Tumeng: I am a national advisor in the Golden Family

Chapter 104 Food Issues, Planting Watermelons

Chapter 104 Food Issues, Planting Watermelons

Soon Genghis Khan's military order spread!
In the entire Mongolian camp, whether they are slaves or soldiers.Either the general or other craftsmen got the news.

Genghis Khan ordered to withdraw his troops and return eastward a month later. This majestic Western Expedition was over.

Bang!A precious gold wine bottle was smashed to the ground, and Tuo Lei was furious at this time.

Why is this happening?Why is this happening?

I have already arranged everything. This is an almost unsolvable situation. It can ease the relationship between myself and my eldest brother, let the eldest brother's first line marry my first line, and it can seriously hit the Wo Kuotai first line.

But the result was shocking to Tuo Lei, and even a bit unacceptable.

There was nothing wrong with the people of Wokuotai's family. Even Tulanlun's husband gave the remaining 1300 households directly to Batu as a wedding gift, which made Genghis Khan very happy.

Even the Han named Zhang Yong was actually sealed off from ten thousand households. Although it was not the ten thousand households of Mongolia, it was the ten thousand households of the Han people.

It was this man named Zhang Yong who completely disrupted his plan. The eldest brother, who had begun to waver in attitude, stood firmly behind Wo Kuotai this time.

Even the kid Batu, his views on the Wokuotai family have changed significantly.

He gave away 1300 households, and Wo Kuotai also gave away 1300 households. In the end, he got nothing, but they got a lot of rewards. How could he accept it?
Father!Father!I gave 1300 households to my eldest brother, but you just praised me verbally.I have no intention of compensating you at all.

But this Han man named Zhang Yong sent 1300 households, but you directly sealed him as [-] households. For the first time, Tuo Lei felt that the gap between people was so big, and it was a little hard for him to accept for a while.

I won't just let it go, Ogodei. Originally, I didn't want to get into this kind of trouble with you, but when we were in the Delhi Sultanate, you almost killed me.

Let me and you completely break up, and now my father is so partial. Although we have made the same contribution, your subordinates have been rewarded, and even you yourself have benefited, while I, I have received nothing.

And that Han man named Zhang Yong, what kind of ecstasy soup did he pour into his father?Why is his father so kind to him?

Is it because of that dream my father had?Is it because he is the messenger of God?Just because he is the messenger of God.I should give myself all the rights.Are you giving up everything you deserve?
If he had instigated Luhotheni, it would have been better if she was by his side. His wife is a very wise woman, and she will definitely be able to figure out a way to solve her current situation.

Find yourself a clear way out.

When he was in the Mongolian headquarters, his wife Luheteni helped Tuo Lei through many difficulties. Tuo Lei was a good fighter, but when it came to conspiracy, he and his third brother, and Compared with his own wife, he is far inferior.

"Lord Tuo Lei, the Great Khan sent an order to all the soldiers in the army to start packing. We are going to prepare to return east in a month." A guard of Tuo Lei ran in, knelt on the ground, and said cautiously.

At this time, his master was in a state of rage. If he said the wrong thing, he would be moved by his head if he was not careful.

"Yes! I understand. You ask the soldiers to prepare some dry food for this month. Prepare some hay for your horses." Tuo Lei sighed helplessly and said.

There is really nothing I can do now. I really want to return to the Mongolian grassland as soon as possible and meet my young sons and wife.

I don’t know how Meng Ge, Kublai Khan, and Hulagu are doing now?And the newly born little brother Ali should be able to walk now, right?When he left, he had just been born.

After four years of fighting with his father, Tuo Lei now misses his family a little.

Zhang Yong, who was in the camp, also received Genghis Khan's order to withdraw his troops.

"There is still one month left for the withdrawal, and the Great Khan actually wants us to prepare our own dry food? Doesn't the army not care about food along the way?" Zhang Yong asked after seeing off Genghis Khan's soldiers.

Do you actually have to prepare your own dry food when following a large army?
Holy shit, did you make a mistake?

"Of course I'm in charge of the meals, but I only take care of the collective meal every day when the army is camping and resting. You have to prepare the remaining two meals yourself." Tu Lanlun turned to look at Zhang Yong and said.

When the Mongolian army marches, they set off in the morning and rest at night. When the army camps at night, they will have a collective meal. This is under the control of the army. At other times, they prepare dry food individually or find other things to eat.

If you don’t have dry food or haven’t prepared food, then go hungry and wait until the next night to eat.

