Entertainment: Dominate domestic entertainment through host competition

Chapter 339: Reading of a patient with hyperamnesia

There is an agent involved in buying a house. Apart from the hassle of signing the contract, the rest is just waiting for you to move in.

Even because of Wang Fei's permission, the keys were handed over to them in advance before the real estate certificate was obtained.

After getting a new house, the family happily discussed how to renovate it, how to decorate it, where to use it as a new house, and where to use it as a baby room.

Zhang Lin had no time to participate.

After confirming the house purchase contract and paying the 30 million deposit by swiping his card, he hurried to the new CCTV location.

All the way to the floor where CCTV is located, under the guidance of the staff, I met Professor Meng Man and Professor Wang Zhongjiang.

Meng Man is basically known to anyone who watches CCTV, and she is an old acquaintance like Kang Zhen.

Wang Zhongjiang is a professor at Peking University and a member of the expert group of "China in Classics".

The reason why I participated in the program with the two of them today is to warm up the ninth episode of "China in Classics".

Now is the Internet age, and official media has begun to pay attention to catering to the preferences of young people.

In addition, CCTV was caught between Penguin, iQiyi, and Mango TV. Its popularity plummeted after "Yang Young Summer" ended, and it needed big names to attract traffic, so they hit it off and started this spin-off program.

That is to say, before each episode of the program starts, Zhang Lin or Sa Baoning will invite one or two guests to live broadcast, talk about the next episode's classics, and appropriately reveal some gimmicks to attract traffic to the program.

This model is very common nowadays, and CCTV is not considered original.

"Two teachers are here!"

After nine episodes of the program, he had become a mature man. Zhang Lin said hello naturally, took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, then quickly came over to pick up the live broadcast script.

After flipping through the pages, I already had a draft in my mind.

This was not the first time I witnessed this scene, Meng Man still exclaimed: "I am really convinced by your monster's memory!"

Professor Wang Zhongjiang from his alma mater smiled and nodded, then thought of something and said, "Last time you said you had mild hyperamnesia.

After I returned home, I checked for hyperamnesia and found that this disease is quite scary. "

"Oh," Meng Man asked curiously, "Why is it so scary?"

"Hyperamnesia refers to a person who has extraordinary autobiographical memory, that is, he can remember major personal experiences and events in his life without selection."

Explaining a paragraph, Wang Zhongjiang said: "I read a foreign case. The patient with hyperamnesia said that people think it is a talent, but for him it is a pain.

Because he had to relive his entire life in his mind every day, and he was going crazy. "

"What case, let me take a look~"

Meng Man has the rigorous side of an expert and professor. He is pragmatic and refuses to believe anything he doesn't know.

Zhang Lin was actually quite curious and walked over after hearing the sound.

Speaking of which, his hyperamnesia is a product of acquired processing and is a Xibei product, so it does not have the characteristic of selective memory.

Only when he concentrates his attention will his memory become particularly good and he can easily remember what he wants to remember.

In normal life, just like ordinary people, they will forget and ignore unimportant memories.

He is like a key to the memory palace, which can be opened and closed at will.

Thinking in his mind, he approached Wang Zhongjiang out of curiosity.

After reading it with Meng Man, I learned that it was a woman named Jill who was born in New York on December 1965, 12.

Of course, she is not as sexy as Queen Jill in Resident Evil. Instead, she is very fat and haggard.

When she was just 5 years old, the family moved to New Jersey.

After only living there for three years, 3-year-old Jill moved to another place with her family.

In order to remember the good things in life, she developed the habit of writing a diary.

As the saying goes, a good memory is worse than a bad writing, and Jill's memory is getting better and better because of this.

But suddenly one day, she found that her memory seemed to be too good.

She can record what she does every day like a video recorder.

Effortlessly, she can remember what she has heard, seen, and experienced, and they will be automatically saved in her brain and can be retrieved anytime and anywhere.

At first, Jill thought everyone was like this, but when she grew up, she realized that others did not have such super memory abilities.

For most people, there is no way to remember the specifics of each day.

Just think about it, do you remember what you did on the weekend?

Many people's minds go blank, as if nothing happened.

Whenever people are troubled by their memory, they long for the memory bread of Jingle Cat.

If you only see this, many people may think that if you can have a memory like Jill, you will no longer have to be afraid of exams.

However, Jill's examination ability was no better than that of ordinary people, and sometimes she even performed worse.

For example, when she saw a question, she recalled a lot of irrelevant things because there were too many things in her mind.

Therefore, the gift that many people had dreamed of, the god-level ability to remember a photograph, and the super memory that made people envious, brought her more troubles.

