Chapter 154 Trading Chips

After losing to the Lakers, the Suns lost to the Kings in back-to-back games.

That's understandable.

The Kings are really strong this season, causing many media to exclaim that they have championship potential.

The most important thing is that this is a back-to-back game, or a home-and-away game.

Traveling has a particularly great impact on veterans like Olajuwon.

Secondly, after all, there is one less assist king.

Kidd seems to have no basket, but he still averages more than ten points per game, and he is comprehensive enough, can organize and defend, and is of great help to the team.

These two losses have brought the Suns back to fifth place in the Western Conference.

The intensity of competition in the Western Conference is evident.

Bryan said before that he wanted to seek a trade, and trying to get the No. 1 pick was obviously not just a joke.

The next day of training, Brian came to the sidelines and stood on the sidelines with Chen Yu to watch the game.

"By the way, Chen, has Clifford smoked that thing again?" Brian suddenly asked in a confused manner.

Chen Yu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and turned to look at Brian.

Just now, Chen Yu noticed that Brian's eyes seemed to be on Robinson.

And at this time, I suddenly asked such a sentence, could it be...

"You're not going to trade him, are you?" Chen Yu looked around and asked in a low voice, looking around for no one.

The first-round picks back then were not so easy to trade, especially for those weak teams that relied on the draft to make a comeback. If they don't give a high-quality player, who would be willing to give it to you.

Brian crossed his arms and glanced coldly at all the players on the training ground.

Within the team, Chen Yu's status is somewhat special.

The relationship between the two has always been very good, and Brian is willing to talk to Chen Yu about many things, not just for discussion, but for a simple chat.

"I thought about it carefully, we don't have a good bargaining chip." Brian said solemnly.

Kid Hardaway is the cornerstone of the team and must not be traded.

Marion's talent is astonishing. He is the biggest gain in the draft in recent years, and he certainly cannot be traded away.

And Olajuwon and Ewing have little trading value.

And Gugliotta, who dares to ask for such a big contract.

After all, there is only Robinson, Uncle Cliff.

Zeng Jin was the Sixth Man of the Year, made the All-Star Game, and also won the Second Team Defensive Team.

Although he is older, he is extremely healthy. He has never suffered a major injury in his career and has never been absent. Last season, he still scored 16.4 points and 4.1 rebounds.

The second boss can barely do it, but the third boss is still qualified.

"And his salary of 840 million next year is too high." Brian said solemnly.

The luxury tax is being paid, the salary from the third-party escrow is being withheld, the players are complaining, and the team's expenses are increasing, but Bryan still wants to reduce the salary.

And the most important reason, Brian actually said it just now.

Robinson once smoked leaves, and although he has quit smoking now, this will never happen just once, and it is a hidden danger.

After listening to Brian's analysis, Chen Yu thought for a while and said, "Then we have no one available at position four."

"Isn't there still Tom?" Brian smiled.

Gugliotta's playing style is similar to Robinson's, and he also likes outside shooting. There is some overlap in positions.

At this point, Brian smiled again: "Chen, actually if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have thought of trading Clifford."

Gugliotta was a real hit last season.

But Chen Yu had surgery in the summer, and now Gugliotta is back in shape. He can run and jump, and he plays well on the bench. He averages 17 points and 7.8 points in 3.6 minutes per game. Rebounding data.

Speaking of the main force, not to mention doubling the data, it should not be a problem to get 10 plus 7.

Then his contract will still have value and he can replace Robinson and become a qualified starter.

Originally, he was no longer in Brian's plan and was a negative asset. However, after Chen Yu's wonderful rejuvenation, he became a positive asset again. This is the fundamental reason why Brian dared to trade Robinson.

A transaction is a transaction, but you can't trade with the intention of breaking up the team.

This season, the biggest goal is to hit the championship, and everything else must be delayed a little bit.

Chen Yu understood, patted Brian on the shoulder and said, "Brian, have you noticed that you have a strong gambling streak in your character? Have you ever thought about why you developed this character?"

There are really not many general managers who dare to choose to trade starting players when everything is going well for the team.

And looking at Brian's operations over the years as general manager, giving Gugliotta a big contract and poaching Hardaway at all costs, as he said, he is very gambling.

From a psychological perspective, this is a person who has strong execution ability and is very eager to succeed.

So what created Brian's character?

Chen Yu thought it might have something to do with his powerful father.

Brian rolled his eyes: "Chen, you are doing psychological analysis, why do you blame me for your analysis? Don't talk nonsense, I am mentally healthy."

Chen Yu smiled and said no more.

"Anyway, you are the general manager. You can discuss it with Scott. As long as he has no objection." This matter cannot be discussed with myself.


