After Meng Yi handed over the tallied merits, it happened that the King of Qi entered the Qin Dynasty. The people of Xianyang, who were slightly tired from the days of celebration, became excited again.

Thousands of people gathered at the Ba Bridge to watch the grand event.

Among them were passers-by and local farmers.

The people of the Bashu Chamber of Commerce were the most wicked. They actually set up wooden stools and tables on both sides of the river to sell food, milk and juice. They even set up sheds to block the midday sun.

The procession for the audience was very long, and the onlookers were reluctant to leave, so they bought a meal, sat on a wooden bench, and pointed at the princes, princes, princes, palace maids, tall ladies, ministers and officials who were successively stepping onto Ba Bridge. Point and point.

"Dad, come here, sit down carefully." A chubby young man squeezed through the crowd, ordered a set meal, and then helped the trembling old man to sit down.

"Father, you are really amazing. As expected, the king is the most powerful. We have seen this kind of scene six times!" The little fat man kept chattering.

The old man listened carefully, and then looked at Qi Ren and sighed three times, as if he were mourning for his heir.

The little fat man was filled with regret: "It's a pity that Marquis Ding'an didn't come this time."

The old man said, "Spring plowing in Bashu is urgent, and the Marquis of Ding'an attaches great importance to spring plowing."

After saying that, the old man was immersed in his memory again, remembering Wu Anjun's sadness when he left Xianyang, the sleepless nights when the regime changed several times, and the black tide when the army went out...

Since when did Da Qin's pace feel like an accelerator button was pressed, taking less than ten years to complete a road that should have taken decades?

Since when did Xianyang's supplies become so abundant and life became relaxed?

"God bless the Qin Dynasty!" The old man burst into tears. All these changes started when Ding'an Hou was born!

As soon as he finished speaking, King Qi's carriage arrived. The carriage didn't even have a curtain, so that the people could see King Qi clearly.

Finally, a minister of Qi State could not bear the psychological pressure and cursed at the King of Qi: "The State of Qi stretches for thousands of miles, has hundreds of thousands of armored soldiers, and tens of thousands of strong men. None of them surrendered to Qin, but you, the king, were bewitched by the Marquis of Ding'an." , choose to surrender to Qin!"

"Are you satisfied now that you are walking through Baqiao and being watched by the Qin people as if they were watching a sideshow? Where is the fiefdom that Marquis Ding'an promised you?"

The minister's chest heaved with anger.

King Qi suddenly stood up and angrily said: "You know how impassioned you are now. When the Marquis of Ding'an was alone in Linzi, why didn't you take action? Oh, you have the nerve to say hundreds of thousands of armored soldiers. The Qi State Boat Master fell to Ding'an as soon as he entered the water. Hou, the 300,000-strong Yeze Qi army retreated when they heard the war drums."

The King of Qi snorted coldly, pointed at the minister's nose and scolded: "I want to resist Qin, how can I resist? You are so powerful, why are you being captured by the slaves at home? If I hadn't understood the current affairs and gone to find the Marquis of Ding'an earlier, you would still have been able to resist. Is he alive?"

After saying that, King Qi was still upset and continued to say loudly: "You are so delusional that you still want to grant a city. Which of the other five countries has a city? All the exiled families in the five countries have been killed by the Marquis of Ding'an, and you still want to leave?" What’s next?”

The minister was told that his face was bruised and white.

The people of Qin who were watching were also stunned by this scene. The scene was quiet until King Qi's car left everyone's sight, and then it suddenly became noisy.

The little fat man asked the old man blankly: "Uncle, what did Marquis Ding'an say to King Qi? Why did King Qi..."

The old man probably knew the reason, but he didn't know how to explain it. If he understands the nouns of later generations, he should be able to find a word called the Stockholm effect.

King Qi is now like a die-hard fan of Marquis Ding'an. It is estimated that if his subordinates instigate him to rebel against Qin, he will report it.

Thick smoke billows from the north bank of the Wei River, and the palace towers on the Xianyang Plateau. There, a uniform celebration of "Six kings are finished, and the world is one" opened the prelude to a new era.

This was the first great court meeting after the unification of the world.

The founding of the first dynasty of a country must have corresponding cards. The Ancestral Temple, Taiyi, etc., led by Taishi Ling, originally planned this dynasty as two major celebrations: "the opening of a new dynasty and the emperor's accession to the throne".

But all this was stopped by Qin Wangzheng: "Without grand and extravagant arrangements, I would not be the emperor who has brought peace to the world? The world has been initially settled, but the aftermath is shaking, and the outline of the government has not yet been decided. Why bother to make arrangements in vain at this time?"

Li Si immediately understood that the King of Qin was concerned that Ding'anhou, Wang Jian, Meng Tian and other ministers could not be rushed out to attend the court meeting, and that the ten policies for governing the country had not yet been formulated.

Despite this, there was still an atmosphere of solemn and solemn celebration in the atmosphere.

The ministers were all gathered together, and their behavior was extremely neat.

There are two topics in this court meeting, one is to issue the king's letter to grant rewards, and the other is to agree on ten strategies for governing the country.

What attracts the most attention is how King Qin will reward Ding'anhou. She is already the 19th-level military meritorious Guanneihou. Is she going to go to Chehou?

The Minister of Ceremonies strode to the high steps in the center of the royal platform, unfolded the letter of King Qin's award, and his loud voice echoed in the hall——

A special message from the King of Qin: Qin’s determination of the world depends on the hard work of its officials and soldiers, and the support of its subjects. This is a compilation of the achievements of the ministers over the years. The first person with great achievements is as follows:

Many people from the Marquis of Ding'an were granted the title of Marquis of Che, and were given the title of 20 counties, and their descendants were able to inherit the title...

The Shenchen Hall was silent, and the ministers were all listening with bated breath. After hearing about the food of Marquis Ding'an, they couldn't help but gasp.

What is the concept of "Twenty Counties"? At that time, the merchant king only had twelve counties to live in!

However, no one in the imperial court expressed opposition.

Marquis Ding'an's contribution to many fishes is worthy of her reward!

"Long live the King of Qin!" "Long live the hero!"

Some people wanted to say something in the middle, but when they thought of what King Qi said on Baqiao, they shut their mouths tightly.

Even the King of Qi could see that Qin Wangzheng and Ding'anhou did not intend to enfeoff the vassals. They planned to abolish the feudal system and were very determined. There was no need for the ministers to conflict with them on this point.

So the great court meeting moved to the second item, where they agreed on ten policies for governing the country.

Everyone agrees with the general program, filling in the details to be discussed, how to implement it, whether measures should be adapted to local conditions, what preparations should be made in the early stage, etc.

These matters were very trivial. After the ministers handed over the documents they had been pondering for more than half a month, they started arguing again.

Until sunset, the matter has not been discussed yet, so we can only go to court temporarily and wait for the next court meeting to discuss it.

After Qin Wangzheng's letter of awarding the king was known to everyone in Xianyang, the people of Xianyang gathered at the shopping mall of the Bashu Chamber of Commerce, waiting for them to carry out activities.

As expected, the Bashu Chamber of Commerce reacted extremely quickly and made a huge hemorrhage, offering an unprecedented discount of half price for the entire event!

"Congratulations to the Marquis of Ding'an!" People rushed to buy and kept saying good things. The scene looked extremely festive. (End of chapter)

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