Reborn in 2011, 985 missing from two copies

Chapter 112: Revenue exploded, rapid development!

Chapter 112: Revenue exploded, rapid development! (Ask for monthly ticket)

The top ten hot searches on Weibo in four hours cost only 2 yuan!

But the profits it brought to Meiyou were extremely terrifying!
As for Weibo, which is afraid of Meiyou’s social function and won’t give her traffic?

Don't worry about it.

Nowadays, Meiyou only has more than 200 million users, which is not worth mentioning. Weibo with hundreds of millions of users does not even look at it.

More importantly, Meiyou looks more like an e-commerce service platform that favors women. Even if it has some social functions, they are basic.

Any software these days will have some social functions, and Weibo cannot block all of them.

The real opponents of Sina Weibo at the moment are its three major rivals: Tencent Weibo, Sohu Weibo, and NetEase Weibo!
That’s right, in 2011 there were four major Weibos competing on the same stage!
They are all competing for users and profits!
If at this time, customers with a social nature such as Meiyou are blocked, then these customers will immediately switch to the other three Weibo!

Weibo would not be so stupid as to push customers to competitors and create popularity and profits for competitors.

In fact, Weibo rarely blocks people for the sake of users and profits.

Even the WeChat public account, which was stealing the foundation of Weibo, was blocked only after WeChat surpassed Weibo in 2014...

Now, if Meiyou develops for another three years, it may not be blocked by Weibo.

Unless Meiyou develops to the level of WeChat in 2014 and completely steals Weibo’s job!

To put it bluntly, this kind of open public opinion platform requires shame.

If they are blocked at every turn, then who would use Weibo?
It's only ten o'clock in the evening, and Wang Yi's four-hour hot search can be posted until two o'clock in the night!
In addition, there are fewer people buying hot searches at night, so they generally won’t be squeezed out. With the subsequent influence, Meiyou will not have a problem hanging on until tomorrow morning.

Of course, the money to buy hot searches is not directly transferred from the Meiyou account.

It was paid through a small third-party company, which has no direct relationship with Meiyou.

As a professional manager, Song Sining handled these matters very well.

After receiving the transfer, Gaosheng Information Technology once again arranged for its powerful Vs to start talking about topics, increasing the popularity and generating traffic...

As a result, Meiyou, who had just been removed from the list, quickly reached ninth place on the hot search list, then eighth, seventh...

By 6 o'clock in the evening, it had reached No. [-]!

For a moment, supervisor Yang Dali was silent:
"Boss, Meiyou is one of the top [-] most searched products, and now she's ranked [-]th. Do you still want to join the ranks?"

Qian Gaosheng thought for a while and sighed: "Invest, keep investing!"

Yang Dali was puzzled: "Boss, in fact, under the current situation, even if we don't invest in traffic, Meiyou is still in the top ten. They can't see it, so it's worth saving something, right?"

Qian Gaosheng frowned:
"Director Yang, this is not how business works! We will invest as much traffic as others buy. As for whether they rush to the top ten or the top five, that is their ability! The traffic we should invest must not be deducted at all! Otherwise, in the future Who is still cooperating with us?”

"Yes! The boss taught you the right lesson!" Yang Dali nodded quickly, but muttered in his heart:

"It's okay. Anyway, you will go back to sleep in a while. I don't have the final say on what to do next? Even if I resell Meiyou's traffic, you don't know! Why don't the county magistrate take charge now! Hahaha."

But Qian Gaosheng was about to leave when he suddenly spoke seriously:

"It's a big profit. I bought four hours of traffic, which is four hours of traffic. It's late at night and it stays on the hot search list. Is that okay?"

Yang Dali nodded repeatedly: "No problem, definitely no problem! Who is a serious person who buys hot searches at night?"

"Boss, Meiyou has been shopping until two in the morning. With this attitude, she won't be out of the top ten all night!"

"Very good! If it falls out, haha..."

Qian Gaosheng patted his shoulder, turned and left.

Although he didn't say anything, Yang Dali was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

"Could the boss have noticed something? Click me!"

Although Qian Gaosheng is easy to talk to, he is very principled in doing things.

Customers can invest as much traffic as they buy. They cannot invest more or less!
If someone is sneaking around, it's okay if they are not discovered. Once they are discovered, they will be fired immediately!

"Forget it, let's just vote for Meiyou honestly."

“It’s just that I obviously bought the top ten traffic, but it’s almost reaching the top five!”

