Who still falls in love in the interstellar era?

Chapter 186 The turbulent flow of time

Chapter 186 The turbulent flow of time

Wang Chao: "Connect the communication and see what happens. Helena, get ready."

Helena frowned: "What should I prepare? I can't really carry out memetic pollution! You won't be fooled, right?"

Wang Chao: "Lily, be prepared to apply eye drops to the prosthetic body and artificial intelligence on the other side at any time."

Lily immediately started practicing her voice "Ahhhhhh".

At this time, Page picked up the communication and placed the predicted communication delay next to the screen.

Wang Chao "looked" at the picture sent by Starlight Network and joked: "At least the person contacting us is still a human being, not a subspace demon."

On the screen is an uncle who looks very much like the security guard downstairs in Wang Chao's company before he time traveled. He holds a "leader's style" thermos cup to make tea and surf TikTok every day. He is very carefree.

Nimiao said in the communication: "I have analyzed this picture, and the possibility of it being a real picture is as high as 70%."

Wang Chao: "How did you analyze it?"

"Depending on the complexity of the picture, such a complicated picture has so many details. If it is a fake picture, the computing power required is too high. But in the end, this is just speculation. It cannot be ruled out that people have such strong computing power and can calculate it in real time. Such a picture comes.”

Wang Chao: "What about the picture here?"

"I made one based on the standard template of science fiction works." Nimiao also sent the fake picture she was sending there to Wang Chao.

In the fake picture, Wang Chao is sitting on the captain's seat in the center wearing a uniform that looks like he was ripped off from the Star Trek series, and operators wearing the same military uniforms are sitting at the surrounding workstations.

Wang Chao: "What's going on with the men in the picture?"

"I used a universal template to knead it. Why, do you want to add some feminine twist?"

"No, this is fine."

The uncle in the communication looked at the formality of the picture sent here. His mouth twitched, he lowered his head and opened the drawer, rummaged through it, and finally pulled out a gold star - yes, the kind of gold star worn by the sheriff in western movies.

After putting on the Venus, he straightened his collar and said with a straight face: "The spacecraft has not been notified. This is the Sao Paulo Colony Satellite Station. Please inform us of the name of your ship and the purpose of your visit."

Wang Chao immediately checked the colony called St. Paul on the star map of the spacecraft and found that there were as many as seventy.

He couldn't help but complain: "What the hell, does this name express some beautiful vision? Why are there so many colonies called St. Paul?"

Gale: "Maybe that race likes to be called Saint Paul, just like people with RB blood like to be called Edo, New Edo."

Wang Chao shook his head and responded: "Which St. Paul colony are you from?"

The uncle spread his hands and said: "That's St. Paul. Are there many St. Pauls? Ah, maybe there are many on the scale of the Milky Way, but for us, this is the only St. Paul."

What the hell is this nonsense?

Wang Chao: "We are the scientific research ship New Jackdaw. We are performing a test mission for a new engine. We unexpectedly came to your place after an accident. We hope to get a star map to confirm our position at this time."

"Star map..." The policeman with the badge started typing on the keyboard.

Wang Chao was shocked. Although he had just traveled through time, he had already forgotten how to use the keyboard - the human-computer interaction of the Cybermen was so convenient. He could communicate with the machine with just a thought, and there was no need for a keyboard or anything like that.

After a while, the uncle said: "I found a star map from more than a hundred years ago, and I will send it to you now. You... I mean, the current starships can still read the old version of machine language, right?"

Wang Chao frowned: "The star map from more than a hundred years ago? Have you not communicated with the outside world for more than a hundred years?"

The uncle shrugged: "There used to be space mail occasionally. My grandfather still sent and received parcels from time to time at that time, but since my father's generation there have been no parcels. As for merchant ships... I'm sorry, my grandfather has never seen them."

Wang Chao: "Does your colony have LV5 printing capabilities?"

Colonies with LV5 printing capabilities only need to import raw materials. If all raw materials can be produced by themselves, there will be no need for trade at all and they can produce everything themselves.

The uncle looked confused: "What?"

Nimiao reminded: "The division of printing capabilities was only established in the past thirty years."

In other words, it will only be thirty years before this interstellar era enters the era of printing of all things...

