heart.

The most important thing about it is that it does not carry power with it;

It will definitely not be life-threatening. After all, even if he dies at this moment, it will be nothing more than a permanent sleep.

I am still alive until I starve to death in reality.

There is no difference between eternal sleep and death.

So she ran wildly, using her hands and feet like a wild dog.

At this moment, the corridor in front seemed to have turned into a bottomless abyss, with only running and running;

Only in this way can we get rid of the invasion of evil spirits behind us!


Meanwhile, inside the room;

There's no such thing as Kayako and Mako, all of this is just the fantasy of Tomie's nightmare.

She hugged her knees, huddled in the corner with her head lowered, her long hair hanging down on the ground, her body trembling slightly and shedding tears;

Tomi Jiang is like a lonely child who has no one to rely on. He is timid, but he longs for the approval of others and wants to be noticed by others.

But when she was a child, most of the stares she received were malicious ones, and she developed a strong image.

In fact, there is still nothingness inside.

At this moment, the strong skin was torn off by the dream, and she was the weakest in the dream.

Even compared to Kayako and Yoshikawa going to bed, what she was more afraid of were the words that followed, those words that pierced her heart, ripped off her armor, and hit her heart, leaving her speechless and unable to defend herself.

Apart from his beautiful skin, he has nothing but good qualities, and even this skin has brought him countless troubles.

In the past, she could disguise herself with her poisonous tongue and arrogance, just like the smaller the venomous snake, the more poisonous and aggressive venom glands it will evolve to protect itself.

Venomous snakes will attack all invading enemies, but this is also to ensure their own safety, because other huge animals may trample them to death with just one kick.

But essentially, vipers are still weak.

Just like her, no matter how strong she is on the outside, she is sensitive and weak on the inside.

She doesn't want to accept this true self,

He didn't even want to leave the room anymore, for fear that Yoshizakigawa would appear outside, and then he said such heartless words to himself in the same mocking tone as Kayako before.

"——Perhaps, I am really such a person."


Yoshizakikawa, who had just laid down in bed and was getting ready to sleep, felt a little panicked. He thought it was because of the video tape and the lesson plan.

I got up and sorted out the lesson plans, then put them on the folder.

By the way, I wrote a sticky note to remind myself to get the fatal videotape back tomorrow, lest someone unlucky enough to open it later would probably have to hit GG on the spot.

——Even if this possibility is very small, after all, I locked the videotape in the drawer, and other than the thief, no other unlucky person should get it.

And, if it’s a thief;

Why would he steal a worthless videotape?

This is a logical loop. But even so, he still has to provide the last insurance, after all, there are many weird things in this world.

Putting the lesson plan away, he drank a glass of hot water;

Take off your shoes, lie down on the bed, close your eyes, and prepare to continue sleeping;

Perhaps it was the hot water, but this time he fell asleep quickly——


Another strange lucid dream;

This time, he actually returned to his previous villa.

Yoshizakigawa just fell asleep in reality and immediately woke up from dreamland.

However, according to past practice.

Every time I have a dream like this, something big will happen, which is similar to a precognitive dream.

Thinking of this, he felt a little worried.

According to the speed at which Ms. Kotoko's life is exploding and the horrific events that match her dreams, Yoshizakigawa suspects that if she has a few more dreams, Ms. Kotoko may go to see Ikutaku.

He felt vaguely guilty, but after thinking about it, he couldn't think of any big things that would be related to this villa.

Rising from the bed, he found that his abdomen was very firm;

“Eight pack abs??”

He touched his abdomen, opened his clothes, and found that his originally flat abdomen had eight more abdominal muscles.

By the way——

Did you originally have this desire?

Yoshizakikawa pushed up his glasses, finding it hard to accept that he turned out to be such a vulgar man who admired abs.

Putting down the clothes on his abdomen, he pushed open the door of Kayako's room in the villa;

There was no one in the huge room. It seemed that the dream had nothing to do with Kayako.

He pushed open the front door and walked into the corridor;

Perhaps because of the mirror image in the dream, the corridor was on the opposite side, and from time to time violent running and disturbing water stains and roars could be heard from inside the corridor wall, as if they were playing some kind of hide-and-seek game.

Yoshizakigawa opened the doors one by one, and Mako was not there either. Tomie... huh?

He saw that the quilt in Fujiang's room seemed to have traces of a human being. When he walked forward, he could smell the scent of a woman's milk. The other rooms had no smell at all.

So it seems that this dream is related to Fujiang?

When he thought of Fu Jiang, he thought of Fu Jiang's tragic death before, and felt a little uneasy for a moment.

Covering himself with the quilt, Yoshizakigawa walked out of the room and walked to the second floor;

at this moment--

Suddenly there was a "bang" sound from the wall next to it, followed by the sound of a whole pack of ketchup hitting the ground, and the next moment there was the sound of chewing that made people's teeth sour;

Yoshizakigawa knocked on the wall in front of him, and a solid sound came from the wall. He didn't know what happened on the other side of the wall.

He did not find a door to the other side of the wall.

Walking to the second floor, the corridor was brightly lit, and Yoshizakigawa seemed to faintly hear the sound of sobbing;

Follow the sound forward,

Walking to the place where Kayako, Tomie, and Mako were playing pen fairy together, Yoshizakigawa opened the door with caution;

The next moment, he was slightly stunned;

I saw a messy room, the lights flickered on and off, the table was broken into two pieces, and chairs were scattered on the floor;

In the innermost corner of that room,

The black-haired naked girl hugged her knees, her body trembling slightly and sobbing, as if she sensed someone coming;

She raised her head slightly, her eyes were full of tears and her eyes were slightly red, and her face showed a heart-warming and pitiful look.

"What happened?"

Although he didn't know whether this dream was true or false, when he saw Fu Jiang's appearance, he instinctively felt that something must have happened here.

He walked over, slowly squatted down, and was level with the naked girl in front of him, and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of the latter's eyes with his hands;

"Why are you crying like this?"

In the dream, Tomie glanced at Yoshizakigawa with fear in her eyes. She was afraid that the gentleness of Yoshizakigawa in front of her was fake, that he would wait for her to speak and say that she was a prostitute, and that he would reveal the details of her relationship with Kayako. ——

So scared, really scared.

"Don't be afraid. If you have anything, you can tell me. The teacher will help you make the decision."

"After all, teacher, I am a man who can kill a dog with one punch!"

This sentence made the latter burst into tears instantly. She thought of the figure that Yoshizaki River protected her from being bitten by the dog that day, and thought of the way he carried her forward that day;

She broke through her guard and spoke hysterically loudly, as if she was responding to someone's words, or as if she was venting her dissatisfaction, venting without scruples in a dream:

"Yoshizakigawa, I'm not a prostitute. I don't use you as a tool. Everyone wants to sleep with me. I know, I know."

"But - what can I do?"

"I'm really, really scared."

"Yoshizakigawa, what kind of person am I in your eyes?"

(End of this chapter)

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