Chapter 429 Go to Puhai City
"Why at this time? It must be out of power." Bai Meixi felt very depressed when she saw that her watch was broken. This was a new watch she bought when she got married, and it was less than half a year old. Woolen cloth.

I used to say that things from this era would be particularly strong, but I didn’t expect them to be as useful as things in modern society.I really don’t know how my parents could use a watch for more than ten or twenty years.

She looked at the watch carefully and quickly rejected the idea of ​​replacing the battery. Her watch was winding and did not need batteries at all.

She plucked the watch strings, trying to adjust the watch to normal, but no matter how she moved the buttons on it, there was still no response.

She recalled that when she was a child, the adults in the family would constantly put their watches on the table and tap them when they didn't move.She didn't dare treat this new watch like this.

I could only keep shaking my arms, trying to wake up the watch, but the watch was like a dying person. After a simple swing for two seconds, it returned to a motionless state, and the condition seemed to be more serious. .

Bai Meixi tried it for a long time, but there was no sign that the watch was ready to move.

Bai Meixi felt that her right and left arms had been cut off. She relied on this watch all the time when getting in and out of the car and doing business. If the time was not accurate, it would definitely delay her a lot of things.

She shook her head and could only put away the watch that she didn't know how to crack.Without her watch, Bai Meixi could only rely on public facilities.

She glanced at the watch on the platform and immediately became stunned. It was not 5 o'clock in the morning, nor 11 o'clock at noon, but already 1 o'clock in the afternoon!

"No way, why did I sleep for so long!"

Bai Meixi suddenly screamed, she actually slept all morning. This discovery made Bai Meixi couldn't help but reach out and hit her head, feeling regretful in her heart.

According to her plan, she would arrive at the station at 11 o'clock today at noon. The 600 tea eggs prepared by Aunt Liu and the others came in handy. They sold them all, went to the market to purchase, and made another batch in the evening. Today's The income will be at least one hundred yuan.

Unexpectedly, I actually slept until the afternoon, and the income of hundreds of yuan was just slept on by me.

Bai Meixi was heartbroken. The price was too high. Every penny she earned along the way was put to use.This 100 yuan is a huge sum of money to her.

She took the watch off her wrist and wanted to find a watch repairman to take a look. There were not many people repairing watches in this era, and most of them were near large shopping malls. It would probably take most of the day to find a repair shop here. time.

Bai Meixi let out a long sigh. If she finished this matter, she might not even be able to do the evening business.For someone who has to lie in bed every day to calculate her income, if she doesn't make money for a day, she will feel uncomfortable all over.

Bai Meixi walked out silently. Everything here felt very strange to Bai Meixi, as if she had entered another parallel space.

This feeling of being alone in the world made her very uncomfortable. She now needed a noisy environment, the more people the better.

Bai Meixi felt that the reason why this watch had problems was probably related to the strange things happening in the two doors. Maybe it was in that twisted space that even the time became inaccurate.But she had no idea how to adjust it back. She could only watch as her schedule gradually spiraled out of control.

"Is there anyone there? Where is the exit?"

Bai Meixi felt that everything wanted to play a guessing game with her today, even this city. From the moment she got off the train, there was no sign to guide her.

She was delayed for a long time at the station and saw no staff.It all relied on her sharp sense of direction to leave smoothly.

She walked to the door of the train station. This is a major transportation hub with many people coming and going. They were all on their way. Everyone was carrying a lot of things in large and small bags and was preparing to enter the station.

The familiar scenes brought tears to Bai Meixi's eyes. These were real people, and they were proof that she had not been abandoned by the world.

Bai Meixi checked the terrain and planned to do business here in the evening to make up for the losses at noon. But when she turned around, she was shocked to see three large characters "金火市" written on the roof of the ticket hall.

Golden Fire City?
Bai Meixi muttered silently, and a big question mark appeared in her head. It is true that Jinhuo City is the terminal station of this train, but she did not think of Jinhuo City, but Puhai City in the middle. Now Does this mean that she is overdoing it?

Bai Meixi was stunned for a long time looking at these three big characters. She anxiously grabbed a passing sister-in-law and kept asking what the name of this city was.

"This is Jinhuo City. Did you take the wrong bus? If you made a mistake, you have to go and make up your ticket quickly, otherwise you won't be able to leave today." After seeing Bai Meixi's young age, the sister-in-law thought she was The little daughter-in-law who goes out for the first time.

She quickly pointed to the location of the ticket hall. There were many vehicles coming and going in Jinhuo City, almost the most in the country. There were also many passengers who got on the wrong bus. But now that she got off the bus, there was only one way, and that was to make up for the ticket. Can you make up for it? It all depends on luck. Some people can't go back even after waiting for several days.

"Thank you, sister-in-law. I'll go now." After Bai Meixi thanked her briefly, she ran all the way into the ticket hall. This location was somewhat different from her original expectation. Fortunately, the two places were not far apart, and there was still time to make up for it.

"I need a ticket to go to Puhai City, the nearest bus." Bai Meixi's tone was very anxious. If she couldn't show up there today, her future plans would have to be redone, which would definitely be a huge problem for her. project.

"The nearest train will arrive at 3 pm and arrive at 4 am tomorrow morning. The total cost is 6.3 yuan." The conductor gave the time without raising his head. This time was far beyond Bai Meixi's expectation. The distance between the two cities is only 373 kilometers. , but it actually takes 11 hours.

"Whether you want to go or not? If you don't want to go, get out of the way." When the staff saw Bai Meixi standing there thinking about it, she asked her to get aside. There were already hundreds of people waiting to buy tickets, so there was no time to delay. Everyone’s progress.

"I'm going, I'm going." Bai Meixi quickly agreed, fearing that the last few tickets would be gone. Bai Meixi was indeed lucky. There was an empty seat in this car. She bought the ticket at this time. It’s incredible that you can also buy tickets to sit there.

She stuffed the ticket into her pocket and looked at the time at the train station. There were still two hours before the train left, which was just enough time for her to wander around and look for a new business opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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