Chapter 161 Factions in Trading Town
Members who join the Great River Territory in the future do not have to be human beings, just like starfish cannot be canned food.

After the Winter Wolf saw the powerful force of the Khajiit and the Star People, he chose to surrender without hesitation.

Although based on this alone, it is impossible for Chen to completely believe in this cunning creature that only believes in the law of the jungle.

But at least they can be tamed as ordinary magical beasts.

The frost giant brought over 7 winter wolves. Three of them participated in the siege at the beginning of the battle and were killed by flaming arrows. Their furs were all damaged to a certain extent, resulting in loss of value.

Despite this, the dead frost giants and winter wolves can also be used to exchange benefits with the grassland tribes, and the metal products they carry are asked by Chen to be sent to the Great River Territory for waste utilization.

As for the surviving winter wolves, they were thrown away in Frostfield Village without mercy, and the Star People castrated all but the alpha wolf as mounts.

Castrating livestock can be very convenient thanks to the presence of healing magic...

Rather than accepting adult winter wolves, it would be better to hope to tame and teach those winter wolf pups that have not been affected by the cruel laws of the North and still have the tininess in their eyes.

Perhaps with careful teaching, a non-evil winter wolf population can be slowly cultivated in the future (there is no hope of being kind)?

"No matter what, considering the cold resistance of winter wolves, we need to raise some."

Used to make clothing and magic items.

After that, the frost giant tribe was monitored by the created ice beasts, and the group set off westward again after being delayed for several days.

During this period, Lily wanted to return to Elysium and call the storm giants she knew to come to the material plane to help, but Chen Xun thought it was better not to pull people from other worlds, otherwise sooner or later the river territory would be filled with strange creatures from Elysium...

A week later, the group of people, who sometimes rode at full speed on eagle horses and sometimes flew over obstacles, finally arrived at the exchange town, the junction of Norton, Gajelan, and Grassland.

It was clearly winter, but the trading town was becoming more and more lively, with an endless stream of merchants coming and going. It was completely impossible to tell that this place was a bad land that had been abandoned by all countries.

"This is a black market that has been operating for a long time." Bob, a local, explained, "You can buy all kinds of weird things here...including armaments."

As the gateway to the great sand sea to the west, the economy and trade of Trading Town may be more prosperous than ordinary commercial ports.

It is said that the managers of the market, the Green family, are the spokespersons appointed by King Eldridge of the Golden Kingdom to maintain the desert country's trade routes.

The mayor here, Blue Green, is a spellcaster who adheres to neutrality, so some people suspect that he is a member of the nearby Coast Mage Association.

It is said that his first move is a sure kill. He once killed a high-level priest who was skilled in combat with an unknown magic move, so all countries had to give him face.

A spell caster with such strength is enough to establish his own mage tower and even power and country, but he still stays here to maintain the order of the trading town, which really makes people doubt the strength and purpose of the main messenger behind it...

"There is order in the chaos in the exchange town, and the water is indeed not shallow." Chen Zhou's scalp went numb when he thought that he had even wanted to stay here for a moment.

How could a place with such undercurrents be suitable for settlement?
"So can we buy a large amount of precious metals directly here?" Pagoda Town River Demon asked curiously.

"Of course you can, metals, dwarf weapons and even dwarves, as long as you pay enough." He Lin on the side sneered. She was the one who was caught nearby after smuggling weapons.

The Green family only ensures order in the trading town, and no one will take care of it after they leave.

After hearing this, the Carnival Dragon lying on Chen's head suddenly swung its tail.

"Lily came up with a good idea~ Why not liberate all the slaves in the trading town?" 』

"Didn't you hear what we just said about the Green family having powerful spell casters?" He Lin immediately dissuaded her, "That will only put us in trouble." Lily blinked, but she didn't think any spell caster was their opponent.

"It depends on the situation. We can also use more peaceful methods, such as buying those unlucky ones and giving them freedom."

Hearing this, He Lin's face darkened. She was the unlucky one the other party called her at the beginning.

Then she looked towards the distance to the southwest. This was the closest she had been to her hometown this year...

The conversation quickly returned to purchasing supplies.

Before the first batch of crops and spices matured and the tanning of winter wolf skins was completed, the Great River Territory was still relatively short of money, and only the Potion of Frost Giant Strength had trade value.

The price of a bottle of such potion is probably several hundred gold coins, and Chen prepared 5 bottles in the past few days... The alchemy materials are not enough.

Considering that the shelf life of blood is not long, the group of people sold the excess giant blood to the Golden Mane clan on the road and made a lot of extra money.

Currently, the biggest shortage in the Great River Territory is metal.

The blacksmith blessing of the God of Industrialization allows the priest to convert gold coins into other metal products, which is equivalent to directly using gold coins to purchase metals at the price specified by the God of Commerce.

After testing by Junzi Liuyi, 1 gold coin can be converted into approximately 10 pounds of pure iron.

But according to the intelligence network of the Star People, in the mineral-rich Randall Kingdom, large-scale trade can buy more. If Jin Jianlayer goes to swipe his face, he may be able to enjoy a higher discount.

This discount is not a small amount in front of the national budget, and they must strive for it.

That being said.

Although they did not buy food or iron here, the group still decided to look for suitable scrolls, magic items and materials, and settled down temporarily.

While others were shopping, Chen locked up the restless Carnival Dragon in the hotel and stayed with her to prevent her from going out to cause trouble.

"Chen, do we really not want to help those trapped here?" 』

"Don't worry, I have already asked the Star People to investigate the intelligence and formulate a plan. You don't want the slaves to die in the aftermath of the battle when we rescue them, right?"

Hearing this, Lily had no choice but to be honest. After all, the material plane is not a paradise where life energy is so strong that it is difficult to die. It is indeed easy to die in battle.

So she had to find something to do by herself, and suddenly found that the other person seemed to be fishing with his eyes closed.

"I'm not fishing, I'm just studying the skills of the mystic." Chen immediately argued.

"Mystic?" 』

Lily had some impression of this profession. It seemed to be a technology that simultaneously improved arcane and divine spellcasting abilities.

Just because of its limited energy, it is difficult to train some abilities of basic professions (such as bloodline ability and dispersal power).

"Is this really the case?" Chen disagreed with this, "Does the origin of bloodline and magic really require so much effort in training?"

He thought, even if he became a mystic, he might not be able to exercise his basic professional abilities, right?

(End of this chapter)

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