"Isn't this Meiyou too powerful? It has its own traffic!"


With a sigh, Yang Dali looked complicated.

The boss and other users all love Meiyou, especially Meiyou’s pure lust-style underwear, which makes me excited just by looking at it!
But he was different, and he was a little more troubled.

Who told his little girlfriend to just run away with him!

Seeing Meiyou's pure lust for the wind again, his fire became even stronger and he had no way to vent it...

You can't buy a set of 599 or 799 Meiyu Pure Sex Wind and go wash your feet, right?
The cost is too high!
So even Meiyou and Yang Dali felt uncomfortable!
Especially when he thought of his ex wearing Meiyou's pure lust style lingerie with other men... he felt even more heartbroken...

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Meiyou really hit the fifth hot search!
In the living room of the suite, Song Sining rushed over with her notebook in her arms:

"Boss, yesterday's revenue report is out!"

On August 8, the total revenue of Meiyou's entire platform exceeded more than 10 million yuan, with returns of about 3700 million yuan, net revenue exceeded 700 million yuan, and net profit exceeded 3000 million yuan!
Among them, 1000 million profits were created by the consumption of new products by 500 old users, with per capita consumption of [-]!

The other 900 million in profit was created by 40 new users. Among the new users, more than 6 people placed orders, and the average consumption per capita was 300!

Among them, there are more than 30 new users, brought by the hot search list in six hours!
The total number of users of Meiyou has also reached 250 million!
Wang Yi looked at the data and analyzed it carefully: "Old users contributed 1000 million yuan in profit on the first day, which is good, but not enough. They will continue to consume in the next few days."

Song Sining nodded: "Yes, the background data shows that among the previous 210 million users, 30 were consumed, but only 4 people placed orders on the first day, with an average consumption of 500. There will be a huge increase in the following week. ."

After the official announcement of the spokesperson, Meiyou's brand value has increased, its recognition has greatly increased, and the unit price has also increased.

Meiyou’s new products all start at NT$399, mid-range is NT$599, and high-end is NT$799!

As for the low-end Qingyou, there are no new products launched.

Instead, several Meiyou 399 models with poor sales were promoted to Qingyou 299 for a limited time!

When it was 399, the sales volume was average, but once it became 100 yuan cheaper, the sales volume increased.

It not only cleared up the slow-moving inventory of Meiyou, but also enriched Qingyou’s product line.

Similarly, Meiyou 599, which has lagged behind in sales, will be promoted to 399 for a limited time!

Anyway, you can make money!

As for the hot-selling 399, 599, and the new 799, production will be increased significantly, and the price will not drop at all!
Wang Yi looked at the data: "That's fine. Old users consume slowly and buy slowly, and it won't be a problem if it lasts for a week. If 30 people consume today, the logistics pressure will be too great, and we will also feel uncomfortable!"

Just like the real Double Eleven in the past, it was a carnival for buyers and a pain for logistics, all of which were so exhausting!
Of course, the subsequent Double Eleven, which first increases prices and then offers discounts, is not as good as the previous year, so it is not so serious...

Wang Yi remembers Double Eleven a few years ago, and he would contribute a part every time.

But ten years later, on Double Eleven, the promotions were becoming more and more complicated, and he was not even interested in folding cats or dogs.

"Okay, sleep peacefully. In the next week, with the support of old users and the introduction of new users, sales will not be a problem!"

Wang Yi smiled and spoke, and then noticed that Song Sining tonight was wearing Meiyou's pure lust dress!
He seems to be wearing pure lust-style underwear underneath!

It’s hard not to think about it!
"Sining, are you going to use this to test your boss?"

Seeing Wang Yi looking over, Song Sining's cheeks turned slightly red, and then she waved her hand: "Good night, little brother."

Then he walked back to his suite with his long legs.

Wang Yi: "..."

"Oh, woman, you have a thief's heart but not a thief's courage!"

Wang Yi shook his head and went back to his room to sleep.

Song Sining, who had just closed the door, pouted: "Humph! You are the one who has the heart but not the courage!"

"No, this guy is very courageous. Could it be that he doesn't have any evil intentions towards me?"

"Isn't it?"

"I'm not ugly!"

"Is it because my body is not hot enough?"

Song Sining walked to the mirror angrily, lifted up her skirt, looked at the bulging figure in the mirror, and curled her lips:

"This figure is pretty good, isn't it? Although it can't match the beauty of those Internet celebrities. But it's not bad. After all, we are the real deal!"

