Chapter 444 Screening (Second update, please subscribe)

"Oh, it's really, really different!"

Standing on the streets of Fukuoka, Teng Tian looked at everything around him with envious eyes... The same Japan, but two completely different worlds.

In Kyoto, it is still in ruins. No one can find a job and can only starve and live in poverty in the ruins. But here, if you are willing, you can always find a job.

"30 yuan a day."

There are many such temporary workers on the streets, mainly because of the shortage of labor. More than one million Allied troops are stationed here. They all came over on US military transport ships when they attacked Kyushu. At that time, 70% of the troops in Kyushu were allied forces from the mainland. In order to occupy Kyushu, they paid the price of hundreds of thousands of casualties.

Although they actually settled here, they were soldiers after all. Most of the time it was in the military camp.

In order to make up for the shortage of labor force, in the past few years, while a large number of mainland businessmen came to you, many people from Shandong province also came here to work.

But even so, the labor force is still insufficient, so many Japanese will come here to work part-time.

The income is not high, only 30 yuan. But at least it's a job.

What can you buy for 30 yen?

The same goes for Tengtian, who makes a living by doing part-time jobs. Cassava rice was the only food he could afford.

"Have you heard? Nanyang Labor Service Company is recruiting male workers, saying they will go overseas and earn a salary of US$10 a month!"

However, it is not easy for the Japanese to find jobs here - there are Chinese people everywhere, from traders to dock workers. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese people came here with the occupying army and settled here.

In fact, there are many more!

Thanks to Nanyang, cassava chips are a kind of food from Nanyang. It is cheap and dry cassava chips are not only durable in storage, but also rich in nutrients. It is this food from Nanyang that keeps countless Japanese people from going hungry.

Cursing his own useless efforts, someone over there said that.

Unlike Honshu Island, whose economy has not yet recovered, Kyushu's economy has partially recovered due to the presence of more than one million occupying troops stationed there. Stimulated by the consumption of the occupying troops.

The premise is that day laborers can be found every day. Unlike Kyoto, where it is difficult to find a job, it is not difficult to find part-time workers in Fukuoka, and it is even easier if you can speak Chinese.

He quickly rushed over to pick up the cigarette butt on the ground and took a long puff.

They are also Japanese and speak Japanese. There are not many Japanese speakers in Kyushu now.

"No wonder everyone now calls Kyushu the "Little China"!"

"Lao Dao Pai...this is the flavor!"


After taking a long puff of his cigarette, Tengtian rushed to the man's side and bowed.

That taste...that's a beauty!

As he smoked, Tengtian enjoyed the pleasure of nicotine swimming in his alveoli, while imagining that when he went to Nanyang in the future, he would definitely smoke enough Laodao.

"Hello, can you take me with you?"

For many Japanese, this tapioca rice is the only food they can afford.

"You've already gone to Nanyang, why do you want to smoke an old sword? You have to smoke a Bactrian camel no matter what!"

A bowl of cassava rice costs 6 yen, a day’s food costs 18 yen, accommodation costs 4 yen, and you can have 8 yen left every day…

With such words in his mouth, Tengtian's eyes lit up as he was squatting on the roadside, cigarette butts!

You can buy two kilograms of cassava chips!

It is precisely because of this that Chinese characters and Chinese are everywhere here, making it difficult for people to tell whether this is Japan or China.

When Tengtian came to the recruitment office, there was already a long queue of nearly a thousand people in front of him. When he saw such a long queue, Tengtian couldn't help but muttered.

"Baga, didn't you say that all the men in Kyushu are dead? These bastards all come from there..."

In fact, a considerable number of people, like Tengtian, came here from Honshu Island to make a living. After all, it is easier to find a job here.

While Tengtian was waiting anxiously, upstairs on the opposite side, Li Shaowu watched the team on the street through the window and said proudly.

"You see, a Japanese advertisement lured these guys out."

