Entertainment: Dominate domestic entertainment through host competition

Chapter 340 I can’t understand, but I was shocked

Hearing Zhang Lin say this, Li Hong and Xie Yingying were moved!

They never thought that the talented man who usually laughs and laughs has such suffering behind his back.

I can't forget the painful memories and always sink into them, repeating them over and over again. I'm afraid even Ling Chi is insignificant!

Inexplicably, Li Hong remembered the scene where Zhang Lin played chess with the energetic old man.

In that video, the guy cheating on his mobile phone was impressive. In addition, when he talked about his relatives, when he recalled that sentence afterwards, he was as painful as Ling Chi, and then he realized that what he said was his personal experience.

At that time, everyone thought "Lingchi" was just a modifier, but they didn't expect that it would be a quantifier for Zhang Lin!

Xie Yingying feels that every bad student hopes that he or she is a patient with hyperamnesia.

But when you are broken in love/unemployed/break up with someone, and every time you see anything related to the above experience, you have to replay the above experience several times in high-definition and full color quality, you will rather I am a scumbag.

Meng Man and Wang Zhongjiang were also particularly moved when they heard this.

He spends a lot of time every day recalling the trivial things in his life, and he will constantly replay and replay the unhappy and desperate things in their entirety~~

Thinking about it, it’s quite sad!

Observing the changes in the expressions of several people, Zhang Lin sighed: "Frankly speaking, I am very lonely.

I feel like I'm different from everyone around me.

Even in a crowded room I felt very alone, painfully alone.

I was trapped in a cage of memory, alone, questioning what was real.

Of course there are many benefits to such memories, it's just that living with them is a constant battle. "

After saying that, Zhang Lin sighed deeply~

Surrounded by Li Hongxie, Yingying and the others, they hesitated to speak, not knowing how to persuade their colleagues and friends.

Suddenly laughing, Zhang Lin clapped his hands and said: "You don't really believe it, do you?

I lied to you!

Am I a hypochondriac? Can’t you tell if we’ve been together for so long?

Hahaha, so funny~"

Maybe the acting in this part was too fake, which made Li Hong and the others angry because they were not deceived. They just looked at him so intently, which made Zhang Lin, who was laughing, embarrassed.

He snorted, his laughter stopped abruptly, and he shrugged boredly and said, "I'm really lying to you. I just have a good memory and don't have any symptoms of hyperamnesia patients."

"You said you had hyperamnesia, so I went to check it out."

Faced with Wang Zhongjiang's question, Zhang Lin smiled bitterly and said: "That's because people always ask me why my memory is so good.

I was so annoyed by the questions that I searched on Baidu and found out about hyperamnesia.

I just didn't finish it at the time, and I didn't expect to dig a big hole for myself. "

"Then you have dark circles under your eyes?"

"I do have the symptom of insomnia."

Nodding, Zhang Lin said distressedly: "Sometimes I am very tired, but I just can't sleep at night, and my eyes hurt like needles.

I didn't look at my phone at night, I just lay in bed with my eyes closed, and my consciousness suddenly became very clear. "

Involuntarily, Li Hong thought of this guy's jokes.

How was your sleep?

Do you have trouble falling asleep at night, can't wake up during the day, or do you want to sleep all the time except bedtime?

Or do you have no problem sleeping but have difficulty getting up in the morning?

Or are you the brother of Obei who stays up late and starts thinking about life and worrying about the world while lying in bed? You stay up the deepest night, and the dark circles under your eyes become more and more intense. When night comes, your eyes light up and you want to control everything. What about the little sparks of excitement? If you can't light the lamp and boil the oil, your hair will die! "

This symptom is quite similar to the young man in his joke!

Thinking of this, she and Xie Yingying rolled their eyes and laughed and cursed: "You guy, you talk so much that you even lied to two professors."

"Hey, just kidding, let's liven up the atmosphere!"

After laughing for a while, the live broadcast kicked off.

When the live broadcast room of "China in the Classics" was opened, hundreds of thousands of people poured in in a short period of time.

Most of them are fans of Zhang Lin, and they congratulated the boss on the barrage in unison, congratulating him on escaping poverty and becoming a billionaire.

Looking around, there are very few people who are jealous and curse.

Because we are now at the end of the peak of traffic stars, those traffic little fresh meat with bad morals can easily earn 100 million from a drama, and more than 1 billion a year.

Compared with those people, everyone does not think that Zhang Lin's 6.5 million yuan in three years is a fantasy.

And with his reputation and ability as a patriotic and upright boy, he should be able to make money and be soft.

On the contrary, those traffic stars who are not worthy of their ethics should be suppressed to prevent them from becoming one of the participants in the money laundering chain.

Looking at the dense barrage in front of them, Li Hong and the others looked at Zhang Lin.

6.5 million, they poor people together will never be able to earn this kind of money in this life!

While sighing in his heart, Zhang Lin opened the show loudly: "Hello everyone, welcome to the live broadcast room of "China in Classics".

Following the last program that took the audience to experience a soul-stirring "Xia Ke Xing" with Xu Xiake, the "No. 1 travel blogger in China", this program of "China in Classics" will lead everyone into the well-known originator of Chinese philosophy, Laozi.

Did you know that I was a "National Library Administrator"?

More than 2,500 years ago, after completing his studies, Laozi entered the Tibetan Palace as an official.

If according to current parlance, the "collection room" is the National Library, I can be called a "librarian".

