Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 424: The Age of Dare to Spend Money

Chapter 424: The Age of Dare to Spend Money (First update, please subscribe)

While newspapers in Nanyang were discussing the feasibility of "four-hour transportation" and "high-speed rail", a plane full of representatives from Nanyang's business community took off from Chang'an Airport and headed for the United States.

After several transfers and nearly thirty hours, the 56-member delegation arrived in Chicago on a C95 passenger plane.

“Is this Chicago?”

From the moment the plane landed in Chicago, Song Yunchu, like everyone else, was attracted by the bustling metropolis in front of him.

Although he had seen the prosperity of the United States in movies more than once, the impact he received when he saw it with his own eyes was still unimaginable - high-rise buildings everywhere, this was normal, and the same was true in Chang'an.

After all, high-rise buildings have long become a standard feature in cities. Although Chicago in the late 1940s was not the center of the world, it was definitely one of the leading metropolises of this era.

Being in this metropolis, what strikes us is the life of Chicagoans and the cars everywhere!

Unlike the bicycles everywhere in Chang'an, cars are everywhere here. As early as twenty years ago, cars became a standard feature of American families. The impact this has on people who have just entered the bicycle era can be imagined. .

Especially after nightfall, when the yellow headlights and red taillights formed two distinct rivers of traffic on the street, the Milky Way-like scene left everyone in the exhibition group in extreme shock.

"Now, I finally know why we must open the US market!"

"I understand too!"

Zuo Xiaohan quickly said to Lin Jiachao.

For example, the consumption problem after the national income increases-when people have money, they always need to spend money.

Although Zuo Xiaohan led the team to participate in the exhibition in order to open up the US market, as the director of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, he must look at some issues from the perspective of the national economy and the future.

"You and the president have thought about this together."

“We need to develop the automobile industry too!”

"Chairman Zuo also thinks that national cars should be launched?"

Pointing to the river of cars outside the window, Zuo Xiaohan said.

Zuo Xiaohan said in an extremely serious tone.

Lin Jiachao, who was accompanying the delegation on the inspection, smiled.

What does entering the US market bring?

It’s a rolling golden tide!

"Perhaps, in the next few years, the clothing industry and electrical appliance manufacturing industry will become the leader in economic development, but from the perspective of industrial upgrading, the automobile industry is the next leader, and automobiles..."

"With the doubling of national income, it is destined to enter thousands of households. If we don't seize the time to develop the automobile industry now, then when Nanyang's national income increases enough to support automobile consumption, they will definitely choose the United States first. car!"

"Oh? The president thinks so too?"

Different from their shock at the beginning of the Song Dynasty, Zuo Xiaohan, the director-general of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, looked at the artificial Milky Way on the road. There was only one question in his mind.

Nothing else - money!

Yes, Americans at this time are undoubtedly the richest in the world. Their per capita GDP reached an astonishing US$1872, and their per capita salary also reached US$1456.

"One day, we should be like them..."

"'National Car', is this the president's idea? Jia Chao, please tell me carefully."

Although among the twelve levels of civil servants in Nanyang, Lin Jiachao is at the tenth level, which is the administrative officer. He is only higher than the clerical director and clerical assistant, but he is an official in the presidential residence - the Presidential Secretariat, which is the person around the president. ah!

What I hear and see are the things around the president. Although Nanyang does not have an officialdom culture of "only obeying the superior", and a group of technocrats compete for their abilities, it is very important to know the president's thoughts. For technology For bureaucrats, they need to be honest in what they do, but wouldn't it be better if the things they do are in line with the president's wishes.

"Actually, the president has always had this idea. When I first arrived at the Secretariat, the president once asked a question - how should people spend their money now that they have money?" When he heard this question, Zuo Xiaohan's lips raised slightly. , my heart is full of admiration for the president, and this admiration comes from the heart.

As early as when they first arrived in Nanyang to study administrative affairs management, the president had given them lessons and discussed with them the core of dynastic rule - the poor and weak people in Shang Junceli.

