Be a reckless man in the martial arts word game

Chapter 390: Who builds Yaotai in Lingkong?

Chapter 390: Who builds Yaotai in Lingkong?

"The Treasure Machine Tathagata Vajra Body" requires wood-attributed heavenly materials and earthly treasures to lay the foundation, and Chu Junhui knows this.

But unlike others, he doesn't need Buddha Lotus.

After winning the martial arts competition last time, Twenty-Four Qi Jue added a new special effect - "Good Food".

[The food you eat can slightly increase your internal strength and blood]

Others eat to eat, but Chu Jun eats to practice... When he was in the Shang Army, one person could consume as much food as a small team.

In addition, the "regularity" of the Punisher's Sword is also improving his internal strength every moment.

As far as "accumulation" is concerned, Chu Junhui does not need to rely on the "extended continuity" effect of the wood-attribute heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

As for "using the power of the wood attribute to lay the foundation"...that's simple.

His divine will has already gathered the five elements, and he only needs to use the divine will related to the wood attribute, and then integrate the "will" with his body.

It's a bit mysterious to say, but Chu Jun has experienced the feeling of body and soul uniting like a demon, so it's not difficult to lay a foundation for himself with the divine will of the wood attribute.

For him, the real difficulty of this technique is "Tathagata".

Chu Junhui didn't understand what "Tathagata" was at all, nor did he understand how to cultivate his own "Dharma Body".

He went to ask the Bodhisattva. The Bodhisattva could tell a lot, but Chu Junhui couldn't imagine how to practice martial arts with those mysterious and outrageous words.

"Don't be anxious, don't worry, the fate will be self-evident." said the Bodhisattva.

Chu Jun is not in a hurry to return. He hopes that the world will be peaceful and that the three religions will grow up peacefully with him.


Xiaoleiyin Temple is not isolated from the world. Many monks in the temple go down the mountain from time to time to perform rituals or purchase some daily necessities.

When they return to the mountains, they always bring back some news.

On this day, when Chu Jun went back to Jilin Hall to practice meditation, he saw several monks outside the courtyard. Their eyes glanced over from time to time, as if the matter they were discussing was related to him.

Chu Junhui didn't pay attention to these people and walked into Silent Hall.

The hall leader Fu Sheng saw this scene. He was not sure whether Zhiwu heard other people's comments, and he was not sure whether this person really didn't care.

But since he was called uncle by Zhiwu, he couldn't treat it as unknown if he knew it. He had to go up to comfort him and enlighten him.

"Amitabha, my nephew." Fu Sheng walked up and pronounced the Buddha's name.

Chu Jun folded his hands and bowed in salute, and also said Amitabha in reply.

"I wonder if my nephew has heard of the word 'Walker'?" Fu Sheng asked tentatively.

"it's me."

Fu Sheng was a little shocked by Chu Jun's reply.

He actually admitted it directly. Fu Sheng thought that people like Zhiwu were very sensitive to their earthly status.

Although I can't hide it...

In recent days, only the Medicine Master Bodhisattva has lost his body. As the person who took the Bodhisattva up the mountain to pray for lotus, Zhiwu could hardly hide his identity.

This is also the reason why many people in the temple immediately locked onto the secular identity of "Zhiwu" after hearing the story of "Walker".

"Master nephew, do you know how to teach you in the secular world now?"

"I don't know."

"They say you are a flash in the pan, a flash in the pan."

The outside world said that the monk died and died together with Medicine Master Bodhisattva at the hands of Guangcai Sage, but Fu Sheng knew that was not the case.

The Bodhisattva reshaped her physical body with the help of the fifteen-step lotus, and the demon-like practitioner also became her disciple...the Buddhist name is "Zhiwu". After sending the Bodhisattva to Xiaoleiyin Temple, Zhiwu's aura quickly weakened. Regarding this, anyone with a slightly higher realm could see this.

