Welcome to the world of strange dreams

Chapter 136 133 People should not be judged by their appearance

At this point in the audio, Shen Miao's mother finally couldn't help crying.

Hearing this, Fu Minghui's eyes became hot.

"He doesn't go to school often, but every time he comes back he has a headache. He said it feels like something has drilled a hole in his head and all the brain matter has been sucked out." Shen Miao's mother continued.

These words made Fu Minghui subconsciously touch his head.

At that time, she felt a pair of hands inserting into her hair, and she also had that feeling.

At this point, the audio ends.

Obviously the interview didn't stop there. There must be unimportant information later, so it was cut off by Luo Zhao.

"Yuanfang, what do you think?" Yun Ke pulled Fu Minghui to the small garden for a walk. After making sure that no one was around, he joked in a low voice.

During the day, this small garden is still very cute.

Although the weather is getting colder, it is quite comfortable to sit on the bench when the sun is shining.

"I think, nine times out of ten, Shen Miao caused the boundary incident in the school." Fu Minghui breathed a sigh of relief, "The students who were attacked were not seriously injured. The areas that were attacked were all on the head, and Those people do not have grudges against Shen Miao, but on the contrary, they are people who interact with him a lot and have important memories of him."

"If Uncle Shen meets these people, if some of these people know Uncle Shen, or if the uncle asks someone to inquire, maybe Shen Miao's image will be pieced together slowly. Uncle Shen said that he has no son, if everyone They say he has it? Will he be confused and then think of something? After all, in the past two years, the important content of his life has been on campus." Yun Ke followed Fu Minghui's train of thought.

"Yes." Fu Minghui nodded, "So my conclusion is: Shen Miao is trying to erase all traces of his existence. He doesn't want his father to think of him."

Really, very decisive.

She took another deep breath, "Perhaps, Uncle Shen's strange amnesia is also related to him. He is afraid that his father will be too sad, and would rather disappear in Uncle Shen's memory."

"He's so pitiful." Yun Ke sighed.

Fu Minghui bent his legs, hugged his knees, rolled himself into a ball and sat on the bench.

She felt cold all over, not because of fear, but because of sadness and helplessness.

Suddenly, she was able to empathize with Shen Miao.

But at the same time, I can also sympathize with Uncle Shen.

She didn't want to forget her parents and friends. She would rather be heartbroken and keep their appearance, their past, and the love they gave her in her heart.

But if she was in Shen Miao's situation, she would rather her parents forget her and live a good and happy life.

Even if it would make you extremely painful.

Who would want someone who loves them to completely forget themselves?
But there is only love so strong that there is no impurity. For the sake of the other person, one is willing to be forgotten or even given up.

Parents are to their children, and children are to their parents.

Comparing the cases he was involved in before, Wei Tong, who was born a bad boy, his parents and family, felt that he should live well in the world, because anything could happen to him.

There is evil, but there is also beauty.

"If we can figure it out, my lord must be able to do it as well. Let's see how we act next. Just obey the orders." Yun Ke sighed again.

"Then the question comes..." Fu Minghui said quietly, "Why does Shen Miao want to see me? I don't know him at all."

Even though ordinary humans cannot discover her special abilities, spirits can learn about them from certain situations. But since Shen Miao is not seeking help but rejecting her, wouldn't looking for her have the opposite effect?

Could it be related to Hu Yun?
However, Zhang Jianhui's investigation made it very clear that Hu Yun and Shen Miao's family had nothing to do with each other, and they couldn't even fight with each other.

Unless there is a third party between her and Shen Miao, who forcibly increases the connection between them.

In other words, someone is messing around in the middle. For some purpose, two unrelated people or even two unrelated things are connected.

who? why?

"Jianhui's information has also arrived." Yun Ke reminded, "Look, this kind of information will basically be destroyed within ten minutes and will no longer be seen."

Fu Minghui was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't even hear the work number notification tone.

I quickly opened the document that was sent to me and found that I got whatever I wanted. The document recorded the latest information about the investigation of Hu Yun.

It can be said that it is a bit difficult to dig deeper into Hu Yun's back.

It's not that she has any complex social relationships or a lot of basic information, but her behavior is very covert.

The legendary dark web actually exists.

Hu Yun did not study computer-related majors, but liberal arts, but who would have thought that she was actually a hacker?

On that dark web, she took on many tasks, mostly illegal, helping people hack into certain websites or destroy some telecommunications information.

However, she is very smart and does not target national brands. Most of them are business-related and personal grudges.
. The source of her unknown income is remuneration.

She is an ordinary college student, she looks harmless, her money transactions are not very large, they are scattered to different banks, and she is not involved in any major cases. If it hadn't been for the 749th round, no one would have checked her.

No one is checking, so naturally it won't be exposed.

Because there is a huge amount of information on the Internet, it is difficult to check, so some time was wasted.

"It's true that people cannot be judged by their appearance." Yun Ke lamented, "Such a gentle and delicate girl, who looks like she will inherit Professor Luo's mantle and become a teacher in the future, is the master of teaching and educating people, but she actually does whatever she wants on the Internet."

"Hey, look here." Fu Minghui held up his mobile phone and zoomed in. "She actually helped Internet celebrities modify their traffic data. This is a lot of profit."

"These days, traffic is king, and when talking about anything, big data must be mentioned." Yun Ke snorted, "If the data is good, because of the problem of the background algorithm, it will attract more traffic, and it will turn from false to real, and then turn into cash. Look at this..."

Yun Ke also zoomed in on one point, "She also took money to help kill others. This is not only unethical, but also illegal."

Fu Minghui thought of his previous experiences.

What did she do wrong? But I got angry for a while and had a quarrel with my classmates.

It was the other party who made the first move.

As a result, he was exploited by those who disregarded morality, truth, and everything else for the sake of traffic, and he learned what it means to be a street rat.

Even though she was extremely unjust, in the end, because of the information leakage, she was almost broken into the house and did what she did first and then what she did.

Fortunately, there is Luo Zhao.

But there are millions of people in the world, how can there be so many Luo Zhao who can save people in time.

In the end, the incident was reversed, and everyone felt that they had been cheated, and those traffic accounts were counterattacked.

But for those who have been hurt, the hurt is always there, and they can't even get an apology.

"I feel like this is like another border, the border of the real world." Fu Minghui shook his head slightly, not knowing what to say, "This border is even scarier, because the border is very blurred, and I don't know which side to cross."

Since today’s first update is not on time, let’s go straight to the second update.

Yuan Fang, how do you see?
This meme is a bit old, haha, it shows my age.

For those who are still young, you can find out by searching on Baidu.

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