China Entertainment 2000.

Chapter 224 Family

Chapter 224 Family



In the guest room on the second floor, Li Qin held her breath and concentrated, raising her ears.

"Lao Jiang, your son is back. He was busy at work in the morning and came back so late. What on earth was he busy with, and you didn't ask or care about him?"

After being pushed awake, Jiang Shengli turned sideways in dissatisfaction: "You are really careless and careless. You have never taken care of me since you were a child. When you grow up, you will take care of me. Can you do it? Just sleep peacefully."

"You have such a big heart. If your son brings a shady woman into your family in the future and ruins the family fortune, I'll see how you cry then."

"If he was so stupid, how could he have such a big career?"

As Jiang Shengli spoke, he opened his eyes and reminded Li Qin: "Don't interfere with your son's affairs. You can't talk about having children and grandchildren all the time. I'm afraid that there will be too many grandchildren in the future, which will upset you."

Li Qin raised her body and looked at half of her husband's face in disbelief: "Jiang Shengli, you really impressed me tonight. After all, you have had an official position, but you are so indulgent to your son?"

"Do you think we are still at the time when we were young and faced the earth with our backs to the sky?"

"Society is obviously materialistic. Your son is rich and faces all kinds of temptations every day. If he doesn't commit any crime in his life and I can visit him in prison one day, and he has a little bit of conscience, I'll be satisfied."

"If you want your son to be a saint, you can train him yourself. I don't have the ability."

"So you don't care if you don't get a marriage certificate?"

"He has his own considerations. If I could give him some advice, I wouldn't be sitting in the audience taking notes during meetings before. Don't bother me sleeping."

Jiang Shengli fell asleep for a second, and Li Qin pushed him angrily and lay down melancholy.

Back house.

"Monster is on the Evening News."

"When, tonight?"

"Well, let's choose a nicer movie title next time. "Monster" seems out of place with the serious "Nightly News."" Li Xin complained.

Jiang Liuxiao asked: "You have read the script of "Chimpanzee", what do you think it should be called?"

"Has the script been reviewed?"

"No, the bureau needs guidance to revise the script. I don't know what it should be."

There are two problems in changing "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" into a domestic film.

First, the genetic research institute in the script has to conduct experiments on chimpanzees, which is relatively inhumane.

In recent years, animal protection activities have become popular in foreign countries. The bureau believes that the plot of using orangutans for experiments may cause dissatisfaction among foreign animal protection organizations and give foreign audiences a negative impression of China.

Jiang Liu had considered this in advance.

However, he still kept this plot intact.

The reason is that since the orangutan is the protagonist, the plot must revolve around the orangutan.

There are also foreigners these days who really don’t care about China and Chinese people.

At this time, Chinese people have a stereotype that has persisted in foreigners’ minds for decades: shabby, backward, wearing braids, and wearing long robes.

I saw Jiang Liu for the first time on Eva Green Beach and guessed he was Japanese.

Zhou Guoshan led the team to study and inspect advanced dairy breeding bases in Yingjiang, Germany, New Zealand and other countries. The foreigner in charge of the reception was surprised that Zhou Guoshan and his party wore neat suits and ties without braids.

No matter who from China goes abroad, Western TV news will only arrange a frame the size of a tofu block for reporting.

Before the 08 Olympic Games, the perception of China to Westerners was so tragic, and the reality was so cruel.

The difference in foreigners' perceptions of China made Jiang Liu know that there was nothing to be afraid of.

Instead of being afraid of this and that, it is better to help him and let him do his best to film a modern city and use movies to serve as a promotional card for a city or even a country.

Another point that the bureau questioned was that the orangutans rioted in the city, which eventually developed into a small-scale war with the army on the bridge, and successfully escaped. The bureau also reserved its opinion on this part.

The "War for the Planet of the Apes" trilogy has been released in China.

But the troops in the movie are Yingjiang after all, so it was released in China without much review. If it was Jiang Liu who filmed it, he would have to be cautious in all aspects. The script would not only have to be reviewed by the bureau, but also by the military.

Even cultural exchanges are subject to review.

"Monster" has a huge influence abroad. Unlike Zhang Yimou, Jiang Liu makes martial arts movies. Realistic-themed movies may unintentionally involve religion, customs of other countries, etc., which can easily cause international disputes. They also have to organize people. Research.