From ancient times to the present, rulers of all dynasties have taken "Shang Jun's policy" as the core of governing the country, but it is just more or less important. Although the saints and benevolent ancestors said that the people should have enough food and clothing, but In fact, once people have money in their hands, the question they think about is how to turn people's money into their own.

The emperor is like this, and so are the ministers, so exorbitant taxes have become a common problem in the past dynasties. According to the president, tax increases in Chinese dynasties were not only at the end of the dynasty, but also began to increase continuously during the so-called "prosperity" Exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes are imposed to meet the so-called "national expenses". On the surface, it seems that it is inevitable for economic development. In addition, when the dynasty is prosperous, expenditures increase and tax increases are normal. Either for personal squandering, or for a dynasty to show its power in the border areas.

But the key point is - to do everything possible to turn the people's money into one's own. When the weather is good, the people can afford the exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes. When natural and man-made disasters occur and the people are overwhelmed, they will rise up.

So, at that time, the president raised a question - "What is our purpose of making people rich?"

"Is the country prosperous and the people strong?"

"Is the people prosperous and the country strong?"

"This goal is empty, and the real purpose is very simple - let them spend money. If they don't spend the money that the people work hard to earn, why can't we leave it to us?"

"So, what we want to create here is - an environment where people can earn money and dare to spend money. In order to create such an environment, we must work hard to solve many people's livelihood problems, such as housing, elderly care, and medical care. , that is, the people have a place to live, have care for their elderly, and have medical care for their illnesses. This is the problem we are trying to solve, and it is also our greatest responsibility."

Responsibility, Lin Jiachao's heart gets excited every time he thinks of his husband's words. There are no empty words in his words, there are only real goals, which is to make people's lives better.

"If we can achieve these goals, then whether the country is rich and the people are strong, or the people are prosperous and the country is strong, we can all achieve it. By then, the people will naturally have money in their hands. What if we think about changing the law? Putting the money earned by the common people into your own pockets is nothing more than repeating the mistakes of the past.”

It was from then on that Zuo Xiaohan found his life goal - to build a society where people can make money and dare to spend it without any worries.

"Spend money! As Mr. Wang once said, money is money only when it flows. As financial resources roll in, money rolls in more and more. Therefore, we must not only consider increasing people's income, but also consider how people spend money. Only when they spend money Only with money can the country’s economy develop.”

Zuo Xiaohan nodded slightly. This is the most basic economic common sense. The economy of society is like large and small rivers, and money is like water flowing in the river. It flows continuously in the entire economic system; from one person to another Another person continues to flow like this, endlessly. Or, flow from one enterprise to another, and from one enterprise to another group of people. In the continuous transaction process, the base of money is constantly increasing.

"What makes people spend money is nothing more than food, clothing, housing and transportation. After the people are satisfied with enough food and clothing, how to make them spend money? That's OK."

Lin Jiachao said.

"So Mr. Wang believes that the development of the automobile industry is a way for people to spend money. Through the development of the automobile industry, metallurgy, machinery manufacturing, petroleum, chemical industry and other industries will also develop greatly, which will have a great impact on the country's overall science and technology. It’s also beneficial in terms of level improvement.”

"It's more than just that,"

Zuo Xiaohan said.

"After the popularity of automobiles, it will also stimulate the prosperity of tourism and other industries, which will further expand the domestic consumer market. Although export trade is important, the domestic consumer market is our root. Only when the root is strong can we flourish. Mao, otherwise even if exports bring economic prosperity, it will only be a temporary prosperity."

The Lin family nodded in agreement and said.

"Yes, that's why Mr. Wang said that it is important for people to make money, but more important is to spend money. Only in this way can a country continue to develop."

Slowly sitting by the window, they were no longer talking about "national cars", but about deeper issues. They continued chatting until midnight. They looked at the time and saw that it was already past one o'clock. Zuo Xiao Hancai said.

"I forgot about time as soon as we started chatting. Let's go and have a rest. Tomorrow's exhibition... This is our first time to go overseas to participate in a large-scale exhibition. Whether we can be a hit depends on tomorrow! After all, for Nanyang, right now, The most important issue is to make money first!”

There is still a certain distance between making money and spending it...

(End of this chapter)

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