Su Yu suddenly handed over a bottle of wine, and seemed to notice Lin Xingchu's discomfort. He said gently: "Try?"

"Okay," Lin Xingchu said. She took the wine and took a big sip. Sure enough, there was only a spicy taste in her mouth, and the nauseating feeling in her head disappeared.

Su Yu saw the wine bottle that Lin Xingchu was holding. He just asked her to take a sip of white wine to relieve the pain. Unexpectedly, Lin Xingchu drank a third of it directly.

After drinking the wine, Lin Xingchu's face turned red, very good! Then the emotions I had been holding in my heart for the past few days could no longer be held back.

It was like a flood had opened and everything tilted down. Lin Xingchu began to cry and shed tears.

She complained about the world. Why did the apocalypse suddenly happen?

Su Yu told her that this sudden apocalyptic discomfort had already been foreshadowed, including the melting of the North and South Poles, the dumping of nuclear wastewater into the sea, and the discovery of unknown viruses.

It's just that it couldn't be concealed and the whole world exploded at once.

Lin Xingchu got tired of crying, and then she felt the energy surge throughout her body, and the natural bottleneck in her body was naturally broken through.

I don't know how long she cried, maybe she was tired from crying, and before she knew it, Lin Xingchu fell asleep in Su Yu's arms.

The familiar scent of Su Yu's body made her feel very safe. It seemed that he rarely smoked after getting to know her, so the smell of cigarette smoke was no longer on his body.

This night was the best night Lin Xingchu had ever slept. He slept for more than ten hours.

The next day, the sun shone in through the glass window. The slightly dazzling sunlight made Lin Xingchu open his eyes. It was not as cold as he had imagined, and he still had Su Yu's cotton coat on him.

She was full of energy. Thinking of what happened yesterday, she was a little embarrassed. She drank too much last night and cried a little miserably.

"The self-heating hot pot has cooled down. Let's have some hot porridge in the morning." Su Yu put the heated iron can of eight-treasure porridge on the table in the living room.

"Well, thank you, Captain Su." Lin Xingchu said sheepishly

"Some things have to be vented." Su Yu said gently.

These things have been kept in my heart, and sooner or later they will explode.

"Yeah, I'm much better now!" Lin Xingchu nodded silently and said.

He was wearing Su Yu's clothes and hot porridge. In fact, when Su Yu first came into contact with him, he felt that he was very cold, but he didn't seem to be like that on the outside.

"We are still far from Kyoto. Without transportation, it would probably take several months to walk."

Su Yu diverted his attention and said.

It only takes a few hours by plane, but even if they want to find a plane, they don’t know how to fly it! The high-speed rail is even more unavailable, and now only cars are available.

"I checked the map. We are now in Linxian, a county in Shancheng. There is a 4S store here." Su Yu said

When Lin Xingchu heard Su Yu said about the 4S store, he knew that he must be looking for a car. Some of the cars found on the highway had been parked for a long time, some were damaged, and most of them were scrapped.

They are not very far from the 4S store now, so you can just go to the 4S store on the way.

In fact, the most important thing is that Su Yu wants an SUV car shop here, and there is also a modification shop nearby. He wants to find tools to modify a car, so that going to Kyoto will be smoother.

"Okay." Lin Xingchu responded, supporting Su Yu's proposal.

Although Su Yu had an idea every time he acted, he would discuss it with her and respect her opinion very much.

But, that time it was her~~.

Lin Xingchu quickly threw away the bad thoughts in her heart. Things had happened and she could not do it again. She had to look forward!

(End of this chapter)

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