The sun never sets in America

Chapter 420: Navy Blitz Battle

Chapter 420: Navy Blitz Battle
Huge roars continued to make earth-shattering sounds throughout New Orleans Bay, and fish with their bellies exposed kept floating on the sea. They were all the first victims of the war.

Looking down from a high altitude, you will find that there are a total of twenty warships of different sizes gathered in the entire harbor.

These battleships have a silver-gray luster all over their bodies, and their huge naval guns cover almost the entire blind spot during the bombardment from bow to stern.

The cannons of giant ships are the most exciting at any time. Even those who send battleships will feel trembling at the almost barbaric shooting when they see such a crazy scene.

The moment when the gunfire from the Qinzhuang Xiangwang's 380mm naval gun tore open the side steel plate of a US cruiser on the opposite side, it meant that this naval battle, which had lasted for twenty-five minutes, It's almost over.

"Turn left—"


Listening to the roaring in his ears, Meng Bingxiong no longer had the excitement he had when he first started. For him at this time, there was nothing better than sending the early Apollo-class battleship Hercules in front of him into the seabed. Even more important.


When the lieutenant colonel in charge of commanding the naval gun immediately gave the order to fire the gun as soon as he turned around, a shell with white smoke and a faint flash of fire rushed towards the Hercules on the opposite side, which was still adjusting the direction of the muzzle. .

Although this location is a little out of the way, fortunately, because it is a warehouse, there is always a passage leading to the city. And because it is a warehouse, a large number of fire items are parked, so no forts are built locally.

"I think landing from the west is a good choice."

In fact, it's not just Boss Huang, many people are actually very dissatisfied with the current recruitment, but as that sentence says:
"It's not like I won't pay you back!!"

Looking at the battleship Hercules on the other side that could no longer withstand it, the captain Meng Bingxiong acted as if he hadn't seen it and said expressionlessly: "Continue to turn right and turn to their side!!"

This road can easily go in the opposite direction, but if you choose the east side, there are not so many problems.

Marine Corps Major General Wang Yangting, who was accompanying the army on the expedition, did not hold a baton. He stretched out his long, gibbon-like arm and pointed at the warehouse on the west side of the port.

"Boom", as if it was the last cannonball, when the Hercules was hit again, this time it hit the weakest angle during welding. In fact, this place was difficult to hit during wartime, but it didn't The solution is that the captain of the Han army opposite is a typical "drifter" and has great experience in how to deal with such warships that cannot keep up with the power.

As for the firepower on the east side, it is nothing to Gan Changsheng. After all, in terms of firepower, in New Orleans now, who can compare with a battleship, especially a battleship that is close to the port and has no scruples? ?

Wang Yangting, who was opposite, said:
"The most troublesome thing on the Eastern Front is not the firepower on the outside, but the firepower inside the city. If our army chooses to land from the Eastern Front, it will inevitably encounter blockage in the city, and urban warfare consumes the lives of soldiers the most, as well as materials and money. …”

"Gulu, Gulu", when the sound of bubbling water sounded inside the Hercules, it also meant that this first batch of battleships had finally reached the end of its life.

Cheers and heated discussions spread to the three American cruisers on the opposite side. The "bastards" on the ship who had just breathed a sigh of relief and thought they had survived finally couldn't help but lamented: " Merciful God, please save your lost lamb!!”

Boss Huang naturally didn't believe this kind of rhetoric that was almost "making a big pie", but he had no choice. After all, according to the wartime mobilization order, his sea-going ships happened to be within the scope of being drafted.

You must know that those who can participate in the navy's future decision-making are the absolute top brass within the navy. It can even be said that they are part of the navy themselves.

But as the officer who was recruited at the time said:
"As a Han Chinese, you will naturally serve the Han people. When the war is over and rewards will be given for your merits, you will naturally be indispensable!!"

In the eyes of the navy, this so-called troop transport ship is a means of transportation that it recruits, but for the owner of a certain travel company, this is his lifeblood and his reliance for the rest of his life.

That's what they say, but all this is just to show off their grace in front of their subordinates. The real situation is that deep down in the invisible heart, Meng Bingxiong's heart is just like the current battlefield, with "turbulent waves" everywhere, There were "lightning and thunder" everywhere.

In the port, the second batch of merchant ships filled with ammunition and supplies were loading one after another. There was even a large group of densely packed people in the port, carrying combat backpacks, holding rifles in their hands, and wearing blue navy uniforms. Marines in military uniforms and helmets are waiting for the last troop transport ship.

And when the entire Hercules sank into the sea with unwillingness and pain, the entire naval battle was actually coming to an end.

After all, behind the east side is the main city. No matter how you look at it, it is more cost-effective to visit the east side.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Even if Gan Changsheng was not from the Marine Corps or the Army, he could see what kind of problems would arise if he landed from the west.

"The firepower on the west side looks much better than on the east side."

