Tumeng: I am a national advisor in the Golden Family

Chapter 103 The Sudanese envoy is preparing to return eastward

Chapter 103 The Sudanese envoy is preparing to return eastward
So no matter what, there is no problem at all for Zhang Yong to keep these 5000 people.

"Do you want to buy all the gold and silver treasures to buy cattle and sheep? Or buy them here? No, I don't agree with this." Tu Lanlun said.

All right!A certain miser girl began to show her true nature again, and Zhang Yong was a little helpless. Why didn't this girl know how to adapt?Sometimes these dead things can be more valuable if you transform them into living things, okay?

Zhang Yong remembered that there was an allusion before time travel. An ancient general captured a noble city. When checking the loot, he found that the noble city owner had a large amount of treasures, and countless gold and silver jewels were piled up in his treasure house.

So the general asked him very strangely, why don't you use all the gold to recruit troops. In this case, you will definitely be able to recruit a very powerful army.

Then the noble city lord replied, these are my heart and soul, and I am reluctant to spend them.

The general smiled, and had the city lord imprisoned with his gold and silver treasures, and then deprived him of water and food. After a few days, the man starved to death.

This tells us a truth, if you have to use gold and silver treasures, you have to hide them in your own room. If you don't have the ability to protect them, sooner or later these things will become someone else's.

"Didn't what I just said clear enough? How about I explain it to you again." Zhang Yong said helplessly.

"Master, that's not what I mean. What I mean is that if you buy livestock here and then take it back to your territory, do you know how far it is? It will take us close to a year to walk back, even if my father Khan leads the army tomorrow When the army returns eastward, it will take a year to return to the Mongolian grasslands of Mobei.

More than half of the livestock will die along the way, and if the entire army is short of food, you need to contribute all these livestock. I know you want to buy cattle and sheep.

I agree with the development of our own territory in the future, but you can wait until we arrive in the Mobei Mongolian grassland to buy it. The herders there raise a large number of cattle and sheep, and the price is very cheap.

Why do you want to stay far away?The price of cattle and sheep in Khwarezm is much higher than that in the Mongolian grasslands. Tu Lanlun said.

She is not opposed to buying cattle and sheep, but you also have to look at where to buy it. I have a cheap place, why should I buy it in an expensive place?

And shipping costs are also a huge cost!Do you know how far this place is from the Mobei Mongolian grassland and the Central Plains?It will be a year before we go there!

Hearing this, it was Zhang Yong's turn to be speechless, okay!I kind of took it for granted.

Tulan Lun is right. If you buy them here, if you drive these cattle and sheep to the Central Plains, at least half of them will die.

"Then buy less! After all, 2500 sheep and 200 cows are probably not enough to feed more than 5000 people." Zhang Yong said.

Food is a big problem, especially for tens of thousands of people.These more than 2 slaves were given to him by Jochi, but Genghis Khan would not care about their food. This was the rule of the grassland march.

If you take them away yourself, you can't slow down the march of the army, and you must also be responsible for their food.

"No, you can take over the cattle and sheep now! Get as many ewes as possible, and then prepare a few stronger rams. We will raise them for a while first.

These slaves who follow you can help you raise these cattle and sheep first.

Try to make these ewes pregnant with lambs during the breeding period. It would be best if they can give birth. You can let these slaves squeeze out fresh goat milk and cow milk to make dried milk to use as your own dry food.

After setting off, drink some goat's milk and cow's milk on the way. When the ewes are not producing milk, eat the dried milk prepared in advance.

In the later stage, you can eat some useless rams or some old ewes that cannot survive the winter. If you persist in this way, you can eat some wild vegetables, frogs, wild mice and the like on the grassland on the way, which should be enough for them to survive. . Tu Lanlun said.

They are all slaves anyway, as long as they don't starve to death, their eldest brother Shuchi's calculation is still very accurate. 2500 sheep will now be sent to Zhang Yong to raise for a while.

As long as there are a few months, these 2500 can become 3000 or 4000. Sheep can reproduce very quickly.

Moreover, when the lamb is about one year old, it can reach adulthood and give birth to lambs.