"Huh, stinky brother! You have a bad eye!"

"go to bed!"

"go to bed!"

Song Sining jumped onto the bed, kicked off her shoes, and went straight to sleep!

Wang Yi didn't think so much and went to sleep directly.

Without any surprise, Meiyou has been on the hot search list all night.

By two o'clock, it had reached No. 4!
The number of discussions in the comment area has reached [-]+!

No way, who is a serious person buying hot searches at night?

After two o'clock, the exile was over, and only Kemeiyou was on the list.In addition, the competition was not fierce at night, so I was stuck all night.

Many night watchmen who stayed up day and night discovered Meiyou, and the comment area became lively:

"Brothers, who can educate us on what Meiyou does?"

"Simply put, Meiyou is a software that makes women happy and men happier!"

"???If you say that, then I have to download it. Ecstasy. Emoji pack!"

"Brother, do you really believe it? Meiyou is a serious software. It just launched pure lust style skirts, pure lust style underwear, and pure lust style stockings!"

"What the hell! Pure lust wind? When you hear this name, it's not serious! Download it now!"

"How can such an awesome software be without me, Liu?"

"My grandson likes someone with his real name and has installed it!"

"I, Mr. Zhao, expressed regret that we met too late, otherwise we would have been happy earlier!"

"I, Kong, have fallen behind, and now I discovered such a magical APP!"

"You little piece of trash, I've already placed an order."

"Speaking of which, sisters, which one do you think looks the best?"

"Of course it's Meiyou MS-001, the first model priced at 799, made of acetic acid, as elegant as silk!"

"That model is really good, I have already bought it. But I think MS-005 is also very good. Made of linen!"

"Yes, yes, I bought that model too, MS-007 is also very good, but I didn't have enough money, so I bought the MA-599 for 013 as a replacement!"

"Thank you beauty for sharing, I've prepared the notes!"

"That's right. If you don't know what to buy for your girlfriend, just look at the recommendations from beautiful women. You're definitely not running away!"

"MS-001, MA-013, what are these? Serial numbers? New ones?"

"Why didn't I find the hammer's serial number?"


"I see, I've been taught a lesson, I thought it was a new film..."

"Then what is the QC series?"

"Q is Qingyou, a sub-brand of Meiyou, focusing on cost-effectiveness. QC is Qingyou 259-299 series, and QD is 159-199 series."

"I see, I've learned a lesson! I thought it was a serial number, but I was so excited for nothing."

"It's okay, brother, look at Meiyou's pure lust dress, you won't be excited in vain!"


At five o'clock in the morning, Meiyou was still ranked fifth on the hot search list.

But starting at five o'clock, someone started to check the rankings, and Meiyou's popularity continued to decrease, sixth, seventh, eighth...

By seven o'clock in the morning, it had dropped to ninth!

It’s not that Meiyou is incompetent, it’s just that its competitors are too harsh!
Wang Yi got up in the morning and looked at seven hours of data.

It stayed on the hot search list for seven hours overnight and added 40 new users!

There are more than 5 users placing orders, and profits have exceeded 700 million!
“This promotion fee is really worth it!”

Wang Yi secretly thought, decisively asking Song Sining to buy another three hours of hot searches!
If you stay like this until ten o'clock, you can hang out until noon.

With funds in place, Meiyou's declining hot search position has started to rise again.

By ten o'clock, it had risen to fifth place on the hot search list, but it could not reach fourth place.

There is no way, as soon as Meiyou rushes to fourth, the opponent will rush to fourth, squeezing Meiyou down.

It doesn't matter.

After all, the number of discussions on Meiyou’s fifth place is higher than that of the third place!

For a time, many netizens felt that Meiyou didn't buy the hot search and got there purely based on her strength.

As a result, Meiyou's popularity has greatly increased, and the number of users has also continued to increase.

Even if the abortion ends at ten o'clock, Meiyou's heat is still unabated, all of it is natural heat.

At eleven o'clock, it began to slowly decline.

At twelve o'clock, it had fallen to eighth place.

It wasn't until two o'clock in the afternoon that he was squeezed out of the top ten and dropped to No. 11.

"Boss, we fell down, do we need to brush up again?" Song Sining couldn't help but said.

Wang Yi waved his hand: "Everything is too much and too little is not enough. I have been in the top ten for the past two days, so that's enough."

