Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 496 The Intruder’s Excuse

Chapter 496 The Intruder’s Excuse (Second update, please subscribe)

There is no intelligence agency.

There is no strong army.

As a country surrounded on all sides, Hyderabad is undoubtedly an oddity. It does not pay attention to its own security at all.

In fact, this is generally true for all princely states. They are used to being protected by the British and are used to living under the protection of the empire.

But as a country, this is not possible, especially when there are big countries around it that are eager to annex it at any time.

This is simply asking for death.

On this day, a man walked into a bookstore in Hyderabad. This bookstore was actually an underground weapons store of the National Servants Corps in Hyderabad. A variety of weapons are hidden in the backyard of the store, including home-made bombs, ammunition, explosives, and tools such as shotguns. In short, there are all kinds of weapons here.

Since June, weapons worth more than hundreds of thousands of rupees have been shipped to various parts of Hyderabad using this weapons store as a medium. As the backbone of the National Servant Corps, Kumar has been busy planning and organizing conspiracy activities. One of the plots was to spark a rebellion in Hyderabad, which had an overwhelming Hindu majority.

This rebellion had been going on for the past few months, and there had been so much unrest and riots here and there that the Maharaja had to order an abstinence from salt.

After the conspiracy was realized in this bookstore that day, a veritable disaster was staged in Hyderabad.

This is not a war, not a civil war, not a guerrilla war, but a cleanup.

"Kill their men, strengthen their women, burn their monasteries!"

Recently, Kumar personally came to Hyderabad, preparing to launch a large-scale rebellion here to overthrow the Asali rule.

Different from the previous riots, this time it was a massacre.

Under the instigation of the National Servants Corps, the Hindus not only wanted to annex the country to India, but also prepared to drive away all peaceful believers and rush them to Pakistan. If they were unwilling to go, they would be killed.

In just half a month, Hyderabad was drowned in a pool of blood of staggering proportions. Just like the darkest age of mankind, millions of people fell into the frenzy of massacre. There is not a single village or a single family that is not infected. Hundreds of thousands died in the attack in this short but gruesome massacre.

"New Delhi has decided that as long as we increase our momentum, they will send troops to intervene. By then, this place will be integrated into India."

Kumar said to Balder in the bookstore.

"Then let our people attack the peaceful believers around us,"

In fact, in the past few months, similar incidents have been repeated in Punjab and other provinces, with both sides killing each other and countless civilians dying tragically.

Across Hyderabad, the Hindu majority attacked the peaceful minority, the strong attacked the weak, men attacked women, and the elderly attacked children. In the wealthy residential areas of Hyderabad, the capital, and then to the beautiful suburbs, there are open-air markets in the countryside, at the foot of the city walls; in shops, on stalls, in thatched houses and on the streets of villages, in brick kilns, in In textile factories, in the fields, in stations, hospitals, offices and cafes, residents of different faiths who used to live together day and night are now fighting each other with endless hatred.

Balder suggested with some fanaticism.

"We're going to have a big fight here."

Balder thought for a moment and then said.

A baptism of blood and fire was inevitably taking place on this land, and as a prince, Asali had to mobilize the army to try to quell the conflict in order to quell the riots.

India stepped in - Nehru, who was also foreign minister, warned Hyderabad not to try to suppress Hindus and warned that partial discrimination could not last. There were even protests through the Commonwealth against the discriminatory suppression of Hindus in the state of Hyderabad.

Oblivious to the fact that the rebellion taking place there was a Hindu attack on the other side.

In the following days, local citizens used shotguns, spears, knives, daggers, clubs, hammers, and stones to kill each other. As a prince, Asali seemed a little panicked in front of such a violent scene, desperately trying to calm the people down. However, all this is in vain. Under the instigation of thoughtful people, the entire Hyderabad has gone crazy.

At this moment, India issued a real "ultimatum"-if Hyderabad cannot effectively protect the lives of Hindus, they will take corresponding actions.

What is the corresponding action?
It's a military invasion.

In late November 1949, as the situation in Hyderabad worsened, India also began to mobilize troops, and hundreds of thousands of troops began to gather towards its border areas.

Facing the threat from India, Asali turned to the United Kingdom and the United Nations for help. After all, Hyderabad is an autonomous territory under the Commonwealth and a member of the United Nations. At the same time, special envoys were sent to the Junagadh state. Junagadh is located on the Katiava Peninsula in India, covering an area of ​​about 5 square kilometers. The situation in this state is similar to that of Hyderabad. More than 80% of the residents are Hindus, but the prince is a Devabha Christian.

However, Asali sent an envoy here not to win the support of Junagadh, but to demand the convening of an "independent princely state conference."

Once upon a time, state councils were held in New Delhi. Seventy-five important Maharajas and Nawabs of India and seventy-four princes of princes gathered together to discuss matters.

Now there are only thirty-nine members of the "Commonwealth of Independent States". Although there are many fewer members, they still own 700,000 square kilometers of land.

The chairman of the joint executive committee is Maharaja, a Sikh from Badi Alabang, when he stepped onto the podium. Under the stage, faces showed anxious expressions, as if asking the chairman of the house.

"Now how to do?"

But he did not speak. In fact, in the past few months, India's princely state commissioners have been lobbying the Hindu princes in the Commonwealth of Independent States to remain neutral. In their words - good-faith neutrality can gain Kindness in return.

In other words, they would trade neutrality for India's goodwill - allowing them to remain independent.

As Hyderabad's envoy, Dwyer immediately delivered an impromptu speech. Last year, it was under his instigation that the princes signed the certificate of accession, established the Commonwealth of Independent States, and joined the Commonwealth and the United Nations as an autonomous dominion.

"If we cannot stop India's ambitions, your kingdom will not be able to escape one fate in the future - to be merged into India or Pakistan!"

Dwyer emphasized.

“If India uses force to invade Hyderabad, then Hyderabad will be just the beginning. After occupying Hyderabad, they will invade Mysore, Indore, Kashmir, Travancore, and Junagadh. The result will be A disaster..."

Facing representatives of various feudal states.

"You have to look to the future. If you give up the previously signed treaty when faced with the invasion of Hyderabad, then India and Pakistan will definitely be able to defeat all the princely states in the future. Gentlemen, for the sake of the independence of the princely states, you must act rationally. .”

When making a loud appeal, Dwyer knew very well that for these princes who had long been accustomed to living under the protection of the British, they had never been enthusiastic about defending their independence. They just hoped to continue to live their lives under the protection of the great power. life.

But what they don't know is that they are about to withdraw from the stage of history, and the paradise on earth they used to live in is falling apart.

If they don't fight,
Finally, Dwyer emphasized again.

"If the princes are unwilling to fulfill the treaty, all the kingdoms will be destroyed because of today's selfish behavior!"

For these people who are accustomed to a comfortable life, they are not aware of the threat at all. Few people took De Vere's warning seriously.

They almost take it for granted that since we are already a member of the Commonwealth, how could India offend the British Empire?
And there are still many people in their hearts who feel that even if New Delhi wants to annex Hyderabad, what does that have to do with them?

As long as the fire doesn't burn your head. Moreover, New Delhi has already promised that as long as they maintain good-faith neutrality, then everything is not a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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