It doesn't take long for the lambs to be born, and they can run with the ewes in just a few minutes, making it easier for them to march for long periods of time.

In fact, the most troublesome thing about raising cattle and sheep is not the problem of reproduction, but the problem of food. When the Mongolians were not unified, the biggest struggle was to snatch pasture. Pasture suitable for grazing is the key!

Fortunately, they would walk through areas with grasslands on their way back. The road had been explored clearly, and there were areas rich in water and grass along the way, making it easy to graze and march at the same time.

"Okay, just do what you said. Famaina, you and I will go there tomorrow and bring back your [-] people, and by the way, bring back our cattle and sheep, and then let them start taking care of them. These cattle and sheep, sir, I will teach them some skills." Zhang Yong said.

This action must be quick.before attacking the Delhi Sultanate.Genghis Khan had already decided to withdraw his troops.Zhang Yong estimated that they would not be able to stay here for long, and Genghis Khan would return to the Mongolian grassland sooner than in the original history, and then attack Xixia.

"Okay, sir, many of my people are herdsmen, and they can also help you manage your livestock." Farmaina said.

"Master, you have so many slaves now, and there must be a lot of luggage on the road. You'd better prepare some horses. I think it should be at least 1000 horses. If you have more horses, they can help you check your luggage. You can buy these in Khwarezm Some," Tulanlun said.

"Okay, I understand." Zhang Yong nodded and said.

I would definitely buy some horses, now that I am no longer alone.

Just when Zhang Yong was about to take over his cattle, sheep, and Famaina's tribe, a group of special guests also arrived in Genghis Khan's military camp.

In Genghis Khan's military tent, several envoys from the Delhi Sultanate wearing red costumes, round hats and big beards were being received.

"Honorable Mongol Khan, on behalf of the great Sultan of the Delhi Sultanate, I come to say hello to you."

"Well! Your Sultan was defeated by me. What's the matter with him sending you here?" Genghis Khan asked.

After all, he had just defeated the envoy of the Delhi Sultanate. Genghis Khan did not have a good face at all, and his words showed great arrogance.

When the envoy of the Delhi Sultanate heard this, his face showed a hint of displeasure, but thinking that his country's army had just been defeated, he could only grit his teeth!

Damn prairie barbarians, you are despicable and shameless. When our army was marching south, you actually launched an attack on our country, and you actually had the nerve to claim that you defeated us.

"Honorable Khan of Mongolia, I am here for peace. Our two countries should not be at war.

You are the ruler of the grassland. You defeated our old enemy Khwarezm. Our Sultan is very happy. Some unpleasant things happened to us before. Our Sultan hopes that this matter will go away. "The messenger said.

Sudan's army has just experienced a huge defeat. Now Sudan really doesn't want to be enemies with the Mongols, so the task he accepted this time is to make peace with the Mongols and not go to war with the Mongols no matter what.

So I can only try my best to lower my posture. "It's okay to just go as it is. I sent troops into your country before to pursue the Sultan of Khwarezm named Zalandin, so there were some misunderstandings." Genghis Khan said with a smile.

The envoy of the Delhi Sultanate rolled his eyes when he heard this, and pursued Sultan Zalandin of Khwarezm?Do you think we don’t have any information?
The Sultan Zalandin of Khwarezm has been killed by you. You sent troops into our country just to plunder.

"It would be great if this misunderstanding can be resolved. The distinguished Khan of Mongolia, I hope that our two countries can maintain peace and that you will never invade our country again," the envoy said.

"It's okay not to invade your country anymore, so be it! I will be returning to the Mongolian grassland with my army soon. I hope your Sultan can give me some military rations." Genghis Khan said.

If I hadn't been in a hurry to go back and deal with the Jin people and the Xixia people, and had a way to restrain the heatstroke, I would have led my army across the river and wiped out your Delhi Sultanate.

Originally, Genghis Khan had no intention of paying attention to the Delhi Sultanate. This time Ogedai and Zhang Yong brought back a large amount of loot.

Having successfully reached the previous strategic goal, Genghis Khan is now preparing to return eastward.

Who would have thought that this envoy from the Sudan would actually come to our door? That would be great!Please pay me some military expenses!

