Law popularization live broadcast: I am really not the godfather of criminals!

Chapter 127 It’s just a mediocrity! The third student takes the stage!

Chapter 127 It’s just a mediocrity! The third student takes the stage!

Having said this, Zhang Wei paused for a few breaths and gave everyone some time to think. After some time to calm down, he asked Liu Mang again.

"Are you satisfied with my answer?"

When Liu Mang heard this, he nodded with a clear expression.

"Lawyer Zhang, I understand."

"I'm very satisfied with your answer."

However, Zhang Wei's expression did not change at all when he heard Liu Mang's answer, and he asked again with very indifferent eyes.

"Do you really understand?"

“Do you really think I have the perfect answer to the question of whether poverty is a sin?”

Liu Mang heard Zhang Wei's repeated questioning. Although he always felt that something was wrong, he just couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Is not it?"

"Lawyer Zhang, your theory is indeed very perfect in my opinion. Although it is just a few simple sentences, it does go straight to the core of the problem."

"Poverty is a normal state in life. It cannot be changed since ancient times. It is a concept that has always existed as long as human beings and classes exist."

Zhang Wei listened to Liu Mang's answer and neither objected nor affirmed, but spoke very calmly.

"Actually, the question of whether poverty is a sin doesn't make any sense to me. If you hadn't raised it, I wouldn't have even thought about it."

"This type of problem with the concept of normality is just to tie a fictitious example into a framework we have established with written rules and let a group of people debate it."

"In such a situation, no matter which angle you stand on, and which angle you argue from, it is always reasonable and reasonable. There is no time to argue. It is only that your own ideas are not firm enough and your knowledge reserve is not sufficient, and you cannot refute the other party's argument. when."

"Rather than saying that my ideas are correct, it is better to say that your ideas are not firm enough and your knowledge base is not as sufficient as mine, so you cannot refute my theory."

With that said, Zhang Wei turned to look at the students below and explained to everyone in an indifferent tone.

"To put it bluntly, this kind of problem is caused by those idle and unworldly entrepreneurs who want to find something to do for themselves and show their sense of existence."

"However, such a problem can neither bring any practical benefits to society, nor can it bring any substantial changes to the poor lives of the people at the bottom."

"Aside from provoking confrontation between the rich and the poor, making the rich feel more superior, and making the poor more hostile to the rich, it has no substantive effect at all."

"Instead of dwelling on such meaningless issues, you should look at more classic cases and memorize our country's laws and regulations."

"It is much more cost-effective to enrich your knowledge base and make yourself stronger in the future. You can bring a better life to the people and protect their own interests."

As soon as Zhang Wei said this, the students in the audience all fell into deep thought and began to reflect on their own power to go back and struggle with such a meaningless problem.

However, the audience in the live broadcast room also expressed their opinions after listening to Zhang Wei's words.

"There is nothing wrong with what Lawyer Zhang said! This is the problem caused by those unworldly entrepreneurs who want to show off their status and knowledge! They have nothing to do with us at all! Instead, it has caused us to have problems in our thinking. trouble!"

"Haha...that is, those people who are full and have nothing to do! They go back to worry about this kind of problem! Instead of thinking about this kind of problem, 007 social animals like us, it is better to find some time to have a good sleep. It is a good deal. .”

"That's right! I don't know if being poor is a sin! But I know that if I don't go to work tomorrow, or dare to be late, at least one hundred yuan will be deducted from me! In a life like this every day, who has the energy to explore such a leisurely life? Painful question!"

“……………”    When the audience in the live broadcast room reached an agreement with Zhang Wei, a look of understanding also rose in the eyes of Liu Guozhang and others.

"It seems that we are indeed old. In terms of thinking, we are actually similar to those nominal brick masters to a certain extent."

"If this happened in the past, we would have been exhausted from dealing with various cases every day and all kinds of legal matters. How could we have time to think about these meaningless issues..."

When Liu Guozhang heard this, he shook his head slightly and sighed helplessly.

"Indeed, we people are already old. We have stayed in this fawning society for too long and have gradually been eroded by those evil ideas."

"In the past, when faced with this kind of problem, it would have been considered very polite to not just think about it, but not to directly reply to the person who asked this kind of question."


Professor Luo said, looking at Zhang Wei standing on the stage, seemingly shrouded in light, and spoke with expectation in his eyes.

"That's why we have to protect him better!"

"He may be our hope for the future, the leader who can turn the current rotten situation into glory again!"


"Classmate Liu Mang, do you have any questions now that you want to ask?"

After giving Liu Mang some time to breathe and receive the information, Zhang Wei asked him aloud.

"I have no more questions to ask."

With that said, Liu Mang respectfully thanked Zhang Weiqing in the manner of an ancient disciple.

"Thank you to Lawyer Zhang for clarifying my doubts. I will definitely not forget today's teachings. I will definitely become a judge who speaks for the people and resolutely protects the interests of the people in the future!"

Zhang Wei raised his hands slightly to help Liu Mang up, then nodded with a smile.

"Just remember today's teachings, and do your best in the future. Don't push yourself too hard. If it backfires, that won't be good."

Upon hearing this, Liu Mang nodded slightly with a smile, then walked straight off the podium and returned to his original seat.

However, after Liu Mang stepped down, Zhang Wei flipped through the roster and started calling the names for the third time.

"Now that the second student has solved his doubts, let us invite the third student, Zhang Jingchu, to come to the stage to ask questions!"

The moment she heard Zhang Wei's roll call, an unattractive girl stood out from the crowd with a face full of joy and walked quickly to the podium.

"Hello, Lawyer Zhang, I'm a long-time fan of your live broadcast room. I didn't expect that I would be chosen by you today just to join in the fun. I'm so lucky!"

Hearing this, Zhang Wei smiled slightly and responded in a gentle tone.

"Thank you for supporting me."

"I wonder if you have any questions when you come on stage this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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