While Wang Chao was communicating with his uncle, Nia reported: "I used the new Jackdaw's detection equipment to remotely measure the planet next to the space station. There are about 100,000 people living on the planet. I found many things like this on the surface of the planet. It is a large-scale atmospheric modification device, but the planet's atmosphere has become completely suitable for human habitation.

"In addition, no large-scale printing factory has been found. It is speculated that the production capacity of this planet is still quite... quite primitive. More specific conditions need to be closer to the planet to know."

Wang Chao: "Can you detect something in such detail?"

Before he could be shocked, there was a knock on the other end of the communication line.

The man with the police badge turned around and shouted "Come in", and a young man entered the scene: "What's going on? Wow!"

The young man looked directly at Wang Chao - probably looking at the fake picture that Nimiao sent.

"Real starship? So interstellar society really exists?" the young man exclaimed.

Wang Chao and the girls looked at each other.

The uncle angrily yelled: "Of course it exists! Otherwise, where did the Galaxy Broadcast you are watching come from?"

Wang Chao: "Galaxy Broadcasting?"

The young man immediately replied: "It's a broadcast from a planet called New Eden, Galaxy Diva or something."

Everyone on the New Jackdaw looked at Lily together.

Lily made a V sign.

Helena: "Wait a minute, this is an ordinary radio broadcast they are receiving, right? It might be something from hundreds of years ago. Lily, how long has it been since the concept of Galaxy Diva was created?"

Lily: "It started about two hundred years ago when the New Eden colony was established."

Wang Chao: "That means this Saint Paul is within two hundred light years of New Eden."

Electromagnetic waves are generally regarded as traveling at the speed of light in a vacuum. A program that was founded only two hundred years ago cannot fly two hundred light years through ordinary electromagnetic wave broadcasts.

At this time, Nia reported again: "I scanned the space station where they are located. The structure of this space station... is very primitive. Even the technology from a hundred years ago is too primitive."

Wang Chao touched his chin: "Are you saying that less than two hundred light years away from the core of New Eden, there is a forgotten colony far away from the entire interstellar society?"

Nia: "I don't know..."

Wang Chao: "Saint Paul, we need your star map, please send it to us."

"Okay." The uncle started typing on the keyboard again. After a few seconds, he said, "It has been sent. You should have received this by the time you receive this message from me."

Nimiao reported: "Received the star map. The encoding of the star map is very primitive, but there is no big problem in decoding. The decoding is completed."      Nimiao suddenly fell silent.

Wang Chao: "Nimiao?"

Nimiao: "I must have seen a ghost. There are a lot of unexplored areas on this star map. Even the star map a hundred years ago has too many blank areas."

Wang Chao frowned, and after thinking briefly, he said, "Nimiao, check the timestamp of the star map."

"Timestamp? Why are you looking at this... Let me go, the timestamp of this star map is 2157! This is not a star map from a hundred years ago, but a star map from two hundred and twenty years ago!"

Nia: "Two hundred and twenty years ago? We are comparing the technical data of the past... The design of the other party's space station is indeed the same as when interstellar colonization first started less than a hundred years ago!"

Wang Chao: "So we went back to the past because we forcibly jumped in the planet's gravity well? Is time travel actually possible?"

Lily: "Must be because we were going over eighty-eight miles an hour!"

As expected of Lily, she can still play such a deep nerd at this time: the critical speed of the time car in the famous movie series "Back to the Future" is 88 miles per hour, and when it reaches this speed, it will travel through time.

Helena: "So now we are before the formation of New Eden? Then if we appear in front of people, is it okay..."

Page reported: "There is an abnormality in the gravity engine!"

Nia also shouted: "There are powerful gravitational waves near us. No, the surroundings are in chaos now!"

The next moment, communication was interrupted.

Wang Chao: "What's going on? Nimiao? Why is the communication cut off?"

Nemiao: "Because the space station communicating with us has disappeared, the colonies and even the stars have all disappeared."

Everyone looked at Nia.

Nia looked thoughtful, biting the nail of her right thumb.

Although Wang Chao was full of questions when she was like this, he didn't dare to ask questions to interrupt her thinking.