Li Xing thought about it for a long time and couldn't think of a good movie title, so she simply turned off the lights and went to sleep.

The following day is Sunday.

Li Wei took Jiang Liu's father-in-law and mother-in-law to the capital.

When the two families reunited, Jiang Liu cooked in person and worked hard all morning to prepare two dishes, which Li Qin disliked.

When the food was served, Jiang Shengli laughed and complained that his in-laws had arrived too late. He was bored in the capital and couldn't find drinking friends, which made him choke.

"Dad, you didn't find the right place. You feel bored after seeing too many historical sites. You can visit Panjiayuan and other flower and bird markets. After dinner, I will take you to Huasheng Tianqiao Market to listen to cross talk."

Jiang Shengli asked curiously: "Cross talk? Where are Zhao Benshan and Feng Gong talking about cross talk?"

Jiang Liu was depressed: "That's not the case. Their works can only be seen in the Spring Festival evening."

Zhao Benshan is well-known for the Spring Festival Gala and is well-known. In fact, his foundation is very weak. Liu Laogen's tentacles on the big stage are far from reaching the capital.

"After passing Shanhaiguan, if you need anything, come to me for help" was probably a burden to him at this time.

As for Feng Gong, he probably won't go to Tianqiao to perform.

"There is a big stage for Liu Laogen in Fengtian. My relatives want to see Zhao Benshan and go to the Northeast this year to celebrate the New Year." Father Li suggested with a smile.

"It's too cold in the Northeast. How about going to Jiangdu to celebrate the New Year? I heard that in recent years, many of your people have gone to Hainan after winter?"

"People from the Northeast have migrated to Hainan for a long time. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, in order to prevent Chiang Kai-shek from resurrecting, some troops were deployed in Hainan."

Li Xing's parents were laid-off workers for many years. Compared with Jiang Shengli and Li Qin, who had slipped through the system and had been working in the market for several years, they were very inarticulate.

But the old stories of their parents' generation allowed them to find a common language and suddenly started talking.

When the four elders recalled the past, Li Wei asked Jiang Liu unwillingly: "Brother-in-law, have you seen Lou Ye's "Purple Butterfly" and Li Yang's "The Blind Shaft"?"

"Is it out on disc? I haven't watched it yet."

"Our school screened it internally. After the news came out that the film could not be released in China, many teachers and students from Nortel and China Theater wrote to the General Administration asking for a classification system, but the bureau has never responded."

"Response to what?"

"Are they divided into different categories? There must be rules for what can be photographed and what cannot be photographed. How can one just say it and not let people live?"

Jiang Liu didn't expect that this brother-in-law was still a little passionate. He had to dissuade the other party's enthusiasm and said: "It's a bit whimsical, so don't join in the fun."

Li Xing warned his younger brother: "Don't worry about what you have and what you don't have, and master your professional skills. After you graduate, I will try to introduce you to CCTV."

"I'm not going to CCTV. I'm going to team up with a few classmates to rent a DV and make an independent movie. Brother-in-law, what do you think?"

Jiang Liu stopped Li Xin, who was about to get angry, thought for a while, and said seriously:

"You are free to make whatever you want, but as your brother-in-law, I have to remind you that this road is destined to be difficult. It is difficult to pass the script review and the market is small. If you insist on independent films, you may lose many other things."

"Another point is that every country and every place has a dark side, and you should treat it rationally when you see it."

“Finally, don’t be friends with cynical people!”

"Your sister knows that I often talk about retirement, but I am determined to retire not because I am disappointed with the world. I feel that the world is rotten and cannot get better. I am retiring because I am cynical."

"On the contrary, I am thinking about enjoying life after retirement and want to appreciate and discover more beauty in this world."

"A cynical person is very scary."

"No matter what bad things these people do, they will blame society for their mistakes, thinking that anyone else would have made the same choice as him, so there is no need to feel guilty."

"I have never said this to anyone. You and I have an unusual relationship. Today I will share some of my personal opinions to help you when you enter society."

 Don’t wait for the next chapter, I’m stuck, I’m not sure I can write it.



(End of this chapter)

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