Chapter 443: Paradise (first update, please subscribe)

In the last year of the 1940s, people all over the world were spending the year in their own way. In some places, construction was under way and the future was ushered in during the construction. In other places, it was on the eve of dawn. A new life was ushered in amid the raging war.

And some places are full of despair!

This is almost the case in Japan, with its north occupied by Russia and its south occupied by the Allies. Although it is also under partitioned occupation, Japan is almost a neglected corner compared to Germany, which has attracted the attention of the world.

For the world, no one can notice this place, even if it is shrouded in unemployment and hunger. Although the United States and the United Nations Relief Agency have provided a lot of aid, unemployment cannot be solved - a large number of factories have been demolished, resulting in industrial Production could not be restored, and the huge war compensation and all these made Japan unable to breathe.

The shadow of unemployment and poverty has been hanging over Japan like a dark cloud.

Facing a future without any hope, leaving has become the best choice. In order to pursue a better future.

For the post-war Japanese, going to Southeast Asia has long been their only option to escape poverty.

Accompanied by articles and photos in newspapers and magazines, especially the popularity of Nanyang films.

In the minds of most Japanese, Nanyang has long become synonymous with "paradise".

In the movie theater, like many people, Takeshi Fujita looked stupidly at the living environment of the male and female protagonists in the movie, his eyes filled with envy.

In front of the neatly arranged foreign-style building, men and women smiled happily, children played on the grass, and the bright restaurant not only had a variety of food, but also a variety of fruits. The flush toilet in the bathroom has hot water 24 hours a day.

In that home, there were no telephones or cars like those in American movies, but everything was so real, so real that people believed it was real.

Who is the work visa issued to?

University professors, doctors, engineers, and the best workers.

Finally, with the light of the cannon light, I woke up from the dream.

Takeshi Fujita's mind once again thought of the home the hero and heroine finally moved into.

"It seems that this is the only way to do it..."

After being tortured by difficult times for more than two years, Takeda Tengtian had only one hope left in his heart - to go to Nanyang!

No more hunger, no more worries about unemployment...

This is the simplest and most convenient method.

Women are trying every possible means to leave Japan, and so are men. However, unlike women, it is very difficult for men to go to Nanyang. You must obtain a work visa to have the opportunity to go to Nanyang.

No matter how good the United States is, it is the United States of Americans and has nothing to do with the Japanese, but Nanyang is different!

Everything is as beautiful as heaven.

As long as you go to Nanyang, you are a Nanyang person!

Many women went to Nanyang, married Nanyang people, and lived a good life there.

Go to that paradise where the weather is like spring all year round.

Even after returning home - if this house made of wooden sticks and broken cardboard can be considered a home,

The biting cold wind blew in through the gaps between the cardboard and iron sheets, making the room even colder.

After watching "Temporary Couple", Takeshi Fujita's desire for Nanyang became even stronger.

But the days that followed were painful. Like most people, Fujita Takeshi could not find a job and lived hungry all day long.

Although the room is cold, my heart is warm.

It is easy for women to go to Nanyang. They only need to line up in front of the labor service company, sign up, and then they can go to Nanyang. Next, they have two years to change their fate and stay in Nanyang - as long as they marry a Nanyang person.

And Takeshi Fujita was nothing. He only served as an apprentice in a factory for three years, and then he was drafted into the army. He then spent two years guarding an island in the Pacific. He was lucky - the island he was stationed on was jumped by the US military. He waited until the war was over and then returned to Japan.

Once again, Fujita Takeshi picked up a shoddy business card - 10,000 yen and went to China.

In fact, this is a business card for smuggling. As long as they contact the gang, the gang will put them on the boat. For 10,000 yen, they can be smuggled to China.

Why are some people willing to spend money to smuggle themselves into China? Because you can go to Nanyang from China!

"In China, there are immigrant ships going to Southeast Asia everywhere. For us, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky, but for the Chinese, it is extremely simple. They are compatriots!"

The intermediary's words made Takeshi Fujita's vision become intense - go to the mainland and get on a boat to the Southeast Asia from there. Then he can go to Nanyang and go to that paradise.

"Xinxi, I can go to heaven like this!"

Fujita was not the only one who harbored this dream. In fact, there were many more. In order to go to Nanyang, countless Japanese chose this road that was destined to be full of ups and downs. Many of them ended up dying in a foreign country.

