Chapter 430 Rich in seafood
Jinhuo Market is a famous railway transfer station. There are many stores nearby, and many stalls sell souvenirs.

Businesses in coastal areas have risen much faster than in inland areas. Many local residents have taken advantage of their coastal areas to dry dried fish and shrimps, package them and sell them to tourists traveling from north to south.

The most famous thing here is ham. As soon as Bai Meixi entered the store, she was shocked by the half-person tall ham at the door. She walked around the ham several times, wondering how such a big ham was dried.

"Girl, do you want to buy anything? The seafood here is pretty good, and these hams are a specialty, perfect for making soup."

When the shop owner saw Bai Meixi, he came out to say hello enthusiastically. He also took out a plate of chopped ham for Bai Meixi to taste, and she tasted it before buying it.

This kind of business awareness shocked Bai Meixi. In state-owned stores in inland areas, let alone tasting, the salespeople were not happy even if they took a second look.

In Jinhuo City, modern business methods have been adopted to win over people and improve customer experience. No wonder coastal cities are more developed than inland cities. It turns out that when it comes to doing business, it is dozens of times ahead of inland cities. Year.

Bai Meixi had never eaten this kind of ham. After tasting a little bit, she frowned. She was so salty that she almost spit out the piece of ham if the salesperson opposite didn't look at her sincerely. .

She looked at the huge ham in confusion. To marinate such a thick piece of meat naturally requires a lot of salt, but how did the locals eat such a salty thing?

"These hams are mainly used for making soup. Just put one or two slices of ham in a casserole. Add vermicelli and tofu to cook together. No need to add salt. It is very delicious. Look at the oil content of these hams. It is very rich. This is nice one."

The salesperson was selling hard. Bai Meixi was dubious about her words, but she still bought a small piece and put it in the space, ready for Aunt Liu and the others to try it out.

The train will leave in two hours, and Baimeixi can only eat outside. There are many food stalls at the entrance of the train station, which specialize in processing seafood just caught from the sea.

The stalls vary in size, some have six or seven tables with a roof on top, and some have only a simple pot with a stove burning underneath, with some small seafood such as clams and shrimps in it.

Bai Meixi found a slightly larger stall and sat down, looking at the menu on the table and starting to order.

Most of the menu in this restaurant is seafood, and it also provides some staple dishes such as stir-fried vegetables and soup noodles.

Baimeixi planned to taste some local specialties, and kept focusing on the seafood page. In addition to the traditional fish, shrimp and crab, Baimeixi actually saw lobster and abalone on the menu!
These two things shocked her. She had heard before that the income in coastal areas was high, but she didn't expect that they could actually have delicacies from the mountains and seas every day, and any roadside stall could provide lobster.

"How much does a lobster cost?" Bai Meixi asked tentatively. In modern society, a lobster costs at least several hundred yuan, and fresh abalone is even more expensive. They are all luxuries that only high-end seafood restaurants can provide.

Even in this era, it shouldn't be too cheap. She might have to spend a lot of private money to afford lobster.

"Two yuan a portion. You're from out of town, try it. It's delicious."

The waiter at the hotel came over to greet Bai Meixi enthusiastically after seeing her. The price made Bai Meixi feel like there was something wrong with her ears. A portion of lobster costs 2 yuan. Doesn't that mean the price of lobster here and two portions of braised pork? about there.

The price was so different from modern society that she couldn't help but suspect that the lobsters here were crayfish. If the shop owner only brought a small one, she would never enter this place again.

"I want a piece of lobster and a bowl of noodle soup." Bai Meixi looked around curiously, wanting to see what the lobster that costs two yuan looks like.

The waiter quickly brought the lobster over. The lobsters here are all steamed. Except for adding some salt to bring out the umami flavor, no other seasonings are added, completely following the original taste of seafood.

This lobster is a foot long, and Baimeixi can no longer calculate its value in modern society.

She took a bite and found that the lobster here was particularly sweet and salty, with the unique smell of sea water, which completely aroused people's appetite. Bai Meixi swallowed it in a few mouthfuls.

She took a sip of the noodle soup and found that the seemingly bland noodle soup was actually seafood-flavored. It used a lot of small shells as the base flavor and could also eat some conch meat.

"Boss, your food is so delicious."

Bai Meixi couldn't help but admire. She felt that it was God's arrangement that she got on the wrong bus this time, otherwise she would have missed such a good thing.

"Just eat if you like. We are close to the sea here, and every household eats seafood. Do you want some more abalone? They were just caught today, 1 apiece for 10 yuan."

The boss tried his best to sell it, but Bai Meixi could no longer bear such a cheap price. Some older relatives in the family had said that they often ate lobster and abalone when they were young, and even threw a lot of it on the beach, and no one wanted it at all.

If it weren’t for overfishing and seawater pollution, it would be impossible for such a common thing to become a luxury product.

Bai Meixi originally thought it was an exaggeration, but now it seems that these statements are true and completely consistent with the facts.

She waved her hand to the boss. The one-foot-long lobster had already filled her entire stomach. She really had no energy left to eat abalone.

This meal made Bai Meixi satisfied. If it wasn't for the lack of time, she would have liked to stay and eat two more meals to have a full meal.

When Bai Meixi came out of the restaurant, she saw many people selling seafood, including prawns and lobsters. In an era without seawater pollution, the quality of these things was very good and they were all fresh.

It's a pity that the water in Baimeixi's space is mountain spring water and cannot raise seafood. Otherwise, she will definitely fill her space with these things and then transport them back to the north. Such fresh seafood can definitely be sold to a good price. Price.

Bai Meixi returned to the station. It was almost time to get on the bus. There were not many passengers in the waiting room at this time. Bai Meixi got up late today and had not asked Aunt Liu to prepare fast food. It was too late to sell food at such a small time.

After thinking about it for a while, she gave up her plan to do business, and obediently followed everyone and started queuing up.

Now she is looking forward to Urami City even more. Maybe she will find more novel discoveries there than in Jinhuo City.

(End of this chapter)

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