Chen Yu thought of another thing: "I asked you about Yao. He already has an agent. Do you know Bill Duffy? If you want to sign him, you should talk to his agent. "

What kind of friends does Chen Yu have in China? After much deliberation, he only has Xia Song, who has left his contact information before.

Moreover, Chen Yu knew about Yao Ming from Xia Song, so the two should know each other.

After contacting him, he found out that he actually knew him and was an old friend.


Brian frowned and thought for a moment before remembering who it was: "In the 98 draft, the agent of Olowokandi, the number one pick, seems to be him, but he is not very famous. So, he already has an agent. ”    In the NBA circle, Bill Duffy is obviously a little Karami.

Chen Yu nodded, Xia Song obviously knew more about the situation.

It turned out that as early as last summer, Yao Ming planned to participate in the draft, but the team refused to let him go.

The reason is because David Falcao also took a fancy to Yao Ming last year and wanted to sign him.

But Bill Duffy had already taken the lead, and Yao Ming issued an announcement rejecting Falcao.

This is Falcao, the man who controls the NBA and dares to challenge Stern.

So because of this announcement, Falcao was very unhappy and gave up directly.

It's okay for him to give up. The trouble is that Falcao was introduced to Yao Ming by Li Yaoming, the owner of Yao Ming's team at the time.

Yao Ming rejected Falcao so directly, and Li Yaoming was not happy, so he blocked Yao Ming with three appropriate moves.

Otherwise, Yao Ming might have participated in the draft last summer.

Brian interjected: "Then if he had chosen Falcao as his agent and participated in the draft last year, wouldn't he have been selected as the top pick?"

Falcao was selected, the team released him, and he successfully participated in the draft.

The most important thing is that the Wizards had the No. 1 pick last year, and the relationship between Falcao and Jordan would definitely encourage Jordan to choose Yao Ming.

"And if Falcao can like him, that shows his talent even more." Brian added.

Brian doesn't like Falcao either.

No one likes him. He dares to kick out all teams and start a minor league. Who can like him?

But Brian had to admit that Falcao was really capable.

Whatever he wants to accomplish, he can accomplish.

"He picked the wrong agent."

Compared with Falcao, Bill Duffy is a loser.

"Okay, I will let him get in touch." Brian nodded and looked at Chen Yu: "Chen, if you have time after we get in touch, you can follow me to China to get in touch with him. After all, you are The Chinese guy should be able to talk to me and help me check on his health."

Chen Yu nodded.

In fact, Chen Yu also really wants to visit China.

Talk to Chinese doctors. After all, traditional Chinese medicine originated in China.

The trade of Robinson has not been made public yet.

However, Chen Yu also felt that things were already progressing.

Because Robinson plays more minutes, he plays a more important tactical role in the team.

Skiles will deliberately arrange some tactics to pass the ball to him and create opportunities for him to make shots.

Even Nelson noticed it. Once while watching a game and chatting, he asked Chen Yu in a low voice if Bryan wanted to trade Robinson.

Chen Yu didn't hide it.

Obviously, this is to improve Robinson's data as much as possible without affecting the record, so as to sell it at a good price.

I just don’t know where my next home is.

And teams that purposefully mess up, such as the Bulls and Warriors, will definitely not trade first-round picks.

Now that we are in the middle of the season, with more than half of the season still left, it is impossible to see which team will enter the lottery area.

We can only analyze as much as possible and bet.

That's why Chen Yu said that Brian was a big gambler. He was really just betting on those few percent, which is the same probability of winning the jackpot when buying a lottery ticket.

Even Robinson himself could see it.

He has been in the league for so many years, and he has never seen anything like a real old man.

During the psychological chat, Robinson took the initiative to talk about this matter.

"Then what do you think?" Chen Yu asked.

"I don't care." Robinson shrugged seemingly indifferently, but Chen Yu noticed that his eyes were still a little lonely.

With a wry smile, Robinson said: "I just feel it's a pity. I feel that we have a good chance of winning the championship this year. If we really win it, it will always be a pity that we can't play in the playoffs with the team."

After all, he has made the All-Star Game. If he can win the championship, who wouldn't want to win it.

So the deal is nothing. I just play wherever I go, and this is the championship, which makes Robinson feel regretful.

Chen Yu nodded silently. It seemed that Robinson could accept this matter psychologically.

That's it.

After thinking about it, Chen Yu smiled and said: "It's okay. If we really win the championship this year, we will still have your championship ring."

Players who are traded away during the season are still eligible to receive championship rings.

"Unless you don't want it." Chen Yu added.

Robinson laughed: "Don't worry, as long as Brian gives it, I will definitely take it."

The deal didn't take long.

The trade deadline is approaching, and there are still some teams that want to strengthen in the mid-term.

On January 1, when Chen Yu was in the clinic, he received a text message from Brian.

The deal was done.

Robinson will be sent to the Cavaliers.

(End of this chapter)

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