"Manager Li still has a way. If you do this, Chief Wei will definitely breathe a sigh of relief. You must know that the biggest headache for him is the Japanese who come to Kyushu to work. Although he doesn't like those people, this is still a place for Japanese people. , so we can only stop those people from coming by restricting the liner. But they are so close, how can we stop them? The Japanese come here every day. This trick of yours... is amazing! It directly lures the snake out of its hole. ." The guard officer Guan Sen mentioned was the commander of the garrison. The garrison led by him were all willing to be local emperors in Kyushu. According to Jinling's statement, it was "passive avoidance of war." In their words, "there are mines on the sea. The sea route is blocked." In the end, they were forced to do nothing, so they recruited several groups of Japanese soldiers to pretend to be occupying forces and went to the mainland.

Those batches of guys who had sweet dreams turned into cannon fodder in the end.

Li Shaowu said after listening to Guan Sen's compliment.

"It's just a small favor for the chief of guard. Besides, these people... nine out of ten are all former soldiers."

"Can you tell?"

Guan Sen said.

"It's almost the same, but you definitely can't tell it by looking at it, and you can't listen to what they say. You have to try."

"Try? How to try?"

The next morning, the dilapidated stadium was full of people. More than 2,000 people were lined up neatly. The whole place was silent. Everyone was sweating under the scorching sun, and everyone was motionless. Teng Tian, ​​who was in the front row, was not far away. When he saw the protective gear and wooden gun, he couldn't help but be stunned.

What is this for?

Soon, the answer came out.

"Now, you only need to pass the final assessment before you can go overseas!"

The assessment seems very simple, it's just gun and sword skills, and it's just bayonet fighting.


This assessment item obviously exceeded everyone's expectations, but as a recruiter, Li Shaowu looked at the Japanese who were fighting in the field and explained to Guan Sen.

"Gunswordsmanship is the main combat technique of the Japanese army. The Japanese army, especially the elite troops, must be good at hand-to-hand combat. Although they haven't touched a gun in several years, long-term training has long carved the art of gunfencing into their bones. As long as you have excellent stabbing skills, you must be from an elite unit, and your basic tactics will not be bad."

Recruiting Japanese veterans was the purpose of Li Shaowu coming to Japan. The Black Knight Company needed to recruit almost 300,000 mercenaries, and the requirement was very simple - they must be veterans with sufficient quality.

When open recruitment is not possible, assassination becomes the simplest screening method.

The stabbing is done in teams of two, and ten groups of people are carried out at the same time under the supervision of the referee.

Wearing a head mask and protective gear, Tengtian bowed slightly and stood with a gun when he took the field, just like he did during military training in the past.

The referee gave the order: "Start!"

The assassination confrontation began.

The two quickly drew their guns and rushed towards each other.

"Ha!" He quickly stepped forward, and when the two of them approached to about two meters apart, there was a "click"! The two wooden spears crossed each other in an instant, and the two began to stab each other with the wooden spears.

The two sides alternately advanced and retreated on the field, one advancing and the other retreating. At the beginning, their movements were a bit jerky, but after a while, they became proficient. With the intersection of the wooden spears as the center of the circle, both sides moved left and right in the circumferential direction, walking or Urgently or slowly; the two people shouted from time to time to disturb each other.

The same was true for other groups of people. At this time, in the stadium, the only sounds that could be heard were the constant violent impact of wooden guns, the "pop" and "pop" sounds, and the shouts coming from their mouths.

The sound of the wooden gun hitting was dull and short. The same goes for people's shouts.

After suddenly succeeding in stabbing him, Teng Tian immediately put away his gun and stood at attention. His opponent seemed to have been pushed hard. He quickly took a few steps back and stopped with his hind legs. He still held the wooden gun tightly with both hands, and there was almost no pause. , he quickly stood up straight and straightened his posture.

it's over!

Tenda, who won by luck, looked at the referee, whose fate now depended on him.

"Congratulations, you passed!"

The referee's words made Tengtian's eyes shine with a strange light, this, this is enough!

If you pass it, you will go to heaven!

But his opponent had a look of disappointment on his face, he was finished!

Can’t go to Nanyang!

But the next moment, the referee's words pulled him from hell to heaven again.

"Your skills are also very good and you passed the test!"

The assessment is that simple. As long as you have good gun and sword skills, you will definitely pass other individual combat skills assessments.

(End of this chapter)

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