So many people naturally surmise one thing after connecting "Walker" and "Zhiwu"...

The traveler was seriously injured in the battle with Guangcai Shengjun and paid a huge price. He only escaped from his hands by relying on secret methods such as burning life span and burning realm.

Judging from the fact that he suddenly became weak later, it is likely that after helping the Bodhisattva to reshape his body, he had reached his limit. His martial arts level was completely gone, and he had no choice but to join Buddhism.

It is not uncommon for people to have this kind of scenery in their early years and be miserable in their later years, but when Chu Jun looks back, he is still very young, so it is always a pity to enter the stage of "sadness in his old age" so early.

Fu Sheng was afraid that he came to realize "emptiness" because his heart was filled with despair. Such people would easily die in meditation, so he chose to enlighten him first.

"Although people in the world say that you are a fleeting flash in the pan, how many people can achieve the feats you did before in their lifetime? I'm afraid many Arhats can't compare to you. Don't cling too much to the past. In your childhood, Just go to Leiyin Temple and practice with peace of mind."

Fu Sheng very seriously condensed his attitude towards this matter into one sentence: "A flash in the pan, just for Wei Tuo, a sudden glimpse, and an eternity."

——You appear briefly in the pan, just to become Skanda (the great protector of Buddhism) and protect the safety of Bodhisattvas. The world only sees your figure in a hurry, but cannot catch it. The moment that they are familiar with you has become eternity at this time.

"I understand, thank you for your concern, uncle." Chu Junhui found a futon and planned to start practicing meditation.

Before closing his eyes, he smiled and said: "The Buddha said, 'Tell Shariputra, such a wonderful Dharma, all Buddhas, Tathagata, always speak of it, just like the Utanbo flower, it appears in the ear every time.'"

"But the beauty of the epiphyllum may not only appear once. If you want me to say it, it must be..."

"A cluster of epiphyllums is so good that it can be moved to the western sky. The sun is smoky and purple, and who is building the Yaotai in the sky!"

He was talking about Buddhism, but what he was refuting was the Buddha.

Yesterday he was in the third state of zazen, but today he entered the fifth state of zazen.

When you close your eyes, you realize "emptiness", but when you open your eyes, you see "suffering".

Where does "bitterness" come from?

As soon as the main body enters the empty state, the heart is empty and there is nothing. The people and things seen by the clone's eyes are particularly clear.

They spread their martial arts all over the world, only in the secular world, so the people they face all have their own sufferings.

The woman gave birth to a baby in ten months of pregnancy and spent three years nursing it. She ate coarse food and fed the baby with sweet things. She also dried the food with fire to prevent it from getting cold and contaminating the disease.

In order to get two taels of silver to treat his old father's illness, the poor man cut his flesh and sold it at a low price. In the end, he cut himself into a withered skeleton and passed away first.

Some people are born with closed pulses and find it difficult to master martial arts. They spend their whole life trying to get what they want, and their hair turns gray, and their whole life passes by in such a hurry.


Chu Junhui opened his eyes and sighed.

What kind of "emptiness" do you realize? As soon as I close my eyes, I see the images coming back from the world in ten directions.

Everyone is burdened by the eight sufferings, but these sufferings are all seen by him.

It's okay to close your eyes and eliminate these distracting thoughts, but isn't that self-deception? Eliminating distracting thoughts does not mean that the eight sufferings will cease to exist.

Chu Junhui had a feeling in his mind that Buddha might have encountered a similar choice.

He chose to be enlightened, get rid of the six dusts, clear the six roots, realize the six consciousnesses, and go up by himself to achieve the Buddhahood.

But is that right?

After he became a Buddha, how much did he go through to overcome the eight sufferings of the world?

From this we can see that it is sheer nonsense to first become a Buddha and lead others to become a Buddha later.

Chu Junhui decided——

If you are not enlightened, you will become a demon along with the eight sufferings in this world.

 First update



(End of this chapter)

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