Said to be troop transport ships, they were actually temporarily converted from passenger ships. The earliest ships were tourist ships that went out to sea for sightseeing. Now they have been slightly modified and turned into "troop transport ships" that can be more comfortable and convenient during wartime.

On the Qin Mugong opposite, Gan Changsheng exhaled a turbid breath, and then ordered the people around him: "Send a telegram to inform the rear, saying that our task force has completely wiped out the Louisiana Navy and is preparing to land - —”

This is what Gan Changsheng values ​​​​most. If he wants to maintain his influence within the navy in the future, what is more convincing than military merit? ? ——
In Longjiang Port, dozens of first batch of merchant ships slowly left the port and headed towards the deep sea.

Intensive artillery fire covered the entire shore fort, forcing back the shore defense artillery that had already fired back.

When half of the dozen or so shells hit, it was like falling into hell for the Hercules.


After finishing speaking, Gan Changsheng looked at the completely empty sea in front of him. He felt like he was dreaming back to the exciting night of the Caribbean War a few months ago. It was also that night that he also ushered in the golden moment of his career. In this period, he not only became the commander of the fleet, but more importantly, he was able to speak out on the future construction of the entire navy.

"What's more, it's not like I won't pay you back—"

And when row after row of Marines carrying marching packs and holding rifles entered the luxurious troop carrier, the Port of New Orleans in Louisiana was suffering the biggest blow since its establishment. s damage.

Especially when the three "Stars and Stripes" fell from the masts of the three cruisers, the entire task force burst into thunderous cheers.

But on the real battlefield, the task force has always had the absolute upper hand. Whether it is a naval battle, the size of the artillery caliber, the tonnage, or even the thickness of the steel plate, it is an all-round crushing.

"Boom", another burst of shells covered the Hercules, which had just reacted and was firing on the opposite side. The dense shells and the smoke generated by the explosion of the shells interfered with the Hercules' accurate control of its own guns at all times.

After all, in peacetime, the economy is the most important. As for the so-called "security", who cares in the real world? ?
“Although the west side is good, I’m afraid it will waste a lot of time!!”

The funniest thing is that this is the first time it has participated in a war. It can even be said that even in normal training, it has never fired so many shells at one time.

But it is a pity that his clothes have been altered. Although it is not completely unrecognizable, for Boss Huang, who has been accustomed to poverty since childhood, it is like a stab in the wound.

On the warship, the entire New Orleans Port is constantly being surveyed and mapped, and the defense situation in the port is collected. The purpose is to select suitable landing sites and better fire channels.

At this time, choosing God may be, as some people say, more important than so-called "regret".

One of the most obvious problems is that although the warehouses lead to the city, their roads are often not in the direction of the main city, but mostly lead to the suburbs.

When the American ships sank one after another, the remaining three cruisers finally could not withstand the pressure and chose to "wag their tails" at those cold-blooded Chinese guys.

Wang Yangting's meaning is obvious. He is afraid of urban warfare, which may cause large-scale casualties. This is definitely not a harm to the Marine Corps, which is taking action for the first time in this war. Not only In life, it also includes "face".

In a word, the Marine Corps wants to have a nearly perfect war and show the Army what a "strong army" is.

Wang Yangting had already said this. If Gan Changsheng still didn't understand, his life would be in vain, so he never mentioned the so-called "Eastern Front" offensive in subsequent discussions.

After all, compromise is needed within the Navy! !

"Boom", the naval guns were still roaring outside the Port of New Orleans, and the moment the troop transports and supply ships arrived, the situation became even more intense.

"Intensify the artillery fire!!"

"Continue to increase..."

Meng Bingxiong seemed to be a good man when he directed the landing battle. Among other things, he grasped the timing well, allowing the Marines who landed later to miss the time when the artillery fire from both sides was the craziest.

When one air cushion landing ship after another docks at the port, it means that this war has officially moved from sea to land.

"Artillery cover!!"

When a 75mm cannon was finally dragged up, the artillery captain in charge of the artillery did not hesitate at all. He loaded the not yet fully prepared artillery into the cannon the moment it landed. . "emission!!"


When artillery fire came out of the muzzles of five or six 75mm shells, the shore defense guns on the opposite side were still entangled with the battleship's guns.

When the symbolic 75mm artillery shell exploded in a position, it also officially announced the arrival of the Han army.

Soon, the news of the Han army's approach spread throughout the city, and panic spread among them.

"The machine gunner takes cover, the rest, follow me!!"

Captain Zhang of the Marine Corps, who wore the rank of lieutenant, led more than a hundred soldiers under his command as soon as the "click sound" sounded and rushed into the enemy's port position that had just tried to block them. This position was located The place is exactly the warehouse.


The grenade was thrown away during the attack.

