The sun never sets in America

Chapter 421 Decisive Battle: Mad Dog and Pug

Chapter 421 Decisive Battle: Mad Dog and Pug

Everything has its own price. If it doesn't, it means it is immature.

Published by Yuan Qing at the Han Army Non-commissioned Officer School.

Youzhou War, a real showdown of millions, this was the title on the front page of The Times.

In the eyes of third parties, America at this time has actually become a region that they may find difficult to involve in the future, or even be unable to involve from now on.

After all, the rulers of this region are not that good-tempered, and their strength seems to be even comparable to France, especially their war potential! !
(Even if it has surpassed, it must be written equal)

In the eyes of both sides, this battle in Youzhou is no longer a question of can and cannot, but a question of winning and when.

Especially for the United States, which has just been successfully attacked in Louisiana at this moment, only a victory in Youzhou can truly take back everything that belongs to the United States.

For the Han army, Youzhou's surrender actually put great pressure on the country, especially those Youzhou locals and local bureaucrats who evacuated to Hanzhou and even other areas, and their petitions for war continued. Pass.

Normally when faced with this kind of situation, Liu Peng would choose to stay in the job. However, the so-called "stay" has become increasingly difficult.

After all, the Han State at this time did not have any fear of white people. On the contrary, since the establishment of the Han State, it was white people who were attacked! !
This record of complete victory gave the Han country, and even the people of the Han country, the feeling that although the foreigners were now rising up, grandpa was still a nobleman of the Yan and Huang Dynasties.

As a mixed-race person, Huang Renjun's status in the military has never been very high. Although there are many mixed-race people in the Han Kingdom, it is obvious that they are not as popular as imagined.

A certain congressman once publicly stated:

Just like the joke said by a certain US military colonel: "When the Han army chased us like dogs, we also opened our mouths and exposed our sharp teeth like dogs!!"

Since the war started, the War Department has received a large number of domestic inquiries about the war every day, among which the Imperial Parliament has been the most active.

For the Han people at this time, looking like a foreigner was not something to be proud of. You might even say to someone, "You look like someone from a foreign country." In that person's eyes, you look like a foreigner. What he did was no less than humiliating him.

(Some people in the occupied states resisted the Han army. These people were also the targets of the recent severe attacks by the Han army)

Such pressure also makes it impossible for the Army to fight slowly from the beginning, because the slower it fights, the greater the internal pressure it needs to withstand, and this pressure includes its own people within the Army! !

After all, this is not yet the era when the mixed-race aesthetics or even the European aesthetics of later generations will dominate.

Although Huang Renjun came up by "encouragement", it does not mean that he really has no real talent and learning. This kind of simple making excuses is exactly what he is best at.

He was even more extreme than those Han emperor faction, and often demanded stricter inspection and rule on the Americans in the occupied areas.

When a large amount of artillery fire and so-called soldiers appeared on the right side of the battlefield, on the left side of the battlefield, that is, in the opposite direction, a war with only rifle bayonets was like two bowling balls colliding with each other. At this moment, who Don’t let anyone! !

(The invisible ceiling for most mixed-race officers is difficult to break through unless they come from a big family)
This is also the reason why he has been going to the battlefield to command in person. Originally, as a battalion commander, he should not come to the place closest to the battlefield, because according to the command standards of the Han army, the places closest to the battlefield are often filled with grassroots officers. place.

The emperor was under pressure, and this pressure would not be resolved, but would be transferred elsewhere, and this place was the War Department.

Of course, this unity was obtained in exchange for mixed-race people like Huang Renjun.

As a family whose mother was born in Mexico and whose father was an army officer, Huang Renjun can be regarded as a true "Han Huang faction".

It seems that they are evenly matched, but that is only seen from the local battlefield.

As a mid-level military officer, Huang Renjun's ability to come here is essentially related to his identity.

When the city of New Orleans was captured, its surrounding cities were in danger, and most of the inland areas were occupied by the cavalry army, the true siege war officially began.

"Click, click, click." The sound of the machine gun is always so crisp and clear to the ears. However, because of the long-term familiarity between the two sides, the Han army's attack method of the machine gun is clearly understood by the American army on the opposite side.

And carry out a thorough attack on those guerrillas, including even sitting and other plans involving large numbers of people.

And situations like this can be found throughout the entire battlefield, and not just in one battlefield.

"Crash", the bayonet was pulled out from the neck of the American soldier, and a string of bloody arrows shot out, hitting the soldier's young face.

"Artillery preparation, fire to the right in three minutes!!"

When mortars continued to hit around the machine guns, it also meant that on this small battlefield, the Han army's firepower could not completely gain the upper hand.

Huang Renjun put down the telescope in his hand angrily and scolded the officers under his command bloody.

According to the Han army's own statistics, after the "siege war" began, the consumption of the entire war even exceeded the sum of the urban wars in the previous period.

"Cover, don't be afraid!!"

Huang Renjun, who has slightly yellow hair, constantly exerts the authority of the battalion commander to his battalion.


