Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 425 Live Performance

Chapter 425 Live Performance (Second update, please subscribe)

In terms of scale, the Chicago Home Appliances Show is definitely the largest home appliances show of this era.

After all, at this time, Europe had not solved the post-war food and clothing problem. As for other countries, the household appliance might be a flashlight.

However, thanks to the booming post-war economy in the United States, home appliances have long been in every household. As for the Chicago Home Appliances Show, it is not only the largest home appliances exhibition in the world, it attracts probably millions of people every year.

It is also the most important way for various home appliances to enter the American market - sellers from all over the United States will purchase goods at the exhibition, and manufacturers will also display their products here.

Because of this, there are too many manufacturers gathered here, with a dazzling array of products that you can't even imagine, and it couldn't be done without them.

Although there are some foreign companies at the exhibition, their products are still lagging behind those in the United States. Those who come to participate are basically just to enjoy the excitement and gain popularity. It is not easy to sell products. matter.

After all, in the late 1940s, "Made in America" ​​was synonymous with advancedness and modernity, and traditional European manufacturers were just here to participate, let alone in Nanyang.

As the only country from Asia at the exhibition, Nanyang was placed in a corner. Although the exhibition was crowded, few people came here. Finally, a guest came. The person looked at the English letters on the booth and was stunned for a moment. It seems I haven't been able to spell out the meaning of the letters yet.

Upon seeing this, Lin Jiachao took the initiative to introduce him and invited him to visit.

Large-scale exhibitions will definitely have leisure areas that provide some simple entertainment facilities. Of course, the most important thing is various catering services, selling drinks and food.

Lin Jiachao was not stupid enough to ask "why". Although he had a smile on his face, it was more ridiculous than crying.

After all, both exhibitors and merchants from all over the world have to eat. At some exhibitions in Nanyang, food festivals are even held in the squares outside the venues, selling snacks from all over the world, which also attracts a lot of customers.

"Are there household appliances in Southeast Asia? Oh my god."


"Director, they say that the aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, but deep alleys can bury people!"

As one of the few manufacturers who participated in the exhibition in person, Song Yunchu naturally seemed very anxious. He who was originally full of confidence could not help but doubt his life.

The man continued:

"Sir, I think I may have gone to the wrong place. I thought it was the European exhibition area at first!"

"That's it, Chief Ma, what do you think we should do now?"

"Are you a company from Southeast Asia?"

"Sir, it's not easy for you to come to the United States. You'd better go shopping in a department store! At least it will be worthwhile!"

Indeed, near them were the exhibition areas of France, Belgium, the Netherlands and other European countries, and a husky got mixed up among the wolves!

Facing the factory director's gaze, Ma Zhihao looked at the crowded booth, thought for a while, then grabbed an electric shaver and left.

Don’t you have to be responsible for being cute and funny!

The next second, the man declined and said:

Wolves are too dangerous, huskies should not stay here!

After the man left, Lin Jiachao looked around helplessly, and most of the others were the same.

Facts have proved that in any era, people have fixed mindsets, and just displaying products like this will definitely not work.

As he said that, the man showed an expression of "I am doing this for your own good."

The man looked at the display stand with an incredulous look, as if to say, are you here to be cute? Or is it just a joke?

Ma Zhihao said after seeing the scorched face of the factory director.

"Sir, Nanyang still has many unique products."

At the exhibition in Chicago, there is no shortage of various delicacies, and the prices are not expensive.

For example, at exhibitions held in the United States, there will most likely be hot dog sellers. Near noon, there will be many guests in suits and ties, sitting at the dining table eating hot dogs. There will often be briefcases at their feet.

These people are either sellers and purchasers from various places, or manufacturers' sales staff. In short, their biggest characteristic is that they are always on the road, and their dusty appearance is difficult to hide.

Like many people, Ma Zhihao was also dressed like this. After ordering a hot dog, he found a seat in the middle and sat down. After finishing the hot dog in three to five times, he took out a handkerchief and wiped his lower lip. As if he had discovered something, he touched his chin and lips, and murmured softly. Then he put the suitcase at his feet on the table, opened it, and took out the razor without anyone else.

Press the switch, and then there is a sound of "this...". Although the noise of the shaver is not loud, it still attracts the people around. A fat man who is eating a hot dog at the table is shocked when he sees this scene. He couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear and held the hot dog in his hand. He looked at the Asian man curiously.

What did he use?

Is it an electric shaver?

But where are the wires?

The same was probably true for everyone else. A few people who had just arrived by train or plane couldn't help but touch their beards - they hadn't shaved all night.

Soon, under the gaze of everyone, Ma Zhihao swept away the beard on his face, and finally touched his smooth chin with satisfaction.

Very nice and smooth. He didn't say a word during the whole process, but he successfully attracted the attention of others. At this moment, under the gaze of everyone, he actually shaved off half of his neatly decorated mustache. .

Everyone was stunned for a moment - there is such an operation?

Under the gaze of everyone, Ma Zhihao touched the other half of his mustache. What do you seem to be thinking about?

After a while, he took action on his beard again.

He was shaved clean in no time.

Just when he stopped, the fat man came over and said.

"Sir, can I see this electric shaver of yours?"

The fish is hooked!

Ma Zhihao said.


Taking the electric shaver, Tom looked at it and said.

"Is it battery powered?"

"Yes, a new type of rechargeable battery, sir. It only needs to be charged once and can be used for several days. It is very convenient for people like me who often go out. It can be used anytime and anywhere. It is simply for I tailor it.”

Ma Zhihao seemed to have become a salesman, explaining incessantly. On his recommendation, Tom used it to shave his beard, but it only took a few dozen seconds to shave off the messy beard.

No wires required, nor the mirror and foaming fluid of a regular razor. Instantly, Tom became interested in Hao's product.

"It seems like a nice thing to use and comfortable to use. If possible, I will take some back and give them to my friends as gifts."

Tom spoke.

Hearing this, Ma Zhihao opened the box directly, which was filled with electric shavers.

"Sir, our electric shavers are available in various colors. You can take a look first. These are samples!"

Ma Zhihao handed the electric shaver to Tom.

"This milky white one looks very technological in color, this sky blue one looks comfortable in color and can make people feel comfortable, and this brown one is more resistant to stains and will not be visible even if it is not cleaned for a year. There are also Other colors can also be customized if you have special needs for color.”

Ma Zhihao completely transformed into a salesman, while Tom took the electric shaver samples of different colors with a curious look on his face and observed them carefully.

The products are all the same product, just different colors.

"Yes, I plan to have this, this, and this."

Tom picked out three colors.

"Sir, would you like some more?"

Ma Zhihao asked with a smile.

"I think these few items are enough."

Tom shook his head:

"how much is the total?"

"There are so many men in the United States, how can these be done! I think you need at least 10,000 pieces!"

Ma Zhihao said.

Tom was slightly stunned. He looked at Ma Zhihao carefully and asked:

"You're not a salesman?"

Buyers who can come to exhibitions still have some brains.

Ma Zhihao nodded:

"Sir, I am indeed a salesman, but I am a salesperson for a company. The main product of our company is this electric shaver. This is our patented product."

"So, you're here to sell a product? That was just a show!"

Looking at Ma Zhihao, Tom's eyes were full of admiration. This was the admiration of the sales staff for their peers, and the same was generally true of the people around him who were already interested in the products.

Ma Zhihao smiled awkwardly, and then said:

"My products have also participated in the exhibition, but our booth is relatively remote and there is not much traffic, so I came here to try my luck."

(End of this chapter)

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