Who still falls in love in the interstellar era?

Chapter 185 If nothing unexpected happens, something unexpected will happen.

Chapter 185 If nothing happens, there will be an accident.

About an hour later, Wang Chao and others lit a bonfire in the public space.

Gale: "That's great. I wanted to light a fire in the cargo hold on the old Jackdaw, but in the end I didn't do it because I was afraid of a safety accident."

Nimiao: "You actually worry about this? I thought you would just start a fire if you wanted to."

"I've said it many times, I'm crazy, not stupid. I won't burn myself." As he spoke, he tore open the package of bacon with a roar and started to eat the bacon in the bag. Put it on the iron net.

Lily exclaimed: "This won't work! You have to skewer them first and then grill them! I also got organic vegetables so that the meat and vegetables can be skewered separately!"

"It doesn't matter, there is an iron net, it doesn't matter whether we string or not, are you right, foster father?"

Wang Chao: "Huh? Me? I actually don't eat barbecue very much, and I don't know how to operate it."

After all, China does not have the habit of holding barbecue conferences. The last barbecue Wang Chao remembered was a group activity in high school, and the main thing grilled was marinated chicken wings.

Later, when I encountered an activity related to barbecue, I went to eat Korean barbecue.

Wang Chao's experience in participating in the so-called BBQ conference is infinitely close to zero.

So the experience of sitting around a campfire with a group of beautiful girls is quite new to Wang Chao.

Liefeng: "Since my adoptive father has no experience in eating barbecue, leave it all to me! When I finish roasting, I will put the meat on the chest, and my adoptive father can come directly to eat!"

This gameplay only appears in short movies!

Nimiao: "This gameplay only appears in short movies!"

Ah, thinking synchronized.

Thank you, 似NMiao, for being my mouth substitute!

While Li Feng was arranging the marinated meat on the wire fence, Lily was seriously skewering the meat. Her skewering method is a very standard Western skewering method, with vegetables, green and red peppers and so on between the meat.

Wang Chao remembers that when he was a kid, he watched Nobita and the others in Doraemon doing skewers like this when they went to barbecue.

Nia was also skewering her own skewers, adding more vegetables and less meat.

Wang Chao couldn't help but joked: "Nia, aren't you planning to lose weight after you find out that your body fat is higher than Lily's?"

Nia: "No, I just prefer vegetables."

Liefeng: "Father, this is your fault. Why don't you tell me when you see through it? Even a lunatic like me understands this kind of worldliness."

"That's not the case! I really prefer eating vegetables! Look at this mushroom, it's a real mushroom cultivated in the biological workshop of this ship, not a synthetic fake mushroom!"

Liefeng: "Hey, isn't this mushroom synthetic?"

Nimiao: "No, our ship's biological workshop grows a lot of real vegetables."

Helena spoke: "Actually, the taste of food synthesized by food synthesis technology is not much different from that of pure natural food. The better taste of natural food is a psychological effect."

Liefeng stuffed half-cooked meat slices into his mouth and asked, "Isn't it said that the impurities in natural products will improve the taste?"

Helena: "Ordinary people can't eat it at all. So now, in addition to the 'performance' of chefs cooking on the spot, high-end restaurants will also find ways to let you see the growth process of ingredients, in order to build 'this' in your mind." It’s a good thing’ perception.”

Lily: "If that's the case, why does this ship have to painstakingly build a biological workshop? The efficiency of a biological workshop is much lower than direct synthesis, right?"

Helena: "Of course it is to maintain the mental health of the crew. Many people on this ship are not space pirates who are used to interstellar travel, but 'terrestrial species' who have spent most of their lives on the ground."

Wang Chao subconsciously said: "It is a soul bound by gravity."

Lily immediately responded: "It's just a small stone, watch me push it out!"

Wang Chao immediately corrected him: "No, no, the first time this sentence appeared in the series was said by Camus. Char just repeated Camus's words. By the way, the old housekeeper in the 08MS team also said the same thing."

Lily was shocked: "Hey, is there such a complicated knowledge? I only know Xia Ya's sentence."

Wang Chao was about to continue to show off his knowledge of the old two-dimensional world when he suddenly realized something: Damn, a beautiful woman like Lily would actually discuss this kind of deep otaku with me. What kind of science fiction work is this?

Oh, this is indeed science fiction!

Nimiao was speechless: "You guy, don't just show emotion casually. She is an artificial idol created by capitalists based on personality. These are also personalities, deliberately created to satisfy the fantasies of fans who are addicted to useless knowledge. from."

Liefeng: "Here we go again, Nimiao starts again."

