System: I let you have children, not fight for hegemony

Chapter 306: Changing with each passing day

The reward letter from King Qin and the documents from Shu ministers discussing ten strategies for governing the country arrived at Bashu County together.

At this time, Bashu County has already entered the busy spring plowing stage, and many fish do not even have time to drink.

After learning that they had been awarded the title of Chehou, many fish were only happy for a minute before letting others distribute the rewards to others.

As for the ten strategies for governing the country, although many fish have the correct answers, they are not in a hurry to come forward.

Historically, Qin Wangzheng and his ministers were able to give perfect answers. In this life, many fish would naturally not intend to take over everything.

She only wrote a letter to propose the establishment of Fanbangfanxue, refinement of the official evaluation system, etc.

"Sir, the Textile Bureau came to report and said that they cooperated with the workshop to develop a water conservancy spinning wheel." The young official said excitedly.

He just graduated from Bashu Academy and was admitted as a civil servant. He even went directly to the county governor's office to work for the Marquis of Ding'an.

The family members are told that they must do their best to serve the adults and must not slack off, and the young official takes this seriously.

Many Fish picked up a piece of sesame seed cake from the table and walked quickly to the Textile Bureau.

As soon as they left the Sheriff's Mansion, many fish saw that the road was busy with cars and crowded with people. Even the wide six lanes were almost not enough.

"Surprised? Surprised? Not used to it?" Hu Feizi walked over slowly. He was nearly eighty years old, his eyesight was dim and his physical strength was weak. He had to wait until many fish came back, then he resigned on his own initiative.

Many Fish stretched out their hands and supported Hu Feizi: "Why are you here? If you have anything to do, just let me know. I'm just kidding. I've been back for a while and I haven't adapted to the development of Bashu yet."

Today's Bashu City has developed several times. It is not so much a city as a radiation circle of the city.

The four satellite cities originally reserved on the design paper have also been successfully developed.

Benefiting from the vigorous development of Bashu Chamber of Commerce, Bashu has gained a large number of wealthy people. They are reluctant to leave Bashu, so they build houses on the vacant land planned outside the city.

Restricted by regulations, they were extremely luxurious in interior decoration, which further promoted the commercial prosperity of Bashu.

Due to the rapid expansion of the population, government officials in Bashu had to expand their recruitment, and immediately arose the problem of insufficient office space.

Students from Bashu Academy proposed to set up points in each district to provide convenient services.

This means that some important office departments such as the military are still in their original office locations, but those related to people's livelihood, such as social security, vehicle and horse licenses, business licenses, etc., can set up offices in the four satellite cities to alleviate the office pressure in the prefectural city.

Han Fei thought this suggestion was good, and after adopting it, he promoted the proposed students to interns.

Hu Feizi held Duoyu's arm tightly and spoke unclearly: "Don't mention you, even I often feel like I'm in a dream. I can't believe that all this is real."

The sky is clear, and a flock of gorgeous birds are hovering over the city. The houses in Fucheng are no longer like they were before, as if they were printed from the same mold. Some have replaced the black tiles and covered them with a layer of shells.

This kind of shell is produced in Qi State. It is as big as a palm, thicker than paper, thinner than tiles, and can transmit light. After being polished in the workshop, it is laid on the roof to prevent rain and allow sunlight to shine into the house.

As soon as the shell tiles were launched, they were popular among the masses. Even though the price was high due to the low output and long distance, this could not stop the public's enthusiasm.

On the contrary, the county governor's office has not been changed because this item was not included in the financial plan from a year ago!

Many fish took a deep breath, and the city was filled with the fragrance of various flowers. In addition to the flowers and plants planted in urban greening, sentimental residents will plant their favorite flowers at home or in the flower beds in front of their homes, and prune them carefully.

At first glance, Fucheng has become colorful and less tidy than before, but when you are inside, you will find that Fucheng has become very lifelike, as if it has come to life, with its own style and preferences.

Many fish were accidentally bumped by hurried pedestrians. The other person apologized hurriedly and did not recognize the person in front of him: "I'm sorry, the child is about to get out of school, and I have to pick him up."

After saying that, he took out a handful of raisins from the white cloth bag and stuffed them into the hands of many fish: "The raisins brought by the western caravan are so sweet! You're welcome."

As soon as he finished speaking, he ran towards the elementary school.

Many fish generously shared raisins with Hu Feizi: "We even have raisins. I don't know which trade route they took."

Hu Feizi waved his hand: "If your teeth are not good, you can eat it yourself. The one you should take is the Xiongnu one. I heard that the kid you picked up has done a lot of business."

Many fish chewed raisins, which were not as sweet as later generations and were slightly sour, but in ancient times when sugar was scarce, it was considered a very good dessert.

"You didn't go to the hospital? Niu Buhui has taught so many doctors. There is no shortage of clinics in Fucheng."

"I just lost my teeth, not sick!" Hu Feizi glared.

Many fish had no choice but to advise: "Don't hide your illness and avoid medical treatment. Toothache is not a disease, pain can kill people! Didn't Niu Buhui plan to make dentures for his mother? Send someone to ask how the dentures are doing."

"I know, it's long-winded. Why does a great marquis worry about such trivial matters?" Hu Feizi thought to himself, but a smile spread across his face.

The road was crowded, so the two of them simply walked and strolled slowly.

"Hey, the roadside shops are also open?" Many fish walked to a street, where the aroma of food wafted.

Hu Feizi: "Well, East and West Fang City is full. According to our original plan, we opened up the street-facing shops in Chengde Fang. Chengde Fang is located at the junction of all directions. Students going to and from school and officials need to pass here. And Chengdefang is not far from the East and West markets."

Many fish are clear, so most of the business here is eating!

After walking a few steps, Hu Feizi could no longer walk: "No, let's call a taxi."

"With the traffic jam like this, it's useless to call for a taxi." Many fish frowned and looked at the cars one after another on the road.

"Hey, I guess you don't know about this. We have divided the city's garrison into three parts, public security, traffic and city appearance management." Hu Feizi introduced proudly.

"The transportation department specially reserved a bus lane among the six lanes!"

Many fish were stunned when they heard this. Compared with the cities of later generations, the city in front of them was completely different, but in some details, even without their own guidance, they were miraculously similar.

When the two got a special car and arrived at the Textile Bureau, a dozen female staff members from the Textile Bureau immediately came to greet them, and the leader was Mao Xue!

Mao Xue did not lose her charm, but became more confident and capable. She raised her eyebrows at the many fishes proudly: "The Textile Bureau has 13 female clerks and 3 officials, seven of whom are female households."

The eyes of many fish suddenly turned red. (End of chapter)

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