According to Jill's self-report, her brain often has uncontrollable flashbacks to past memories.

Whenever she thinks of things that make her sad, Jill will fall into endless pain.

She often affects her work because of recalling past events. In severe cases, it can lead to insomnia, dreaminess, and depression.

When Jill was 34 years old, she finally couldn't stand the painful torture anymore, so she wrote an email to Professor McGaugh of the University of California, a neuroscientist who studies memory.

The content of the email was that there seemed to be some problem with my memory, and it was no exaggeration to claim that I could recall every day of my life since the age of 12, as well as the torture I had suffered.

Her various experiences caught McGo's attention.

He immediately invited Jill to the laboratory for research and testing.

It turned out that as long as he mentioned a random point in time in the past, she could blurt out what happened that day or the news headlines, and the accuracy rate was almost 100%.

Later, McGaugh became the first scientist to propose the phenomenon of "hyperamnesia". Since Jill's deeds were exposed, Brad, a 51-year-old man from Wisconsin, USA, also got in touch with McGo.

He has also had a strong memory since he was a child.

He can clearly remember everything that happened every day in his past life.

Brad is also known as the "Human Google" because he can recall certain events faster than others can search through the search engine "Google".

This title is similar to Zhang Du and Zhang Ke who are walking around.

But like Gil, he is not much smarter than ordinary people, and may even appear clumsier.

Although they can repeatedly extract the time, place and process of events in their lives, they sometimes cannot figure out the meaning of some complex sentences.

With the deepening of research, scientists have discovered that the memories of "hyperamnesia" are highly egocentric.

Therefore, this phenomenon is also called "highly developed autobiographical memory."

They remember every detail of their lives as if writing an autobiography, but their memory level for other events is no different from that of ordinary people.

Many times, they will also have false memories and so on just like normal people.

After reading it, Zhang Lin was secretly grateful that the souls of his two lives had merged, preventing him from suffering from a disease called "hyperamnesia."

Otherwise, given his personality, he will definitely be driven crazy in the end!

While thinking about it, I saw Meng Man and Wang Zhongjiang looking over at the same time.

Turning around to look, he found that it was not just the two of them. Today's other two guests, Li Hong and Xie Yingying, had also arrived, staring at him unblinkingly.

"Hey, when did the two sisters arrive?"

"Just arrived."

After replying, Li Hong asked with concern: "What is hyperamnesia? Do you have this disease?"

Professor Wang Zhongjiang explained again, and the pretty faces of the two girls changed color.

Although photographic memory sounds very powerful, they are 100% unwilling to trade health and depression.

Thinking of this, Li Hong asked with concern: "Are your symptoms serious?"


After a moment of silence, Zhang Lin, who wanted to say it was okay, suddenly said with an explosion of acting skills: "It's really painful!

Ever since I was hit by a bumper car as a child, I can clearly remember every detail of what happened every second of every day.

I can tell you the make, make, and model of every car that passes me.

Super memory brings many amazing benefits.

I have an incredible amount of information stored in my brain. I know every book I've ever read by heart, and I've read thousands of them.

I remember everyone I met.

I walk through a crowded shopping mall and note every person I catch only a fleeting glimpse of.

I remember every conversation that ever happened.

When I say my memory is in perfect detail, I'm not exaggerating at all.

I'm not reminiscing, I'm reliving it. "

Hearing this, Li Hong heard Xie Yingying swallow her saliva next to her.

She was not amused by this, but was shocked from the bottom of her heart.

She also wants this ability.

Zhang Lin's face was full of memories and he kept saying: "For me, the memory is as real as the present.

It's hard for me to differentiate between what is memory and what is reality.

I vividly remember the feeling, the smell, the sound, the taste, everything I saw, every thought that crossed my mind.

Time really means nothing to me, because unless I experience something completely new that does not exist in my memory, it will not feel real.

I don't need to study, never have.

I read the textbook once and never forget it again.

Therefore, I spend my time constantly seeking new information and new experiences.

I am hungry for knowledge.

But what people don’t understand is that, unlike their memories, my memories have no weight.

Most people only remember what their brains think is important.

And I remember everything.

The memory of getting up for school every day is as clear as my most cherished memories.

My brain doesn’t stress about anything.

In order to find a memory, I have to look through every memory in my life.

And even remembering an event itself will be recorded in memory.

I remember something I once remembered.

Needless to say, this often confused my thinking.

Besides, I don’t dream.

I have no ability to dream.

Every night I just replay the memory of the previous day.

It’s obvious that I am also an insomniac, as you can tell by the thick dark circles under my eyes.

I have never met anyone else with the same memory patterns as me. "(End of chapter)

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