Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 497 Thunderstorm washes away the ground

Chapter 497 Thunderstorm washes away the ground (Third update, please subscribe)

All is expected.

After learning that the United Independent States Federation Conference had only issued a bland statement,

Nehru said somewhat proudly.

"Well, Hyderabad is ours now!"

As initially estimated, the CIS played no role.

"For those princes who have long been accustomed to living under the protection of Britain, they have never had the courage to defend their independence. They just hope to continue to live their past lives under the protection of a big country. This big country can be Britain, It can also be India, of course..."

Nehru said with a smile at the princely commissioner Mena.

"This situation will not last long. Now... all we need is to capture Hyderabad and Junagadh!"

India's goal is not just Hyderabad, but also Junagadh. Both of these princely states have Hindus accounting for the majority of the total population, and the princes are peaceful believers. Unlike most princely states which are landlocked, Junagadh has its own coastline, and it is from Junagadh that the mercenaries enter each princely state.

In fact, the shelling is just symbolic, because Hyderabad has never considered military invasion, nor has it any awareness of prevention in this regard. It has neither fortresses nor fortifications, only... an almost undefended border.

War breaks out!
On November 23, hundreds of thousands of Indians crossed the border at dawn. Before that, Indian artillery began to launch bombardments at the Hyderabad army station and headquarters.

As the troops marched, General Singh, wearing a British military uniform on the roadside slope, said to the reporters around him.

While they are looking forward to the future, hundreds of thousands of Indian troops have begun to gather at the border. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that an invasion is imminent.

The border guard troops surrendered after a brief resistance, and the Indian army entering Hyderabad was naturally welcomed by the Hindus. The mighty army marched towards Hyderabad along the road.

"Gentlemen, ahead is Hyderabad, and the unification of India is about to be achieved in our hands."

To get rid of them is to kill the chicken to show the monkey, just to let other princely states understand that joining India will be their only choice and the only choice for them to maintain their personal property.

There was little resistance along the way.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, next year..."

Mena said.

"Next year a complete India will stand on the South Asian subcontinent. By then, India will definitely shock the world."

At this time, General Singh, like all Indian generals, thought this was just a march. Even if the Hyderabad army had dozens of advanced centurion tanks, so what?

In the morning light, the cars and the marching infantry were marching like a military parade. Although they occasionally encountered resistance along the way, the resistance was not strong. The dozens of M4 tanks in the convoy are particularly eye-catching.


They only have a few tens of thousands of people.

"It's not a fight, it's a tour."

When mentioning the parade, General Singh deliberately lit the garland hanging around his neck. For the nearly 167 Indian officers and soldiers of the 4th Brigade, it seems that this is really a tour. Many soldiers have garlands sent by the public hanging around their necks, and even the barrels of M tanks are hung with garlands.

For them, this is a victorious march, a battle without any suspense. In fact, there is no battle at all.

It’s just travel.

Just when they were beaming and eager to dance and sing to celebrate this upcoming victory, they never imagined that in a forest 20 kilometers away, dozens of trucks were lined up in a row, and the hoods of the trucks slowly raised. It rose, spun, and pointed into the distance.

These vehicles, which look very much like an ordinary covered truck, are actually the "Thunderstorm" rocket launchers made by Nanyang. This rocket launcher is the first heavy weapon developed by Nanyang Weapons Industry Company in accordance with the requirements of the military. The artillery part includes 40 directional launch tubes, the directional tubes are 3 meters long and 127 mm in diameter. In order to increase the rotation speed of the rocket, the inner wall of the directional tube is engraved with a "冂"-shaped spiral groove. The maximum range of the rocket is 22.35 kilometers.

After it was finalized at the end of last year, its largest user was not the Nanyang Army, but the "Black Knight Company" and the "Independent State Security Forces". These sixteen "Thunderstorm" rocket launchers are the main force of the Collective Security Forces stationed in Hyderabad.

After the rocket entered the position, artillery battalion commander Sun Hu asked loudly.

"Tengtian, has the location been sent?"

Soon along with the information sent back by the frontline observers on the radio, the artillery officers immediately used the slide rule to calculate the shooting points. As the cannons were fired, the gunners shook the handles and the hood rotated and rose, pointing straight at Morning light.

A moment later, accompanied by an order, "Whoosh..." In a not-so-sharp whistling sound, a rocket roared out, and its tail flame rushed out into a large cloud of smoke. "Whoosh..." again. It's one shot.

The Thunderstorm rocket launcher fires at a rate of one per second. In just 40 seconds, launch vehicles fired rockets.

Six hundred and forty rockets cut through the morning light like meteors. The gunners couldn't help but marvel at the spectacular sight, and even forgot to reload their ammunition.

Like meteors, they are also destruction. When 640 rockets broke through the morning light and roared from the sky, the marching Indian army did not even react. The rockets fell from the sky like raindrops.

As we all know, after a large number of rockets are launched, the length of their spread when they land is several times greater than the width. In other words, the strike area formed by it is an elongated oval, so the columns arranged by the Indian army during the march become The ideal target for attack.

The moment like raindrops of rockets fell, continuous explosions instantly enveloped the entire land. The thunder-like explosions tore through the silence of the morning. At the moment of the explosion, each rocket exploded into 35 pieces in the air. Submunitions, each submunition has 1400 small steel balls, which means that one rocket can shoot tens of thousands of steel balls, it is simply an infantry harvester.

At the moment when the explosion area was shrouded in billowing smoke, millions of steel balls roared and flew around. The visual impact caused by the rocket launcher was far beyond people's imagination. Ah San, who was among them, didn't even notice When he reacted, he was torn into pieces by the rain of steel like raindrops.

This is really useless to Ah San!
With just one salvo, 167 rockets almost covered the entire marching column of the th Brigade. Thousands of Ah San were directly torn into pieces, hazy with blood and broken limbs in the yellow-black smoke. Flying all over the sky.

What's even more deadly is that a series of explosions detonated various types of ammunition on the baggage train, and the subsequent explosions caused a commotion that shook the earth...

As for General Singh, who was still proudly showing off his "victory" to reporters before, he had long since turned into a pool of flesh and blood - the whizzing steel balls hit his head, and the bearded His head cracked open like a ripe watermelon.

The proud look before was completely gone, as for the wreath hanging around his neck. It was also covered in blood now and became more vivid.

Explosions were everywhere, without any blind spots. Except for a few people who had time to escape, most people were torn to pieces by the explosion because they were a little slow. Most people were swallowed by the explosion, and then were hit straight up against the steel ball... …

The continuous explosions only lasted for tens of seconds, just like a storm, they came and went quickly. But that was enough. When everything was over, Ah San was everywhere in the smoke struggling in a pool of blood. They were either crying, screaming, or looking for themselves in the pool of blood. arms, broken legs.

The people who survived could no longer be called human beings. They were more like a group of zombies, struggling in death.

(End of this chapter)

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