Anyway, even if you eat one meal a day, you won't starve to death. On a long-distance march, you should save food if you can. In this way, many soldiers were hungry when they first started the Western Expedition.

Fortunately, this time they destroyed Khwarezm.And the surrounding countries got a lot of spoils, and they were much richer in comparison.

"Can my slaves also eat from the big pot?" Zhang Yong asked.The consumption of slaves with more than 5000 people is no joke. If they can be allowed to follow the big pot of rice, even if they only eat one meal a day, they can insist on walking back. At worst, I will find time to supplement them with some food.

"Of course not, didn't I tell you before?
Who do you think you are?Those slaves are not the Khan's, but yours. If they are the Khan's slaves, they can naturally take care of the food.

And my eldest brother’s calculations should not be much different. If we save a little on those cattle and sheep, they should be enough for us to eat back on the grassland. If you are worried, just buy some more food, just in case. Tu Lanlun said.

What is this bastard thinking?You actually let a large army take care of the food of your slaves, and there are more than 5000 slaves. This is not a small number.

"Forget it, I'll go buy food and bring back 1000 sheep, just in case!" Zhang Yong said.

You can't let these people starve to death with you, right?
"Are you going to buy some food? Haha, I'm not looking down on you. Your little gold, silver and jewelry can't buy much food at all.

Do you know what is enough food to feed 5000 people?Although you have several carts of gold and silver, these are not enough to buy food. Even if you spend them all, you won't be able to buy much.

And now that the entire Khwarezm is almost destroyed, how can there be any businessmen!Even if you have money, you have no place to buy food!

I have told you a long time ago that these 5000 people are a big burden, but you have to take them with you. Now you know how difficult it is. Just raising them is a big expense. Tu Lanlun said.

"Then what do you think we should do? We can't starve them to death, right?"

"There are a lot of wild vegetables on the grassland. Prepare a big pot for them and let them eat one meal a day. At night, add more water to cook some wild vegetables, wild grasses, etc., and then add some goat's milk and cow's milk to it.

Just make do with a meal, and wait until we reach the second half of the journey.

Just let them kill the sheep for meat, 2500 sheep. After half a year, the number should increase, enough to eat back, but if it doesn't work, there are still cows to carry it!
It's best to keep your money and don't spend it carelessly.

Now, instead of looking for a place to buy grain, you might as well bring those livestock back quickly, and then milk them for milk drying. You can do as much as you can in a month. Tu Lanlun said.

His eldest brother calculated very carefully. These 2500 sheep and 200 cows are military rations for you. If you save some food, it will be enough for 5000 people to reach the Central Plains.

After that, I went to live in this kid’s fiefdom.

"Yeah!" It seems that I took it for granted. The idea is beautiful, but sometimes the reality is also very cruel.

People need to eat. Let them be self-sufficient on a piece of land, farming and raising livestock, and raising livestock will indeed not starve to death. But once they start marching long distances, the food consumption will be astronomical.

"By the way, I see you planted a lot of things around the tent, green-skinned melons, what are they? Are they wild vegetables?" Tu Lanlun asked.

After moving into Zhang Yong's tent, she saw many plants around Zhang Yong's tent. The most common one was a green melon, which had a lot of fruit.

"The green ones are called watermelons. When ripe, they weigh six to seven pounds. The flesh is red and the taste is sweet.

Don't underestimate them. These are high-yield plants. If they can be grown on a large scale, food will not be a problem at all. "Zhang Yong said.

"How many months do these watermelons take to grow? How productive are they?" Tu Lanlun asked thoughtfully.

"For watermelons, it only takes a few months. Moreover, these things can grow very big and burst open when mature. One watermelon is enough for several people to eat. If you don't mind, you can also eat the rind, and the yield is very large.

If the land is better, the yield per mu will not be a problem. If the land is poor, it will only be a few thousand catties. As long as it is grown, everything can be eaten. "Zhang Yong said.

"If it's really as powerful as you say, I think I have a solution. Now go see my father Khan and tell him the yield of these watermelons. If it only takes a few months to mature, you can send some people to join the team. Plant these things in advance, then watch them, and then pick and eat them when the army arrives." Tu Lanlun said.

"What do you mean? Plant watermelons along the way?" Zhang Yong asked.

"Yes, that's it. Along the way, you can raise livestock and plant watermelons. If their yield is as great as you say, then this is a great achievement and my father will reward you well." Tu Lanlun said.

I just don’t know if your watermelon is as powerful as you say.

What a great idea!Planting watermelons, to be honest, the yield of watermelons can beat corn instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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