A few minutes later, Nia said: "Probably because of the forced take-off in the gravity well, we may have traveled to the wrong time and space."

Wang Chao: "Then what happened just now?"

Nia: "I don't know. Maybe we were squeezed out because we don't belong to this time. Do you know the grandfather paradox?"

How could we not know about such a famous hypothesis!

Just as he was about to speak, Lily responded: "I know, I know, time travel works often discuss this! If you time travel to the past and kill your grandfather, will you still be born?"

Wang Chao: "It is to kill the grandfather or grandmother who has not yet given birth to a child. There are two versions of this paradox. It may be to highlight the equality between men and women."

Gale: "Is there a 'foreign armed helicopter' version?"

No, this paradox was born when helicopter gunships were not yet a gender.

Nia: "I have two guesses. The first is that the world has some kind of mechanism that can pop out things that do not belong to this time; the second is simpler. We forced the jump, so we briefly entered other times. "

Helena: "I have a third theory, we have a collective hallucination."

"This assumption is not valid." Page said immediately, "Because I have also witnessed the communication. I am an artificial intelligence and will not have hallucinations."

Helena looked at Lily: "If I hadn't met Lily and hadn't seen her use singing to extend the trouble-free operation time of the machine and even improve lubrication, I might agree with your statement. But now... you really don't Will there be hallucinations?"

Page was silent for a second: "I can't refute your statement."

Nimiao: "Nia should have telemetry data of planets and galaxies. These data can prove that it is not an illusion."

Wang Chao: "There is a simpler way to confirm. We know the location of this colony, and we will know if we go to see it. We are going to New Eden, and we will first go to St. Paul next to New Eden to see it. alright."

Nia was thinking about something else: "If it reappears and finds a way to stay in that time, it will be the first time travel in human history. Humanity's understanding of the world will be further improved!"

“It may even be possible to incorporate non-scientific things like superpowers into a scientific framework!”

Helena said: "If time travel is true, even if it is only a short time travel, and it can even only send some information to the past, we can use it to add some credibility to this shocking scam of Organization X!"

Wang Chao: "Two professors? You haven't forgotten what we have to do now, have you?"

Nia looked at him: "Didn't you follow the clue that you first came into contact with the Tao, catch the tail of the Adventure Club, and then discover the remains of the 'Tao'?"

Wang Chao snapped his fingers: "That's a good summary!"

Nimiao: "By the way, let's take care of the prosthetic doctor and middleman who stabbed Lao Wang in the back. Don't forget this."

Gale: "Before that, we are going to do mining and metallurgy, change the appearance of the spaceship, and camouflage it."

Wang Chao: "Yes, you are right."

Helena crossed her arms and said, "In fact, if we stayed in the universe of that timeline, it would be easier to operate. We can even recruit people from the St. Paul colony."

At this time, Page reported: "I have just completed the star map comparison. This St. Paul should be St. Paul, the second core colony of New Eden."

Wang Chao: "So that's not the same name!"

Nimiao: "Let me tell you better news - you should know that the stronghold of the middleman we are looking for trouble is in Ophiuchus 2."

Wang Chao immediately compared the star map and found that Saint Paul was also in the constellation Ophiuchus. A hyperspace jump at such a short distance doesn't even use much helium-3.

Wang Chao: "Isn't this a coincidence...wait a minute, have we reported our family status?"

Liefeng: "Father, you have repaid me."

"I've reported it." Wang Chao touched the remaining hair on his chin, "Wait a minute, do we really need to hide our identities?"

Everyone looked at Wang Chao together.

Wang Chao explained: "You see, we appeared in Sao Paulo almost two hundred years ago and asked for a star map. This matter is probably recorded. If we don't hide our identity and provide suitable guidance..."

Helena: "It will make others misunderstand that Organization X has mastered the technology of time travel!"

Wang Chao shook his head: "No, we can't clearly show that we have mastered time travel technology. Instead, we have to try our best to pretend that we don't have this technology.

"I already understand the trick. As long as we pretend that we don't have it, others will think that we have it! Just like Huarong Dao, we have to light a fire and set off smoke where there is an ambush, and Cao Cao will be fooled!"

 新年 快乐



(End of this chapter)

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