System: I let you have children, not fight for hegemony

Chapter 286 Xiao He becomes an official

Many fish were completely numb. It turned out that Bashu Academy was actually a place of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?

It seems that we are about to conduct a thorough investigation of the academy...

The next day, Duoyu took Liu Ji and Xiang Ji, who insisted on joining in the fun, to the Bashu Academy.

Bashu Academy is a lot more lively. In the past, students could live in single rooms, but now they can only live in two-person or even four-person rooms.

"Not only that, the library in the academy has many more books from Han, Wei, and Chu, such as rituals, music, history books, etc." Liu Ji introduced them one by one.

After Korea, Wei, and Chu were destroyed, students from these countries, especially Confucian students, fled to Bashu with a large number of documents.

Xiang Ji was deeply shocked and extremely puzzled: "Why did they come to Bashu instead of Xianyang?"

Liu Ji asked him: "Why don't you go to Xianyang?"

Xiang Ji slandered, wasn't it because Marquis Ding'an forced him to come?

Liu Ji didn't want to act petty in front of the female monarch, so he reluctantly explained: "Firstly, emotionally, they believe that King Qin is the culprit of the country's destruction and are unwilling to serve him. The composition of Bashu is more complex, you know. ?”

"Second, even if they go to Xianyang, it will be difficult for them to be reused. Although Xianyang has Jixia Academy and Xunzi, during the Bashu debate..."

Liu Ji did not continue talking and met Xiao He who was smiling.

"Are you finally willing to come to the academy?" Xiao He patted Liu Ji and teased. This little brother is good at everything, but he is ignorant and doesn't like school.

Liu Ji's face turned red, and he kept winking at Xiao He: "I was just too busy those days, but I still learn a lot on weekdays."

Xiao He then turned his eyes to the people beside Liu Ji. He was stunned for a moment, and then he saluted respectfully: "Meet the Marquis of Ding'an."

Many fish saw that the two brothers were in good terms. When they met, Xiao He could not see anyone else except Liu Ji.

Many Fish smiled and helped Xiao He up: "Ji'er recommends you, so I'll come and take a look."

Xiao He looked at his good brother gratefully, how loyal he was!

The four of them found an open pavilion to sit down and officially began to take the test.

"I heard from Ji'er that you are very knowledgeable about laws and regulations. Qin is governed by the rule of law. How many laws are there in Qin? How many laws are there?" Many fish asked as if chatting.

Xiao He said without thinking: "The twenty-three major laws of the Qin Law, the legal regulations are 2683. The twenty-three major laws are military merit laws, farming laws..."

"Of all the generals in the world today, who can be called the Qin Army's strong enemy in the future?" Many fish have high expectations for Xiao He.

After all, in history, Xiao He was famous for being good at the times. He was not only good at internal affairs, but also assisted Han Gaozu to eliminate Han Xin and other princes and kings with different surnames.

Xiao He did not hide his clumsy thoughts and said directly: "Zhao Kingdom Li Mu! This man's bravery is not inferior to Zhao She's, his strategy is better than Le Yi's, and Shen Xiong is comparable to Tian Dan. If Da Qin wants to attack Zhao, Li Mu may be its biggest obstacle."

Xiao He even believed that if the Qin Dynasty did not have the navy and cavalry of Ding'an Hou, no one in Qin could defeat Li Mu.

Many fish have the same view as Xiao He. If they want to confront Li Mu head-on, it will cause great casualties to the Qin Dynasty. It is better to use a divorce plan to make Zhao Guo break his own arms.

"What do you think about Qin Lu?" Duoyu handed a plate of pickled sour bamboo shoots to Xiao He.

The strong sour taste went straight to his nose. Xiao He had no intention of eating sour bamboo shoots, and kept thinking about the "Internal Reference" he had seen recently. In the Bashu Academy, there is a newspaper called "Internal Reference", which publishes some political affairs that students can know, mainly about the Qin State.

The masters in the academy would give lectures on "Internal Reference", each expressing his own opinions and promoting his own ideas.

What has been causing a lot of noise recently is the dispute over doctrines that took place in Xianyang. After Qin Prime Minister Lu Buwei was gradually deprived of his rights by the king, he summoned his disciples to write "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals". Xunzi was also actively advocating his own doctrines.

Xiao He organized his speech and Huanhuan said: "Although Qin's laws are strict, princes and common people have the same laws, and the country has no external laws. This is one of its advantages."

Xiao He endured it and said what was in his heart: "The laws of the six Shandong countries are loose, and it may be difficult to adapt to Qin's law."

Xiang Ji, who had just read three volumes of Qin Code, nodded in agreement. It was difficult for him to adapt, let alone the common people who were illiterate.

"Let's talk about this later." Many fish are well aware of Xianyang's movements.

On the surface it seems to be Lu Buwei's last ditch effort, but in fact it is a battle over the country.

Lu Buwei wanted to use "Lu's Spring and Autumn" to shake the "Book of Shang Jun". If the Qin Dynasty supported the use of "Lu's Spring and Autumn" as the blueprint for governing the country, then Lu Buwei would be able to fight a turnaround.

"Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals" promotes lenient laws. When Lu Buwei was in charge of government affairs, he did not strictly enforce the laws involving trivial behavior, and he accepted many followers.

This led to the gradual emergence of a culture of mutual respect and respect among the courtiers and officials of the Qin State, and the officialdom was no longer taboo about socializing with each other.

Many fish know that Qin Wangzheng has always been dissatisfied with this, so Lu Buwei can get his wish.

After skipping this sensitive topic, Xiao He once again made a political proposition: "I propose to institutionalize the academy selection system."

In Bashu County, there are actually two official systems running in parallel, one is the Qin State's military nobility official system, and the other is the non-staff official system.

The latter is a temporary measure taken to avoid causing a strong backlash in Xianyang.

Now, the jurisdiction of Marquis Ding'an is getting larger and larger, and the system of supernumerary officials is no longer applicable. At the very least, grassroots managers who have been working hard at the bottom are eager to officially obtain official establishment.

Xiao He integrated and transformed the two systems to form a new selection method that was between the imperial examination and inspection systems.

"The Bashu Academy holds one or two entrance examinations every year. Students who pass the examination can enter the palace to study. After three years of study, they can choose to participate in Bashu's triennial talent selection, or they can be recommended by you to go to Ji in Xianyang. Go to the Academy."

Xiao He did not say how to become an official of the Qin State after entering Jixia Academy. That was not within the responsibilities of Marquis Ding'an.

"If it is promoted nationwide, recommendation will be required during admission and assessment."

Many fishes sighed softly: "You are determined."

Of course, the Qin government wanted to have more people, the better, but the aristocracy was powerful and there were not many people from poor families who could read. Changing the selection method rashly would definitely arouse strong resistance.

Therefore, when many fish reformed the selection system in Bashu and harvested talents like leeks, although Qin Wangzheng was jealous, he did not dare to copy the policy.

Things are different now. Most of the world has fallen into the hands of the Qin State. Many former high-ranking nobles have been knocked down and become commoners. They urgently need the opportunity to rise.

"I will compile your suggestions into a book and submit a letter to the king. But the situation in Xianyang is more complicated. You will stay in Bashu to assist Han Fei and handle government affairs." Duoyu said.


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