Lily smiled and said: "I'm used to it. Even if Nimiao doesn't say something, I will feel something is wrong."

Helena said to Li Feng: "Pick up all your roast meat, I'm going to roast mine."

"Why don't you just eat what I baked?"

"You are only half-ripened. My intestines and stomach are not prosthetic, so I want to eat 70% of them, okay?"

The noisy barbecue party continued until late at night on the ship.

In the middle of the night, Wang Chao woke up suddenly and realized that he and Li Feng had drank too much and fell asleep directly by the campfire. He sat up and found Lily lying next to him, covered with a small blanket.

Others were sleeping by the campfire in different postures. Gale's posture was the most heroic, while Nia curled up into a ball like an embryo.

Nimiao was still awake, holding a small fish on a spit and roasting it on the bonfire.

Seeing Wang Chao getting up, the girl asked: "What do you say when you get to your destination?"

"Ah?" Wang Chao didn't respond.

Nimiao: "When we arrive at our destination, 80% of the time we will meet people who have settled there. Although we have chosen a galaxy marked as uninhabited, in this situation, the chance of meeting people is quite high. After all, it has been explored There is no need to survey the galaxy yourself.”

The development of human science and technology in this era is completely abnormal. The productivity is frighteningly high, but there is no corresponding detection capability. It takes longer to explore galaxies than to develop them.

Wang Chao: "You're talking about this. Don't we have Helena? If we encounter a small settlement, we can just let Helena brainwash us. 80% of such small settlements have not received any news at all, and they don't know about superpowers. What happened to the United Star Cluster was not just a lie.

"It's you, where did you get the little fish?"

Nimiao: "The ecosystem of our ship is more complete than you think. There are fish in the water circulation system... I'm lying to you. This is a fake fish I printed out when I was bored, but it is said to be 70% similar to the real fish. ”

Most of the time, the food synthesis machine does not refine the internal structure of the food, but only reproduces the nutritional components.

For example, the printed corn is actually corn-flavored lumps, so it is called "lump meal".

But if you give the printer specific requirements and provide drawings, it can also produce things with specific configurations, but the taste - that may require master-level precision adjustment.

Nimiao: "So I made a mistake when we just discussed it. The cost of printing food to replicate the taste of real ingredients is too high. It is better to grow it directly."

As she spoke, Nimiao brought the fish on the fork to her nose and smelled it: "Well, it doesn't smell like real grilled fish."

After saying that, she bit off half of the small fish in one bite, and Kazikaz finished it in two bites.

Wang Chao: "Why didn't you sleep?"

Nimiao shrugged: "You all fell asleep naturally. If I fall asleep, won't only the AI ​​control the ship? What will happen if the trap comes out?"

Page's voice immediately came from the cleaning robot on standby next to her: "Even if I want to do something, I can't do anything now that I'm still in hyperspace. So there is no need for Miss Nimiao to worry."

Nimiao: "Shut up. Lily, the only one here who can control you, is sleeping like a dead pig. If I sleep, who knows what you will do."

Peppa Pig: "Miss Nimiao is really suspicious."

"I'm probably the last insurance for this team." Nimiao rolled her eyes at Wang Chao as she said, "We have a captain who likes to trust others so much that I have no choice but to doubt his share." Wang Chao: "Helen Na is asleep, otherwise I will definitely conduct a diagnosis on you."

Nimiao: "Hmph."

As she said that, she picked up another synthetic fake fish, put it on the bonfire and started roasting it.

Wang Chao was bored, so he picked up a barbecue fork, got a piece of meat and started grilling it. The fat dripping from the meat made a sizzling sound in the campfire.

Nimiao: "So what's next?"

Wang Chao: "Didn't I decide to mine the disguised spaceship first, and then go find trouble with the middleman who stabbed me in the back?"

"I didn't ask about such short-term goals. What should we do in the long term? In the past, you were a bounty hunter who only looked at the present. You probably only thought about muddle along and fuck. You can't still be like this now, right?"

Wang Chao was silent.

Nimiao sighed: "You really didn't think about it. Also, with so many girls in front of you waiting for you to consecrate them, you must have wanted to finish sleeping first."

Wang Chao: "I didn't!"

"There's none?"

Wang Chao: "No."

After all, his current mentality is that of a 23-year-old social worker. Now that he has a house (spaceship), a car (still a spaceship), and a wife, what else does he need for a bicycle? He can just lie flat and swing.

So when he saw Helena and Nia who were new on the ship, he didn't think about it at all. After all, it was already done.

Nimiao: "Let me summarize the current situation for you. Now all the reputable people in the galaxy think that your bragging is true."