Song Sining nodded: "Oh."

She thought Wang Yi had given up on buying the hot search item, but unexpectedly Wang Yi changed the subject: "Wait two days before buying the hot search item on Weibo."

Song Sining: "..."

"Now, buy the promotion of Nokia App Market first!"

Song Sining: "..."

She thought Wang Yi had given up, but it turned out that he had changed to a more effective promotion method.

Continuous purchases from hot searches on Weibo will also have a sharp diminishing effect, so it is better to wait a few days before buying again!

The Nokia version of Meiyou has just been released, so it is undoubtedly the best time to buy recommended apps.

Song Sining immediately arranged for someone to buy recommended seats.

Surprisingly, the recommended spots in the Nokia App Store are much cheaper than those on Weibo!
Song Sining spent 5000 yuan, and Meiyou APP rushed to the ninth place on the Nokia App Store download list!

And it lasts for half a day!
I can only say that the price/performance ratio is really high.

Even the 05 Nokia with a keyboard can access QQ, Taobao, Alipay, UC Browser...

Although the screen is small, it is still no problem for shopping and charging phone bills.

When Wang Yi asked people to develop the Nokia version of Meiyou, he made targeted optimizations specifically for Nokia feature phone models and based on the idea of ​​elderly phones.

When they log in to Meiyou and browse the pictures of dresses, they can press the OK button to zoom in to full screen, then press the OK button to make a purchase directly, and the Return button to return...

As a qualified businessman, Wang Yi will definitely guarantee their smooth consumption!
After reaching the top of the software list, Nokia's downloads also began to surge.

Nokia, which is declining, has not launched new software for a long time.

Now that such a conscientious Meiyou has appeared, they are naturally happy to download it.

So, on the afternoon of August 8, Meiyou disappeared from the Weibo hot search list, but the number of users and revenue began to surge again.

Mainly new users of Nokia, their spending power is also very good!

With hundreds of millions of Nokia users, this piece of cake is huge and can be eaten for a long time.

As the number of downloads increased dramatically, Meiyou's ranking in the Nokia App Store also climbed steadily, and soon reached seventh, sixth...

At night, it even reached third place.

Even though the recommended position I bought has expired, Meiyou is still listed in the top five, and it stayed there all night.

More than half a day of hot searches on Weibo + Nokia application list + old users of Meiyou continue to work hard!
With the three buffs superimposed, the revenue on August 8th once again broke the record, and the net profit reached a terrifying 11 million!
There are more than 100 million new users, of which more than ten hours of Weibo hot searches brought in 70 users!
There are more than 30 users, and it is a new addition to the Nokia application list!
The total number of Meiyou users exceeds 350 million!
Wang Yi was very satisfied with this.

Decisively let Song Sining continue to buy Nokia's recommended spots, and Meiyou is already terrible at downloading.

As long as you buy 5000 recommended spots every day, Meiyou will always be in the top three of the Nokia download list!
Hundreds of thousands of Nokia users download Meiyou every day and become new users of Meiyou.

Tens of thousands of Nokia users spend money on Meiyou Mall every day.

However, Nokia’s consumer user conversion rate is lower than that of Apple and Android, only 10%.

But the traffic is cheap, only [-] a day!
Wang Yi decided to buy it every day, so that Meiyou will always dominate the Nokia App Store!

In this way, Meiyou will have a steady stream of new Nokia users and a steady stream of new revenue.

As long as your mind is open, nothing is a problem.

Everything is moving in a good direction and developing rapidly.

In the next two days, even if the revenue is not as terrible as today, it is still very ideal!
What's more, Wang Yi has more new ultimate moves waiting for him.

For example, the long-awaited five new lipstick colors have been reviewed and certified!
It is currently being mass-produced and can be launched at any time. When the time comes, it will be a hot search and there will be another wave of big sales!
Xinya Lipstick Factory has abundant production capacity, so it will not be a problem to produce five new colors.

Now that it is profitable, Wang Yi invested some more money and introduced several batches of the latest advanced production lines, increasing production capacity again.

Even the sales volume of the 25 classic colors, relying on the marketing strategy of light weight and low price, coupled with the influence of the Meiyou brand and spokesperson, the sales volume cannot be said to be explosive, but it is still very good.

 The second update is here. Sorry for the late update, but the quantity will not be small. It is still 10300+ today, the fifth update!Please give me a monthly ticket!Thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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