At Hangu Pass more than 2,500 years ago, Laozi condensed his lifelong thinking about the universe, society and life, leaving an eternal spiritual power for future generations. Among them, the oriental wisdom that "the best is as good as water" has cultivated the water-like character background of the Chinese people and has become the source of the Chinese nation's endless resilience in the face of countless hardships.

This Sunday at 8pm, China Radio and Television Station's large-scale cultural program "China in Classics" will usher in its ninth episode on CCTV Comprehensive Channel.

This program will read the Tao Te Ching, the founding work of Chinese philosophy.

It uses Lao Tzu's experience in the Shou Tiang Room as the core story, showing Lao Tzu's life of seeking, enlightening, and preaching, and exploring the secret of "the best is like water", in order to pay tribute to the great philosophical sages and the great Eastern wisdom. "

After the scene ended in a flourishing manner, the perspective switched to the four of Li Hong.

Zhang Lin's voice kept coming, and he said with a smile: "What is "the best is like water"?

Follow Laozi to observe the water and realize the Tao, opening the door to wisdom.

After reading classics in many fields such as politics, history, medicine, agriculture, military, travel notes, etc., this issue of "China in Classics" takes the audience closer to the Tao Te Ching, the founding work of Chinese philosophy.

It is the Chinese cultural classic that has been translated into the most languages ​​and has the largest circulation.

Looking at ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, from Confucius, Han Fei, Wei Yuan, to Schopenhauer, Leo Tolstoy, Heidegger... there are many people who strive to praise the Tao Te Ching.

The German philosopher Jaspers once proposed that the period from 800 to 200 BC was the "Axial Age" of human civilization.

During this period, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle appeared in ancient Greece, while Laozi and Confucius appeared in China. "

Smiling and listening to Zhang Lin's eloquent narration, Li Hong had to wonder if this guy was acting just now?

Because he has even read the books of the philosopher Jaspers, and when you think about his walking Zhang Du Zhang Ke, it is difficult not to feel suspicious.

Li Hong had read the work "The Origin and Goals of History" by the philosopher Jaspers, and knew that this work was relatively unpopular.

The book writes that the period from 800 BC to 200 BC was the 'Axial Age' of human civilization and a period of major breakthrough in the spirit of human civilization.

At that time, ancient Greek, ancient Chinese, ancient Indo and other civilizations all produced great thinkers.

The ideological principles they proposed have shaped different cultural traditions and have always influenced human life.

While thinking, Zhang Lin, a patient with suspected hyperamnesia, continued: "Jaspers called the Tao Te Ching an irreplaceable philosophical work. In just a few sentences, it includes cosmology, ethics and... Political science content.

For many readers today, the first impression given by the "Tao Te Ching" is probably "I can't understand it, but I am greatly shocked."

The full text has more than 5,000 words. It is simple yet profound, simple yet full of philosophy, mysterious yet logical.

Although "mysterious and mysterious", many of the ideas in the "Tao Te Ching" are still the life wisdom of ordinary people.

But if you only think that this is the influence of Lao Tzu on the Chinese, then I can tell you responsibly:

You are OUT!

Although Taoist books are gradually declining in China, on the contrary, in the West, the sales volume of the "Tao Te Ching" has surpassed that of the "Bible" and has leapt to the top of all classics. It has now topped the world's book rankings.

In China, The Analects of Confucius has greater influence than the Tao Te Ching;

Abroad, "Tao Te Ching" has greater influence than "The Analects of Confucius";

According to UNESCO statistics, among classics from all over the world, the Tao Te Ching is the classic that has been translated into the most languages ​​and has the largest circulation.

There are nearly 500 foreign language translations of the Tao Te Ching, 82 German translations of the Tao Te Ching, and more than 700 monographs on Laozi's thoughts.

Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are the three foundations of Chinese civilization.

Laozi and Confucius were the mentors of kings for 2500 years and influenced the history of China for 2500 years;

A survey by German TV showed that Lao Tzu is still the "most famous Chinese" in the hearts of Germans, and every four Germans have a copy of the Tao Te Ching hidden in their homes.

Who is studying and applying the Tao Te Ching?

What is the impact of the Tao Te Ching in the world? "

After a pause, he said: "Today, I am honored to invite four experts and celebrities who are very fond of the Tao Te Ching to tell us about the past and present life of the Tao Te Ching.

Next, let’s ask Professor Wang Zhongjiang to talk about your understanding of the Tao Te Ching. "

The live broadcast camera moved from far to near, and finally focused on Wang Zhongjiang.

Facing the camera, the elegant-looking Professor Wang smiled and said: "Since its birth, the Tao Te Ching has been hailed as the "King of Classics" and has become one of the greatest classics in medieval history.

However, research in recent years has revealed a shocking fact:

The Tao Te Ching has been tampered with in more than 700 places.

The discovery comes from the astonishing discovery of a large Han tomb in Mawangdui.

The unearthing of the silk book "Laozi" revealed the surprising differences between the handed down version and the original version.

This has brought about profound changes in people's understanding of the Tao Te Ching, forcing us to re-understand the greatness of this ancient classic.

These more than 700 differences are not just changes in text, but involve changes in the core ideas of the Tao Te Ching.

The most famous sentence in the popular version of the Tao Te Ching:

"The Tao can be Tao, but it is not Tao; the name can be named, but it is not named."

It is widely praised in the handed down versions, but there are subtle differences in the silk book "Laozi".

The original expression is: "Tao can be a Tao, but it is not a permanent Tao; Ming can be a name, but it is not a permanent name."

This small change provides future generations with the possibility of a deeper understanding of this sentence. "(End of chapter)

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