"That's not me bragging. I even deliberately avoided saying anything about Organization X in public. It was all their misunderstanding."

Nimiao: "That's right. But others won't care about this. Once the tiger skin of Organization X is exposed, we will be hunted down by the whole galaxy."

Wang Chao: "Then find a deserted place to disarm and return home. The Milky Way is so big, there must be uninhabited planets, and establish small colonies there..."

Nimiao interrupted him: "Will Nia agree? She is very determined to push mankind's understanding of hyperspace and gravity engines one step further."

Wang Chao suddenly lost his temper.

Nimiao continued: "You dragged her into this trap. She was originally a scientist who had nothing to do with the world. And Helena, I think she is also very interested in exploring human cognition even though she didn't say it explicitly.

"You put your superpower in front of them, whetted their appetite, and now you irresponsibly throw it all away. Isn't it bad?"

At this point Nia and Helena both sat up.

Wang Chao: "Why are you all awake?"

Nia: "It just happened to me."

Helena: "Humans are more likely to wake up when they hear something related to themselves. But I woke up hungry."

After saying that, she picked up the barbecue fork and the remaining meat, inserted it and started grilling it.

Nia: "Has the captain actually not thought about what to do next?"

Nimiao said angrily: "He is originally a bounty hunter who can only think in two steps. Those two steps are who he fucks today and who he fucks tomorrow."

Wang Chao could only smile bitterly: After all, the original bounty hunter Wang Chao was a master who took the mission that was obviously a trap because he wanted to sleep with the Galaxy Diva.

Nia: "Then why don't we just start Organization X? It might have been just a coincidence before, but now we have Miss Helena, the master of fraud, right?"

Helena: "Are you asking me to make a detailed fraud plan?"

"Yes, it makes people think that Organization X must exist."

Helena twirled the barbecue fork over the campfire, deep in thought.

Wang Chao: "It's over. Even the fraud master feels he has no way to start."

"No, it's quite simple." Helena continued to spin the barbecue fork, "Actually, the real difficulty now is not to deceive those well-informed organizations and big shots. They already have preconceived notions, or memes, in their minds. "

Wang Chao: "Then what's the difficulty?"

"For ordinary people, especially those independent colonies that are far away from the core star region, self-sufficient and very isolated. If you want to deceive them and make them believe that there are superpowers and an X organization that has dominated the development of mankind for thousands of years, then But it’s difficult.”

Nia: "On the other hand, as long as we don't go to these remote star areas and only operate in the core area, then it will be easy to deceive them?"

Helena nodded: "We don't even need to take the initiative to deceive. Think about the Unity Church ship. We just need to properly show the 'miracle', I mean, superpower. Just like deceiving the indigenous people with a total solar eclipse." Like a navigator."

Wang Chao: "You mean, every time we go to a core star area, let Lily turn on the radio to sing and dance?"

Perhaps hearing her name, Lily turned over, and her two lumps of fat rolled out greatly.

She also buttoned it with her hands. Maybe it was not in the right position when she rolled it and it was a little itchy.

Nimiao: "Isn't that what she does?"

"You're right." Wang Chao shrugged.

Helena: "Lily's singing will definitely trigger a series of strange events, such as the rebellion of strong artificial intelligence and the sudden shutdown of the robot race. With these things, people who originally doubted Organization X and super powers will be suppressed.

"Then the subsequent operations we want to do will be simple."

Wang Chao: "That's it."

Nimiao: "I think you should stop acting like 'I have the final say on this ship' and let Helena be the captain."

At this moment, Page suddenly reported: "This ship is about to leave hyperspace."

Nia was shocked: "What? Such a short time? Isn't it right? We should stay in hyperspace for seven or eight hours!"

She stopped talking suddenly and looked up at the ceiling of the public space.

Wang Chao: "What? Did you see other gravitational waves?"

Apart from the gravitational waves emitted by the ship's gravity engine, basically no other gravitational waves can be seen in hyperspace. The discovery of other gravitational wave emission sources means that the ship has returned to regular space.

Nia: "Wait a minute! Let me look at the star map! No, we have deviated from the course. This is not the galaxy we planned to go to!"

Wang Chao was shocked: "We were forcibly pulled out of hyperspace?"

"No," Nia frowned, "Maybe he was forced to take off in the planet's gravity well, and the algorithm of the exit coordinates is different. If he was caught, there must be a large fleet waiting around him, right? But now there is only There is a small space station 800,000 kilometers away from us."

That seems to be the case.

Page: "Communication request!"

(End of this chapter)

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