A grenade with a wooden handle has a longer range than a grenade. When the grenade with a wooden handle, the lead of which had been pulled out, was thrown into a window fifteen meters away, there was a "bang" and a sneak attack with bullets just now. Their defenders died immediately.

When I rushed into the second floor of this small red building, I could only see two corpses, or rather shredded corpses, that were beyond recognition after being blown up by grenades.

"Damn, two bastards killed so many of our brothers!!"

Captain Zhang held a cigarette in his mouth and looked down at the two already disfigured corpses. Then he waved and had someone light a fire, which ended it all.

In other areas on the battlefield, with the fall of the warehouse, the entire western side leading to the suburbs has been opened.

As the conductor, Wang Yangting said meaningfully when he learned the news:
“Who can tell the difference between the suburbs and the city??”


The suburbs of New Orleans are obviously more spacious than the city. They are full of plains without any buildings, flowers and plants rooted on them, and some free-range cows raised by locals.

"Come here, take it to stew, it's fresh meat after all!!"

Looking at the cows that were killed by the explosion, Captain Zhang did not feel disgusted at all. After all, in such a battlefield where canned food is everywhere, you can eat fresh food, whether it is beef, no matter how it tastes, whether there is "milk", but for this moment It is already very good food for the 32nd Infantry Regiment under the 8th Marine Corps Brigade.

"Attack, attack!!"

It's the only thing all Marines are doing right now while rampaging through suburbia.

This is also the thing that the US military in New Orleans is currently least able to adapt to.

"Their attack is too fierce, please support, please support..."

Listening to the recitation of the telegram in his ears, the straightforward words on it made Doherty, the commander of the 30th Division in New Orleans, no longer able to issue any slogans about "victory".

At this time, they may really be only one step away from failure.

"No, you must hold on!!"

"Come here, move all the troops in the city to the suburbs. We can't let these bastards come in from behind..."

Daulty's words were hurried and he did not realize the seriousness of the mistake he had made.

When he learned that the Americans were indeed preparing to defend the rear, Wang Yangting said:
"Attack, target the east side!!"

This sentence conveyed Wang Yangting's unique mood at this moment.

Just as the fighting in the suburbs was in full swing, the 2nd Marine Brigade, which had been hiding in the rear, officially entered the lively stage of New Orleans.

"Cannonballs, cannonballs..."

"I want cannonballs!!"

The battalion commander kept spitting out curse words, and the artillery captain, who was so scolded by him, could only hunker down and continue to prepare for the next artillery bombardment.

On the battlefield on the east side, although the enemy's artillery fire was much more fierce than that on the west side, they obviously lacked confidence. The final result was basically the same as on the west side just now, and the second brigade broke into the main city.

The way of playing in the main city area is more detailed than the rough mining just now.

Among them, they were asked not to face the mirror with their backs to each other. The three of them formed a team, which became the only tactical highlight in this war.

"Bang bang!!"

Gunfire rang out from the side, and the three soldiers forming a triangular formation simultaneously moved towards the place where the gun had just been fired.


He raised his hand and hit the glass with a shot, and then there was a "bang" sound, hitting the glass again.

After hitting it several times in a row, it seems that there is really nothing, but in fact, if you look closely, you will find that the positions where the other two are standing are always stuck at both ends of a villa.

"Bang bang bang!!"

When several consecutive rounds of bullets hit the side windows of the villa, the three of them went straight in without giving any reaction to the enemy soldiers inside.

The final result was that the few "sneaky" mice inside were killed by the three cats.

In the entire city of New Orleans, this war, which lasted for an hour and a half and seemed to involve tens of thousands of people, ended in a very reasonable, yet very funny way.

That is, the American troops on the opposite side started a mutiny on their own, and those who surrendered and those who refused to surrender started fighting. In the end, the Han army took advantage in vain.

When the Chinese flag is raised over New Orleans, it means that the landing battle has come to a successful end.

And it also means that as long as a period of time passes along New Orleans and is fought close to Youzhou, this siege involving nearly two million people will gradually take shape.

Next comes the real "bloody storm".


On the Youzhou battlefield, tentative attacks by both sides were carried out every day, and it could even be said that they were "slower" than ever before.

After all, for the US military, the most important thing is to stabilize the occupied area and cut the lifeline of the Han army.

This is why in recent times, there have been so many discussions about concentrating troops to build railway lines.

After all, for them, cutting off the railway line is equivalent to cutting off a person's blood vessels. No matter how thick the blood tank is, he will not be able to resist for long.

After Yuan Qing, who was in the Longjiang underground headquarters, received the telegram that "the landing was successful", he directly notified all senior officers above the division who could be present.

"Everyone, news has just spread from the Navy that they have succeeded!!"

"Wow!" A burst of discussion broke out, including some "criticisms" of the navy.

At this time, Yuan Qing said with a serious expression:
"Gentlemen, the fishing net has been put down. Whether we can catch fish depends on this time!!"

(End of this chapter)

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