"The Army's responsibility is to expand territory and protect the territory and the people. The Battle of Youzhou is the Army's opportunity to truly prove itself!!"

After all, if you press this kind of thing for too long, something will happen! !

"Crash", the same sound sounded, and the Han soldier who was proud just now was killed by a sneak attack from behind.

Identity is the most difficult thing in his life to "reconcile" with himself.

Huang Renjun's fanaticism finally paid off, which was the fundamental reason why he was promoted from captain of the mixed-race ceiling to battalion commander.

Don't underestimate this feeling. When viewed from the outside, this feeling is extremely expansionary. When viewed internally, it is extremely powerful in the sense of unity.

Then he said:

It seems that he didn't scold anything, but in fact he scolded everything.

What kind of concept is this? It means that the Han army deployed a huge amount of ammunition and the largest force in history.


"Asshole, how can you stop at this time, continue, continue to fight to the left, without giving them a chance to breathe!!"

What is the strength of this force? 850,000! !
(550,000 Han troops plus 300,000 vassal troops)

The number of 850,000 seems to be a little behind the Southern Army's one million on the entire battlefield, but it is already the largest force that the Han Army can currently produce.

Originally, according to the standards of an encirclement war, if the besieging side had fewer troops than the opponent, it would actually be difficult to proceed, let alone the Han army's close-to-oppressive compression war.

The reason why this kind of compressed warfare can continue is essentially because the existence of railway lines magnifies the size of the Han army's forces to the extreme in a certain local area.

As for the so-called Southern Army with one million troops, its one million troops are scattered on the vast plains of Youzhou, like spread rice. They look like a lot when they are together, but if they are separated, they lose the advantage of scale.


"At present, our army has basically controlled the key nodes in Youzhou. The areas controlled by the enemy are continuing to decline from most of Youzhou before the war. It is expected that in another week, our army will be able to recapture what was lost a while ago. More than half of the area..."

"Our army is currently squeezing the Southern Army in the central region along the second and first fronts, relying on the supply advantages of large cities and railway lines..."

"Judging from the battlefield situation, our army occupies a huge geographical advantage and time advantage..."

Today's Xu Hao is completely different from before. He is full of energy and speaks much faster. He is very different from his original slow and gentle appearance.

“It’s better to be careful!!”

"Be aware that dogs will bite when they are anxious, let alone an army of millions!!"

Compared with the radiant Xu Hao, Yuan Qing is more mature. He believes that the current offensive is too fierce and should be slowed down to give the troops a chance to breathe.

"By the way, we are currently the main attacker, and those vassal divisions??"

Yuan Qing thought of the vassal divisions that had been initially reorganized.

This feudal division is actually a replica of the Northern Zero Division. The army is mixed with Japanese and Chinese, and some people laugh at it: "Eggs, white skin and yellow heart." "Currently, the main force is our army!!"

Xu Hao didn't even think about it when he answered. It was obvious that he had not noticed Yuan Qing's intention.

"Okay, let me inform you. From now on, the main attack will be those vassal armies, and our army will coordinate..."

Yuan Qing's words made Xu Hao's heart skip a beat. Before he could ask, he heard:

"In addition to support, allocate at least one-third of the troops to guard the railway line. Regardless of whether they attack or not, we must guard until the second order comes!!"

"chief of staff……"

"Excuting an order!!"

"Yes, Chief of Staff!!"

What Xu Hao was about to say was interrupted by Yuan Qing, and he finally agreed reflexively.

But on the battlefield, when the telegram for the main attacker's position came over, it was a different scene.


"Boom", two sudden artillery shells hit the top of the position, taking away seven or eight fresh lives.


Even Yasuda Yasuda, who was born into a noble family, was angered by the scene in front of him and directly asked the artillerymen in the rear to retaliate in kind.

When six 75mm artillery fired six shells, Yasuda Yasuda didn't even think about it and directly issued the "Pig Attack" order.

The pig attack tactic is easy to say and difficult to say. You can even call it stupid.

But the only thing you can't question is their courage! !

But when those Mexicans mixed in with Zhu Tu's team, the scene changed and became very complicated.

If those little Japanese are "forging ahead", then these slightly obscene Mexicans are typical "sneaking and sneaking".

It was often after the Japanese opened up the situation that they began to join the battle, and even when they fought against the remaining soldiers, they were more brave than when they charged.

When it came to fighting for the spoils, these Mexicans were like rats, running around, constantly looking for anything that might be valuable.

The above are the current status of most of the domain divisions, but they do not include the 14th Infantry Regiment under Yasuda Yasuda's 5th Domain Division.

As a son of a famous family of Kanto warriors, Yasuda Yasuda came to the Han Kingdom with the idea of ​​making achievements and honoring his ancestors. He was very different from those Mexicans who hoped to make a fortune and leave.

In order to solve the problem of timid and lazy Mexicans, Yasuda Yasuda's method was also very crude. It basically consisted of two things, "military sticks and war team supervision."

