I think you can't even imagine the happiness of a warlock.

Chapter 160 Is the peace you are talking about the same as what I understand?

Chapter 160 Is the peace you are talking about the same as what I understand?

The sound of gold and iron clashing echoed throughout the battlefield, and the ground formed a depression due to the huge force.

With the toughness of the weapon, Chen Zhou used the double-headed ax to steadily receive the frost giant's powerful blow.

But as the giant continued to exert force, he became increasingly difficult to resist. Even if the strength was similar, the opponent's huge size was far more suitable for exerting force than ordinary races.

Fortunately, he was not fighting alone, and the enemy's friendly forces had been ambushed and bombed with self-destructing art elemental statues, killing or injuring them.

At the same time, a young figure flew above the giant.

"Death falls from heaven!" 』

Lily dived towards the giant without fear.

The giants didn't care about the young dragon. In ancient times, they had wars with giant dragons.

However, when Lily slammed into the frost giant like a dragon chariot with all her strength, the latter's posture and power were suddenly broken.

This power, which is only slightly worse than his own, is something that only a young dragon can possess! ?

"The frost giant is so bad!"You are far worse than the storm giants! 』

While protruding, the Carnival Dragon didn't even forget to taunt with a higher-ranking giant.

"Don't mention those storm giants in front of me!"

Nott, who was holding an ax in one hand, looked back and grabbed the young dragon who kept attacking with his claws and tail, leaving a series of hideous wounds on his body. Chen, who was patiently looking for an opportunity, took the opportunity to escape, rounding the double-headed ax with his backhand and using the sharp edge of the other end. The blade cuts straight to the opponent's head.

Fearing the explosive power of the Tiger Man's Holy Slash, Nott quickly blocked it with his sword.

Using one hand, he and the tiger-man reached a stalemate, and punched away the interfering young dragon.

At this moment, Jerry, who had been staying in the secret pocket, ran out and climbed up the giant's arm and onto the other side's body.

"Get the cheese!"

Then he nimbly jumped towards the frost giant's head, and took advantage of it to dig out his opponent's eyes with his claws!

In the blink of an eye, one of the giant's eyes was taken out by it.


Nott, who was constantly disturbed by the rats, almost went crazy from the severe pain. In a rage, he grabbed the hamster, which triumphantly jumped back to the Khajiit in the air.

But Chen Zhou obviously didn't watch. The double-headed ax quickly pressed down and rotated to change the center of force.

The giant ax slammed into the ground, and he stepped forward and stepped on its pole, using the other ax blade to slash at Nott based on inertia!
Three bursts of light and fire broke out, and the magic-strengthened blade severed his arm along the tendons and ligaments and set the frost giant's body on fire.

Even the blood of freshly dead prey is hot enough for a frost giant, and the flames ignited by magic make him even more painful.

But Nott did not dare to be distracted by the flames, and instead tried his best to lift the giant ax that was stepped on by the Khajiit.

The latter jumped into the air nimbly, turned around and kicked Nott at the same time, picked up Jerry, and used the force to jump back.

What bothers the frost giant the most is opponents with such dexterity and extraordinary speed, especially when the opponent's strength is similar to his.

"I haven't changed my mind yet. You can make a peaceful decision for your leader."

Chen did not give up negotiating: "Giants are a civilized and intelligent race. We do not have to hurt each other. Besides, my strength is not weak. Cooperating with me will help improve your status."

Although somewhat counter-intuitive, giants are indeed a civilized race (once), until the war with the dragons, they once had a vast kingdom of giants.

It's just that the frost giants are now as miserable as an uncivilized race. With the Northland at their backs and unable to withstand the high temperatures, they are unable to develop industry and agriculture. They have to make a living through robbery, and sometimes their livelihood is so difficult that they can't even eat anything.

After hearing the Khajiit's words about pursuing peace, Nott rolled on the snow to extinguish the flames and returned to the frost giants.Looking at his compatriots who were killed or maimed by the bombing in a hurry, he couldn't help but laugh: "Is this what you call peace?"

Noticing that the opponent dropped his giant ax while rolling and picked up the leader's horn, Chen Xinran said: "That is the result of your leader's choice of war. He has taken responsibility for his choice, and you can make another one." choose."

Peace should not be the pursuit of one party, and it is really ridiculous for the plunderers to talk about it at the price they have paid.

The frost giants will either have no contact with the River Territory from now on, or they will trade as a force. If they insist on plundering or retaliating, they will be harassed by Chen Lili.

What you can't get on the battlefield you can't get on the negotiation table. If your opponents don't want peace, you can fight to make peace. It's that simple.

Nott took a deep look at the Khajiit and then blew his horn.

The ogres and trolls who heard the sound charged towards Frostfield Village without hesitation, and he took the opportunity to abandon his fellow tribesmen who were still alive and dead, and fled the battlefield crazily.

It was only then that Lily, who was slapped away by the frost giant, flew back.

"It hurts so much. Wait, where is the Bad Giant?" 』

"Already ran away."

"Then let's catch up and beat him!" 』

Chen shrugged: "There must be one or two left alive."

If you kill them all, who can you talk to?

The battle on this side was over, and he looked towards the Frostfield Village guarded by the adventurers.

After using traps to create a lot of obstacles for the trolls, the village wall was finally smashed.

The trolls immediately filed in, but were suppressed by the assembled Star People at close range with "Fire Arrows".

The battle with the frost giants on Chen's side prevented them from throwing rocks at the town, making it easier for the Star People to display their strength.

Under the fire-like barrage, even in a blizzard, the troll was still killed by a large amount of fire damage.

After a while, they began to flee.

The ogres who joined the battlefield later did not escape... Their intelligence and the order relationship with the frost giants did not allow them to do this, so they fought until they were completely destroyed in the barrage.

As for some of the winter wolves that had been affected by the silence spell since the beginning of the war, they neither participated in the war nor fled - they did not hear the sound of the horn at all.

This is theoretically the case, but as soon as the largest one in the winter wolf group opened its mouth, it was revealed that it had definitely stuck its head out of the range of the silence spell during the battle between the Khajiits and the Frost Giants.

"Baron, we are willing to surrender! Winter wolves are also intelligent creatures and can coexist peacefully with orcs."

After hearing this, Chen looked at the silver-white winter wolf that seemed to be the wolf king. It was a rare winter wolf with different colors. It was probably because of this that it was fed to the largest one by the frost giant's preference.

"Due to its rarity, the fur of the heterochromatic winter wolf can fetch a higher price in the South."

"Lily doesn't like winter wolves. 』

Winter wolves are inherently evil magical beasts. Unlike giants who don't eat intelligent creatures unless they are in trouble, they don't mind preying on anything that moves.

"Are you saying that you are willing to join the Great River Territory as mounts and accept regular education and birth restrictions?"

Winter Wolf nodded indifferently: "That's right, as long as you take care of the food, we will never cause trouble!"

"If that's the case, then that's okay. 』

(End of this chapter)

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