Welcome to the world of strange dreams

Chapter 135 132 If the child is quiet, he must be acting like a monster

Luo Zhao often thinks.

Fu Minghui's parents raised her really well besides being overprotective, never thinking about the blessings and misfortunes in life, and failing to cultivate her ability to face difficulties independently.

His personality is actually bright and lively, gentle and kind at heart.

Just like this, Fu Minghui's mood had only been depressed for ten minutes.

When there was a ding in the kitchen, she ran to bring the food that Luo Zhao had brought and that she had reheated to the dining table. She resurrected with full blood on the spot.

Food can comfort people's soul, especially sweets.

And after taking a sip of the sweet water chestnut soup, she found that there was only the sweetness of the food itself, and no additional sugar was added. Feeling Luo Zhao's intention, she felt more comfortable.

She had no other thoughts.

She ignored Hua Chan's inducement.

Although Hua Chan is very intelligent, human nature is too complex, and this sister still doesn't understand it well.

Now she just hopes to be able to stand alone and become a regular employee of the 749th Bureau.

Men, women, etc., get out of here. She has to realize herself first, okay?
She has thought about it, she has the inheritance left by her parents, and she does not need to rush for life.

But when you live, you always have goals and hopes.

She was really a rice bug before, but now she wants to be a useful person.

Especially after thinking about the behavior of the people around her, she also wants to be a person who contributes to society.

This special ability came to her. Although she didn't know whether it was a gift from God or a curse, she still wouldn't go back, so she might as well take advantage of it.

Luo Zhao's judgment was correct.

Regardless of whether it is a scientific or metaphysical explanation, Shen Miao has no deep resentment towards death and no major grievances. Although the death process is also tragic, it is also very fast, so the dark power accumulated is not very great.

Therefore, he would not act within the boundary or contact reality from the boundary too frequently, so Fu Minghui spent two peaceful days.

After returning to school, I was catching up with Luo Zhao's class on Monday, so I went to attend it obediently.

What's rare is that nothing happened.

Luo Zhao is actually a little uncomfortable on the podium. How can this non-staff person be so honest?
His gaze swept across the audience, and no one noticed that he looked back and forth on Fu Minghui a few more times. Seeing that she was actually taking notes seriously, he didn't know whether to feel relieved or worried.

He once heard a teacher with a child in school say: If a child is quiet, he must be acting like a monster...

"My lord... no, Professor Luo is indeed charming." Yun Ke muttered beside him.

She is not from this department, but there are so many other departments coming to observe that no one pays attention to her.

Fu Minghui was indifferent.

Can't hear, can't hear, can't hear! I have to study hard.

Now Teacher Luo is just a tool in her heart, as she is determined to build a beautiful motherland.

Although this tool person seems to be two completely different people at work and on the podium.

At work, people naturally develop a sense of dependence and trust.

On the podium, his elegant, calm and unassuming authoritative appearance created a sense of intellectual crushing on people.


Fu Minghui finally understood that sentence: Knowledge is also sexy. No wonder many young women are willing to cling to authority in certain fields. If the other person's character and appearance are really not that good, apart from profit, it can only be said that admiration and professionalism play a decisive role.

What's more, the tool man in front of me is so handsome!

But after lunch, the tool man sent a message.

Next to him, Yun Ke’s WeChat notification sounded almost at the same time.

Fu Minghui knew that this was a work message sent in groups.

At Yun Ke's suggestion, they changed the notification sounds of their work numbers to howling like a wolf.

She didn't adjust the volume properly yesterday and it was too loud.

It happened that Yun Ke and I went out to eat in the evening. In the subway passage, when Lu Dachui sent a message, wolf howls sounded from two places at the same time, scaring a girl in front of him.

Lu Dachui actually had nothing to do, that is to say, he finished his business trip and returned to his big and happy family soon.

"He's just so boring." This was Yun Ke's comment.

Now this one belongs to Luo Zhaofa.

Fu Minghui suppressed the vague and slightly unhappy thoughts in his heart, took a deep breath, and clicked on the message.

Luo Zhao and Lu Dachui are different.

He is a man of few words and has a strong sense of order and strength.

He won't say meaningless words. If he does, it must be a very important clue.

The message was a recording. Fu Minghui and Yun Ke both put on headphones to prevent the sound from leaking out.

The voice came from a woman, probably middle-aged.

In fact, there is no need to guess, because the file name has Shen Miao's mother's name written on it.

"Originally, I was going to travel happily to celebrate that Miaomiao was favored by a top professor and was ready to be recruited into the team. He has not graduated yet and has not taken the postgraduate entrance examination before he can participate in the professor's research project. Although he is only responsible for small things outside the staff, It is enough to prove his excellence. It can also be regarded as opening up a broad road to the future." Shen Miao's mother said slowly.

"I never expected that I would end up on a dead end."

There is suppressed sadness, I didn’t cry, but it was heartbreaking.

"His dad is very strange. He was seriously injured on the head, but miraculously saved his life. Then he remembered everything, including the little things that I had forgotten many years ago. He can recall them. His memory is so good. But, he just can’t remember Miaomiao, and has no memory of Miaomiao at all.”

"When he was in the hospital, we were afraid that telling him about Miaomiao would make him sad and affect his recovery, so we didn't dare to tell him. He didn't ask, and I thought he was too sad..."

"His mobile phone fell off a cliff in a car accident. I bought him a new one and gave it to him after he was discharged from the hospital. The photos stored on the cloud disk were also copied over. When he looked at the photos of Miaomiao on the mobile phone that day When he asked me who it was, I realized something was wrong and took him to the hospital for a review."

"The doctor did various examinations, invited experts from other provinces for consultation, and invited psychological authorities, but found nothing abnormal, but he just lost Miao Miao's memory. Theoretically, this is impossible. . Because he is not forgetting things in certain periods of time, but is specifically targeting this person. It seems that Miaomiao has never appeared in his life."

Shen Miao's mother is also an intellectual. She speaks with very clear logic and has basic knowledge reserves.

"But he loves his son so much and almost takes Miaomiao as his life. How could he forget such an important person? The doctor said it may be a psychological avoidance mechanism. Because he is too sad, his body and brain will automatically ignore the information about Miaomiao. That's why he couldn't remember it. But I don't believe it. Although I don't know any science or medicine, how can the human brain be like picking vegetables, removing some parts in the middle, and the rest is still good and complete?"

"Later, the police came to me and showed me a video of Lao Shen wandering around the school. I asked him what he was doing there. He said he didn't know, but he just felt that something important must have been lost. He had lost it. Yes, he wants to find..."

Sorry, it's late today.

However, the double updates remain unchanged.

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