Among them, the military stick is the most commonly used one, mainly used to punish those Mexican "slickers" who are unwilling to be trained and commanded.

The war supervisor team is very powerful. According to Yasuda Yasuda's regulations, any Japanese soldier can be a war supervisor as long as it is wartime, and Mexican soldiers who are passive or even run away can be executed anytime and anywhere.

Although this almost "barbaric" command method was scolded by those Mexican generals as "shameless and evil", it did get the support of the Han army.

Judging from the current situation that more and more vassal divisions have begun to implement "Mo Training Regulations" like the 14th Infantry Regiment, the top brass of the Han army still relatively approve of this barbaric rectification method, otherwise they would not give the third order The Fourteenth provided heavy artillery firepower that only the Han army could possess.

(The vassal divisions have their own firepower, but it is generally not large, with up to 75 mm artillery, and the number is not too large. If you really need firepower, you have to apply to the Han army, so in wartime, the Han army will specially set up that kind of firepower. Separate artillery regiments and artillery battalions accompany the battle)

"Baga, how dare you retreat privately!!"

"Come here, pull him down and chop him!!"

The Japanese captain looked at the trembling Mexican soldier in front of him and gave the order to deal with it without hesitation.

Soon, a human head was delivered to him.

"Hang it up for everyone to see. This is the fate of traitors!!"

The words of the Japanese lieutenant are actually no longer in line with the current war. After all, according to the standards of the Han army, even if you want to form a supervising team, there must be a limit. But it is obvious that the Japanese who have just entered the industrial society and are not yet fully civilized, even if they learn It is difficult to really get rid of the "evil and servile nature" of everything in the Han Dynasty.

The reason why it is said to be servile is largely due to the next sentence of the Japanese lieutenant:
"The heroic Han army is watching us, and His Majesty the Emperor is watching us..."

"We must bring victory back before dark, onboard!!"


When bursts of onboard sounds symbolizing long live are heard on the battlefield, it means that a new "pig attack" is about to begin.

"These Japanese dwarfs are really good at fighting. They opened up the situation so quickly, much faster than I thought!!"

Luo Yao, the commander of the Ninth Division who was responsible for supervising the battle, looked at the Japanese soldiers who kept falling and charging through the telescope, with a satisfied smile on his lips. After all, soldiers like this who were thorough in their execution and not afraid of death were actually the most popular among the entire Han army. Not much either.

Of course, this does not mean that the Han army is afraid of death. On the contrary, the Han army that has undergone strict training is rarely timid. It can even be said that in the Han army, sacrifice itself is part of the spirit of the Han army.

But this does not mean that the Han army must be as rigid and brainless as the Japanese army.

The real Han army, in the words of a Yankee: "a pride of lions, majestic and full of wisdom!!"

Although there are exaggerations, basically the Han army's command and combat adaptability are several levels higher than those of the so-called "Pig Burst".

Even in the eyes of some Han army officers, the little guys from the True Gang are simply a group of barbarians who only know how to use this inefficient and extremely costly tactic. If they encounter an army like the Han army that likes to use crossfire, they will basically die. Very miserable.

"I think we did the right thing by mixing Japanese and Mexicans together this time. These cowards will have to be educated by a group of lunatics!!"

Deputy Division Commander Tong Bei'an couldn't help but laugh when he looked at the Mexican soldiers chasing madly behind him.

After all, this group of Mexicans were not like this before, but now they are Japanese, and they seem to be "alive."

"A lunatic paired with a coward is so much fun!!"

Luo Yao echoed, and as soon as he finished speaking, the two of them laughed at the same time.

It seems like a joke, but for the Mexican soldiers who are still fighting on the battlefield, they have not had a good day since they were incorporated into this bullshit 14th Regiment.

If they want to eat more and occupy more, the Japanese are better than them. They are just a bunch of starving ghosts.

Wanting to be lazy and save their lives on the battlefield, those Japanese dwarfs were like mad dogs, chasing them and biting them, and every once in a while, a group of people would die.

And if you want to survive, you have to become a mad dog like the Japanese. For Mexicans who are always lazy, this is simply hell! !

In other words, hell is nothing more than this! !

When the sound of Japanese appears on the front line of the battlefield mixed with some brief words of Spanish, it means that the end of this offensive and defensive battle belonging to the corner of the battlefield is not far away.

When a Japanese soldier planted the Chinese flag at the highest point of the enemy's position, looking from top to bottom, it was densely packed with corpses of his own side and the other side. Even if you look carefully, you will find that the victorious side has the dead. There are actually more losers than losers.

And among the dead, some were shot in the back and fell to the ground.

Most of these people have Western faces, which are very different from the short Eastern Japanese.

Throughout the battlefield, there were countless scenes like this, which were very different from the original situation where the Japanese soldiers died and the Mexican soldiers survived.

Even when the Han army commanded the Mo army alone, they were surprised to find that this group of people could actually fight! !

In Dong Ziqin’s words:
“These Japanese mad dogs used their madness to cure Mexicans from rickets!!”

(End of this chapter)

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