After agreeing, the first thing to do is to choose a homestead.

Speaking of which, Taohua Village is really not a big village. There are only about a hundred households, which can only be considered medium-sized. Li is the common surname in Taohua Village. Many of the hundreds of households are related to each other. In addition, they are related to the surrounding villages and towns. There are also many married daughters and married women, who have developed from generation to generation. In addition, after several natural disasters and military disasters, there are only more than 500 people in the village, both old and young.

However, due to its unique geographical advantages, Taohua Village actually covers a large area.

Every family's homestead is quite large, and they all have a vegetable garden. The famine years scare everyone, and everyone wants to be self-sufficient.

For example, Lao Li's family, the homesteads divided among several brothers are quite large.

The house we live in now was expanded once as we had more and more children.

Despite the fact that Lao Li's family doesn't have much money, this expanded house is a bit larger than the normal one when you enter the yard.

Li Dagen has already planned to expand the property when his grandchildren are older.

By then it should be about the same as entering the courtyard the second time, he has saved the space.

Next to his house is his vegetable plot, which is not small.

It can be said that Lao Li's family occupies a relatively large area in Taohua Village, but since his family has a large population and the village chief Li Dagen is here, no one has any objections.

The homesteads allocated by the village to the villagers are naturally free of charge. As long as they are villagers of Taohua Village, they will naturally enjoy this benefit.

However, now it is outsiders who want to build houses in the village, not just settle down.

It is equivalent to buying a homestead in the village, and the money collected belongs to the village.

Li Dagen thought it would be better to discuss it with the respected elders in the village.

The main reason is that the homestead the Qin family wants is not small, at least it needs to be an area of ​​two inches.

He thought about it and found that there were indeed several places in the village that were large enough to build a second yard.

Li Dagen's mind was filled with this matter, so naturally he didn't listen to what Qiao Xiufen had been mumbling.

Qiao Xiufen murmured for a while and found no one responded, so she went to sleep with her head covered. Tomorrow morning she would have to go to her siblings' house to teach them how to work at the stall. After taking them out for a few days, she could let go.

The agreement was that Yang Fanghua would cook the bone soup every day and transport it directly from the restaurant to the stall, so they only had to make the skewers at home.

Happy days always pass by in a hurry.

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye. Li Anan's apprenticeship ceremony had not yet begun, but Li Dalang's enrollment in the vacation school had begun.

This is the first time anyone in the old Li family, except Li Anan, has started going to school.

And this school is different from Li Anan going to Qin's house to study.

The Fang Family School has been around for some time, and Lao Li's family is very confused about the three people who are about to go to the school.

I want to give them important responsibilities, but I also feel that they may not be the right ones, so I can’t put too much pressure on them.

With this tangled mood, Li Laosi, Laosi Laowu and Li Dalang have been treated very poorly at home recently.

Good times and bad, they all feel hot and cold.

I almost said I didn’t want to go to school, but unfortunately they didn’t dare to say that.

"Fourth brother and fifth brother Dalang, I have taught you the Thousand-Character Essay. You have memorized it recently. It will definitely be useful when you get to school." A few days before the start of school, Li Anan took time to teach the three of them every day. Emergency make-up lessons.

In a short period of time, you can get a general impression even if you can't remember it, and it won't be that difficult to learn it in school.

Now, although Lao Li's family is still from the village, when it comes to opening a restaurant, it is quite easy to talk about it.

Fangji Town is not big, so how can there be so many second-generation ancestors with prominent family backgrounds.

Li Anan is so lucky that he can meet the son of a princess when he goes out.

Thinking of this, Li Anan felt quite happy, her life really seemed like a standard match for a heroine. Li Laosi and the other three had a sad face, but they still went to the school. At their age, they were already considered too old to attend the junior class of the school.

It is considered as a trial for the next children of Lao Li's family to go to school. When they learn how to read and count, they can graduate.

Unless you find out along the way that one of them is very talented in reading, then you can continue to support them.

Lao Li's family has been busy this past decade, at least making sweet potato vermicelli at home and in restaurants.

Considering that this is the only skill of Lao Li's family, Qiao Xiufen didn't let everyone know how to make it. At most, she asked them all to help make the vermicelli.

The little old lady kept the secret recipe very tight.

Li Anan couldn't help but feel happy every time she watched it, thinking that her mother didn't need to be so careful, she knew a lot.

But I felt that there was nothing wrong with my mother’s behavior, so I didn’t say anything in the end.

After preparing enough vermicelli, I decided to serve hot and sour vermicelli as a snack in the restaurant.

Speaking of which, Li Anan still regrets that he forgot to make this snack last time he entertained his husband.

Fortunately, restaurants will be available in the future, and we agreed with them to go to the restaurant to eat, and Li Anan invited them.

Qin Hong naturally accepted his apprentice's filial piety.

Even though Li Anan is still young, Qin Hong has already noticed that this eldest apprentice is definitely not someone who knows how to embroider and make clothes at home. It is probably a bit difficult to receive clothes that are filial to his apprentice.

Fortunately, the apprentice has skills. The food he makes will definitely become more delicious in the future. He, as a husband, will definitely get a lot of respect in this regard.

He even ordered his subordinates to start looking for recipes now and give them to Li Anan in the future.

Every time Juewei Restaurant serves new dishes, it listens to Li An'an's advice and will conduct a new product discount event.

For the first three days when new dishes are on the shelves, they are discounted at 20%, and samples will be given out at the door.

After this trick came out, all the major restaurants in Fangji Town also imitated it.

But since everyone has different dishes, there is no conflict.

What surprised Li Anan the most was that he heard that many restaurant owners took their families to eat at restaurants.

Said it was a change of taste.

This is something that is slightly beyond Li An'an's knowledge.

At first, she thought that when this Juewei restaurant opened and its business was so good, it meant that it would steal other people's business.

When colleagues meet, they are extremely jealous.

She was even prepared to prevent others from stumbling behind her back.

As a result, everyone actually performed a family carnival.

Not only is no one plotting against the restaurant, they are even taking care of the business.

This made Li Anan a little confused. Don't they think the restaurant is a threat to them?

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

Later, it was her husband who clarified her doubts.

Juewei Restaurant only looks big, but in the eyes of those who open restaurants, it is no different from a small restaurant.

The money earned by restaurants is not the business of ordinary people, but the money of wealthy people.

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