Just when Takeshi Fujita, like many others, handed over all his money to the gangsters and tried to take a boat from Kyushu to Shanghai, and headed to Nanyang, news suddenly came that Shanghai was occupied by the northern army.

They can't go!

And what's more terrible?

The gangster who collected the money ran away and disappeared!

Just like that, Fujita was stunned and finished.

The penniless Tengtian stood on the streets of Fukuoka, looking at the unfamiliar streets around him, his eyes blank.

"Is this still Japan?"

The streets of Fukuoka are full of Chinese characters. Not only that, many people on the streets use Chinese to solicit business.

Fukuoka under occupation, like other places in Kyushu, seems to have a much better environment than Kanto and is more prosperous economically. After all, there are more than 150 million occupying troops stationed here. The presence of the occupying troops has prospered the local economy. Of course, it also deeply Deeply change this land.

In the past few years, the occupying troops from the mainland started families with local women. While they gave birth to children here, perhaps Chinese characters, Chinese language and even cuisine and snacks from various parts of China were brought to this land.

"570 million!"

As the car drove through the streets of Fukuoka, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar street scenes around him, Li Shaowu heard Guan Sen say.

"I'm talking about the local population! If you exclude the occupying troops and their children, there are less than 300 million people. Before the war, there were more than million people on the island. During the famine in the winter of , almost one-fifth of them were One million people died of famine, and more than a million died in order to resist the Allies. There are still more than a million prisoners imprisoned in Nanyang. The " million jade pieces" the little devil said were broken into pieces in other places. I don't know how. , but basically everything here is broken, basically all men over the age of twelve or thirteen are broken, and many people may be younger..."

Guan Sen, who was driving the car, turned to look at the colleague next to him who had come from Nanyang. Although he didn’t know why he came here, he still took the initiative to introduce him. Many colleagues from Nanyang didn’t know much about Japan, especially Kyushu. How to understand.

"Look at those shops. In addition to some opened by compatriots from China, there are also many shops and stalls run by women. In fact, most of them are wives of occupying officers and soldiers. They sacrificed their lives for a meal. Occupying troops, even if their fathers, brothers and children are likely to die after them, they can only do this for their livelihood. It is not uncommon for a mother and daughter to serve an occupying army together, all in order to survive..."

This is Kyushu Island...a place where almost all the men are dead and the women live off the occupation forces.

"In the past two years, because the mainland has cut off military pay, the troops currently stationed in the occupied areas can only survive on the occupation zone allowance provided by the United States. The allowance is only 5 US dollars a month, which is more than 2200 yen on the black market, which is almost equivalent to the Tokyo Club. The income of the staff here is one and a half months. It sounds like a lot, but it is just enough to make ends meet. So in order to supplement the family income, many women go out to do business, and many work in textile and garment factories."

After a brief explanation, Guan Sen smiled.

"So, there is not much difference between here and Tangshan. Many people can speak Chinese. Most of the women are garrison wives, and so are the children. I mean children aged two or three. As for other people, in order to make a living, they have also started to learn Chinese. If you have learned Chinese, there will definitely be no problem speaking Chinese here. This is why everyone now calls this place "Little China". In fact, this is also why the garrison is unwilling to return to China - after fighting several battles, it is not easy for his wife and children to have a big family. If you want to drag them back to fight... they will mutiny."

Hearing this, Li Shaowu said with some confusion.

"Didn't I read in the newspaper that there were more than 20,000 elite garrison soldiers traveling from Nagasaki to Shanghai last month?"

"Hey, that's a lie..."

Lowering his voice, Guan Sen said.

"Those people are not the garrison at all. They are all little Japan who want to go to Nanyang. In order to deal with the old man in Jinling, the garrison headquarters thought of a way and coaxed a group of cannon fodder to go over in Japan. They were all soldiers. Old devil, but even so, so what, in the face of a large army, it is still a matter of being wiped out. No, more than 20,000 people have become cannon fodder. Fortunately, the officers and non-commissioned officers in the army ran fast and went directly to the garrison commander. We need to prepare a boat in advance, otherwise everything would have to be left there!"


Li Shaowu frowned and said in shock.

"How could they do this? This is not stealing business!"

(End of this chapter)

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