China Entertainment 2000.

Chapter 225 Marvel wants to make a movie

Chapter 225 Marvel wants to make a movie

Jiang Liu and his family had a relaxing time visiting Panjiayuan, the Flower and Bird Market, and watching cross talk on the same day.

Eagle Sauce.

New York, Marvel Comics.

Palmater, the company owner, stared at photos of Marvel characters that covered an entire wall.

"Old Matt, look at the Incredible Hulk, Captain Heroes, Wolverine, X-Men, Iron Man, and the Avengers."

"These are Marvel's assets, your assets, so many characters will be Spider-Man in the future!"

"You hold the code to wealth."

Palmater turned around and sighed at his excited old friend David Messer: "David, are you trying to persuade me to make a movie again? Comics and movies are two different things, and many of the characters on the wall have already been sold. .”

"Yes, look at how much money Columbia made with your Spider-Man. The first one was US$8 million, and the second one was nearly US$7 million."

"God, the movie has sold nearly 1000 million US dollars in that ancient place in China, and you are still hesitating to make a movie?"

"You just have to have one hit, and the dollars will roll in, and all of Marvel's woes will go away."

"David, as I said last time, Surprise has no money." Palmater glanced at his old friend and cried as usual.

"Matt, I will help you negotiate with the bank. We must make a Marvel movie. How about you watch "Iron Man"? After filming Iron Man, I like this character very much."

"After the success of Iron Man, we will make Captain Heroes and use the movie to restore all the characters in "Avengers". The Incredible Hulk is a bit troublesome. I have already said that Ang Lee will not make Hollywood commercial movies. His "Hulk" "Destroyed the Hulk."

David Messer was sometimes sad and angry, sometimes gushing, salivating as he shared with Palmater the bright future he designed for Marvel Comics.

The original Chinese translation of the English name of Marvel Comics was Marvel Comics.

In 2009, after Disney acquired Marvel Comics for more than 40 billion US dollars, it changed the Chinese name of Marvel Comics to Marvel Comics, thus giving birth to Marvel movies.

As early as 1964, Marvel's magical characters Stan Lee and Jack Kirby set another milestone in Marvel's history. Together, they created Marvel's all-star lineup: "The Avengers."

Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. "Avengers" was released into the second issue. The Hulk was first abandoned by the team because he could not control his power.

"Avengers" was released to the 16th issue, and all the main characters except Captain America were abandoned.

By 1985, the number of comics in the second generation of "Avengers" had become extremely large. Even if the inactive members were excluded, it was difficult to accommodate them in the length of a comic.

David Messer's idea is great, but it's very difficult to do it.

What's more, he is just an outsider, and Palmater has the final say on the layout of Marvel Comics movies.

Thinking about the recent release of "The Punisher" in 2004, 2003 "The Hulk" and other classic and popular character-themed movies that have hit the market one after another, even though Palmater was determined to make a surprise movie, he was not tempted by his friend David.

He took out two small bags of instant coffee from the drawer like a baby. Under the disdainful eyes of his old friend, he handed them to the assistant with a normal expression and reminded "no sugar" before asking:

"David, how much interest do vampires in banks charge?"

David had known Palmater for many years, and he knew that his old friend was stingy enough to eat expired bread and treat him with instant coffee, so he sealed his escape route without hesitation: "The lowest interest rate you can think of."


"Old Matt, we have known each other for many years and would not make such a joke."

Parmat nodded.

He hardly attended any parties. He met David because he was a former Disney executive and had business contacts. Over time, they developed into friends for many years. "Okay, which character do you think is suitable to be adapted into a movie?" Old Matt took the assistant's coffee and looked at the photo wall.

"I've said it many times, I like Iron Man."

Palmater shook his head: "Iron Man can't do it. The movie adaptation rights have been sold."

David was shocked and asked: "Universal, Fox, or Columbia, how long ago?"

Old Matt looked at the photo wall and said in a daze: "The 3000 million U.S. dollars in copyright fees are almost spent. Damn it, Marvel Comics would be a mess, if it weren't for "Spider-Man"."

Halfway through the words, Old Matt came to his senses and stopped hastily.

The two consecutive "Spider-Man" films have achieved great success at the global box office, and Marvel Comics has earned less than $100 million from other copyrights of the character.

But the money has to be hidden. Marvel Comics looks like he is dying. He has to save some money for old age.

The old friend looked as slow as if he had a cerebral thrombosis. David couldn't help but said helplessly: "Which company is it?"

"Water Pictures is actually a film company in Asia and China."

"Is there no loopholes in the contract? Or just ignore the copyright and just pay a small royalty after the movie is finished." David, who really likes the role of Iron Man, said sternly.

Old Matt shook his head like a rattle: "Nonono, you can't do this. I investigated and found that this company is like China's Warner Pictures. If we succeed, the movie will be distributed to China, and then we will be in trouble. .”

"And the contract is a formal Hollywood-style template with no loopholes."

"Unless you want me to provoke or bribe the Department of Justice, that would be a lot of money, and I would like to live another two years."

"But I think Iron Man is the most suitable adaptation." David said unwillingly.

"Why? Are you sure that "Iron Man" has as high a global box office as "Spider-Man"?"

David frowned and said, "I can't guarantee that."

"That's it. There is no guarantee of high box office, but it will definitely offend a rising film market because of a copyright. It is completely unreasonable."

"I heard that several major Hollywood studios, including Warner Bros., Disney, and Universal, have set up offices in China. These major studios are like cats that can smell fishy smells. This shows that the Chinese film market will be very important in the future."

"Don't be offended by just one movie rights. Marvel has thousands of characters, of course, Spider-Man, Hulk, Wolverine, X-Men, Ghost Rider, Hawk The copyrights of characters such as "Captain Sauce" have also been lost."

"Then what to shoot?"

David Messer frowned and stood next to Old Matt and looked at the photo wall.

For a long time, he said vaguely: "How about the new Avenger Daredevil?"

"I have to discuss it with the executives. In fact, I am willing to make "Hulk". Ang Lee's "Hulk" is too literary."

"Don't, it's a terrible idea to make Hulk, and the copyright doesn't matter."

"I'll be back in just over a year. I'm preparing now. It's been five years since the filming was completed and it will be released around 2008. It's about the same amount of time."

David tried his best to persuade him, "I don't think it's a good idea. Why don't we make Daredevil?"

(End of this chapter)

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