After having a full meal in the morning, Lin Xingchu washed her hair again. She found that her hair seemed to be a little longer. She didn't know how to cut it, so she could only tie it up and tie it tightly into a bun. If she fought like this, it wouldn't be easy. Easy to interfere with.

Lin Xingchu's skin in the mirror is fair, even a little white and shiny, which seems to be related to her physique. There is not a pimple on her face now.

In the past, acne breakouts and dark circles under her eyes had never appeared before. She had not slept well in the past few days. She was so worried that she only slept two or three hours a day, and her eyes were red.

But I slept very well last night and am full of energy today.

After packing up, they were ready to go to the 4S store in Linxian County. Fortunately, the heavy snow stopped here and stopped falling.

After cleaning up, they started to set off. The snow had begun to melt, so the whole road was wet.

After the two of them walked for a while, their shoes became scratchy.

"Lin Xingchu, not bad." Su Yu praised.

Lin Xingchu had just quickly dealt with a wave of mutant zombies surrounding him, his skills were clean and deadly.

After the breakthrough, Lin Xingchu found that his learning ability had become stronger and he could control his body more perfectly.

Surrounded by the corpses of mutated zombies, Lin Xingchu wiped his bloody claws, but this was not good because he could easily get his claws dirty.

Lin Xingchu thought that he would have to find a weapon that suited him in the future, such as double swords, short swords, etc.

They found the 4S store the next day. Su Yu specially chose an SUV, a car with a very famous quality. The outer shell was very hard and the accident rate was very low.

"This car needs to be remodeled." Su Yu planned to remodel the car. After all, he was going to Kyoto for a long time and needed a durable car.

When they came, they saw that there was a car repair shop nearby, and this kind of shop had modification tools.

"How many days will it take? Do you need help?" Lin Xingchu asked.

She actually knows nothing about cars, let alone modifying them, and she doesn't know how to drive them.

"No, it will take me about three or four days." Su Yu said.

"Okay!" Lin Xingchu responded.

Su Yu Anxin refitted the car, while Lin Xingchu cleaned up all the surrounding 4S stores. Without Su Yu by her side, every time she killed a mutated zombie, she would have to take out the head to see if there were any energy beads.

After cutting seven or eight times, not a single one was found. Instead, her hand was bloody, but it seemed that she was used to it.

Now picking off a zombie's head is like picking out a watermelon.

Lin Xingchu caught an injured sparrow that day. Lin Xingchu thought it was a mutated bird, but it didn't seem to be mutated.

The small one's wings seemed to be injured, so Lin Xingchu brought it back and found iodophor to help clean the wound.

"After all, we are still one family, please help you poor little one." Lin Xingchu touched the little sparrow's head.

On the third day, Su Yu's modified car had almost been modified. The entire appearance had been modified, and the car's tires had also been replaced with stronger tires.

The interior of the car was renovated to make it more spacious in the back. Su Yu moved the seats and turned it into a bed so that he could rest in the back.

In fact, they can sell the whole RV like this, but there is no one selling RVs here!

This kind of modified car is more stony, the top is more stony and can withstand a certain amount of rockfall.

On the fourth day, the car had been completely modified. Su Yu drove the car and Lin Xingchu sat in the co-pilot!

There was an injured little sparrow in front, and Lin Xingchu made a nest for it.

(End of this chapter)

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