I happen to be short of food.

Upon hearing this, the envoy of the Delhi Sultanate clenched his fists again and gritted his teeth.

This is naked blackmail!You sent troops to beat us, stole a lot of money, and even massacred one of our city-states.

Now you actually want us to donate military expenses to you, but there is no other way.

The Sultan of the Delhi Sultanate has seen the power of the Mongolian army and clearly knows that if the Mongolian army crosses the river.If they enter the Delhi Sultanate in large numbers, their rule may come to an end.

"Great Genghis Khan, our Sultan is willing to provide you with some military rations," the envoy of the Delhi Sultanate said.

"That's good. In this case, your Sultan will be my good Anda, and I will naturally not attack his country.

I don’t want much, just forget about gold, silver and other treasures!You send some food and livestock so that my soldiers will not be hungry when they return. "Genghis Khan said with a smile.

This time, Genghis Khan did not speak as loudly as the lion. After all, he was about to return eastward and did not want to waste too much time.

He needs some food and livestock to eat on the road, otherwise with his temper, he will definitely blackmail him.

Hearing this, the envoy of the Delhi Sultanate breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the Mongolian Khan was not as loud as a lion, and the price he gave was still within the Sultan's permission.

As for just some food and livestock, the Delhi Sultanate can still afford it.

During this southern expedition, the Delhi Sultanate destroyed many countries in southern India.

After gaining a large number of people, livestock and wealth, there is no big problem in giving some to Mongolia.

"Honorable Khan of Mongolia, we will provide 2 sheep and 2000 cattle, enough to feed 10 people for four months. What do you think of this number?" the Delhi Sultanate envoy said.

"Yes! I agreed. After I leave, this will be my eldest son's territory. I hope he can get along well with your Sultan." Genghis Khan said.

The envoy of the Delhi Sultanate nodded, recognizing Genghis Khan's words.

Damn prairie barbarians, don’t be complacent. Once the Sultan has pacified the weak countries in the south and west, our army of the Delhi Sultanate will cross the river.

Let you know how awesome it is.

"Great Genghis Khan, please give us one month to prepare the things you want. After one month, these things will be transported to your military camp." The envoy of the Delhi Sultanate said.

"Does it take a month? Can it be faster?" Genghis Khan asked.

He couldn't wait to leave.

"This! It will take at least 20 days. After all, it takes time to mobilize and transport supplies." The envoy of the Delhi Sultanate said in a very embarrassed tone.

"Well! Let's give it 20 days. Within 20 days, I hope to receive your things." Genghis Khan said.

The emissary from the Delhi Sultanate nodded.

The two sides drew up letters of credence, and Genghis Khan ordered someone to write a letter and ask the envoy to deliver it to the Sultan of the Delhi Sultanate.

"Great Khan! It's an unexpected surprise that the Delhi Sultanate sent an envoy! It just solves some of our urgent needs." A Mongolian general next to Genghis Khan said.

They were about to return and were collecting food and grass everywhere. The Delhi Sultanate just came to their doorstep and provided a large amount of food.

"Well! With this batch of grain, grass and livestock from the Delhi Sultanate, we should be able to safely walk back to the Mobei Grassland." Genghis Khan said.

"Great Khan, I think we should send a small team now to start grazing in advance along the way in front of the army. After the army arrives, we can slaughter the cattle and sheep to satisfy our hunger." The Mongolian general said.

According to the tradition of the Mongolian army, an advance force should be sent out at this time to carry out livestock grazing along the way.

"I also have this idea. You go and pass on my military order to prepare a cavalry of 4000 people. Set off now with the herdsmen and start grazing along the way." Genghis Khan said.

Hundreds of thousands of troops returning eastward are not just a quick trip!
A lot of preparations had to be made in advance. He had already been preparing for two months during Zhang Yong and Ogedai's expedition to the Delhi Sultanate.

There is still some food missing. As long as the food from the Delhi Sultanate is shipped, he can withdraw his troops.

"As ordered by the Great Khan, when will our army set off?"

"Pass my order and everyone starts packing their luggage and stocking up on dry food. The army will return eastward in a month. Our western expedition is over!"

(End of this chapter)

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