System: I let you have children, not fight for hegemony

Chapter 285 Bashu Academy is full of talents

On the way back to Qin, the Qin soldiers were happy and energetic. Even at night, the angry and angry yells of young men would always be heard in the cabin.

Xiang Ji read the Qin Code obediently. As he read it, he felt that the entire Qin State was sick!

There are regulations for everything. If I had been born in Qin, I am afraid that the Xiang family would have been bankrupted long ago!

"I don't believe it. Do the nobles also follow these laws?" Xiang Ji ran to ask Wang Jian.

Wang Jian said without thinking: "This is natural. The law has the same majesty for the people and officials."

Xiang Ji was confused and went on to look at Qin Lu with anger. Since the Qin State was able to destroy Zhou, Han, Wei and Chu in succession, there must be something in him, but he didn't see it yet, and he still needed to work hard...

Sea-going ships travel by water at very high speeds.

When the ship arrived at the pier, the pier was already filled with welcoming people.

They held flowers and waved red sickle flags, with proud smiles on their faces.

"Welcome to the Marquis of Ding'an!"

"Congratulations to the soldiers returning home from the war!"

Xiang Ji was stunned by the overwhelming cheers.

Among the Qin people who came to greet them, Xiang Ji could vaguely see the shadows of the Chu people. Their temperament is different from that of the Bashu people. They are a little cautious and want to actively integrate into the group.

After all the cheers, there were individual calls to find their loved ones.

"Daniu, where are you? Your wife gave birth to a big fat boy for you!"

"Balang, you are not disfigured, are you? Your mother has found a girl for you, and she is just waiting for you to come back to see her."

"Aweng! Aweng, are you okay? My mother has prepared a large table of delicious food and is waiting for your return."


In the hustle and bustle, the Qin soldiers' hands were shaking with excitement, but they still maintained their formation. No one moved rashly, and only dared to respond to the waiting family members with their eyes.

On the left side of the pier, there were Hu Feizi, Liu Ji and others. They looked eagerly and finally saw the familiar figure on the tall ship, and their hearts instantly calmed down.

On the right side of the pier, Han Fei led a line of mighty Qin soldiers, with large wooden boxes placed in front of them.

After many fish got off the boat, Han Fei opened the first big box at the signal of many fish.

Boxes of coins were seen shining brightly in the sun, causing a commotion among the crowd.

Xiang Ji took a cold breath and said in surprise: "You plan to give out rewards on the spot?!"

Xiang Ji simply didn't know what to say. Is Marquis Ding'an crazy? Giving out reward money in front of so many people, and the common people rob it? Will the formation of Qin soldiers be chaotic? That's all, let's find a safe place first, and if there's a mutiny, run away quickly.

However, to Xiang Ji's surprise, although the people of Bashu looked at the box with intense eyes, the order at the scene was still orderly.

The Qin soldiers did not swarm to loot.

Xiang Ji... left a huge mark.

Many fish did not stay at the dock for long. After waving to the people, they returned to the county governor's house surrounded by soldiers.

Liu Ji didn't squeeze in, so he was forced to come together with Wang Jian.

"Who is this?" Liu Ji glanced at Xiang Ji. For some reason, he became very angry when he saw the boy's tugging. He looked very displeased.

Wang Jian: "Xiang Ji, Xiang family." Liu Ji gave Xiang Ji a cold look, and then chatted with Wang Jian about the battle to destroy Chu.

"Is the next target Zhao State? General Wang, look at me, can I go to the battlefield and make achievements?" Liu Ji raised his head and chest and asked.

Wang Jian lowered his head helplessly and advised: "Your strengths are not on the battlefield, so why use your own shortcomings to attack the other's strengths?"

Liu Ji was not convinced. If he couldn't do it himself, how could Xiang Ji do it?

He always felt that this boy named Xiang Yu would pose a threat to him.

At the governor's house, many fish spoke briefly to each person individually to appease the officials.

Fortunately, everyone was very discerning and knew that many fishermen and boats were tired and needed a rest, so they all started to say goodbye.

Only Liu Ji pulled Wang Jian and refused to leave. Seeing that, he wanted to talk to the Marquis of Ding'an alone about something.

Hu Feizi and Han Fei were worried about Liu Ji, so they also stayed.

Many fish rubbed their swollen temples and asked, "Ji'er, what's the matter?"

Liu Ji diligently poured hot tea for many fishes and said flatteringly, "I have several great talents that I would like to recommend."

The servants brought hot meals and dishes, as well as fine wine, to several people.

Many fish took a sip of tea, cleared their throats, and said loudly: "Who is it?"

Liu Ji raised his eyebrows and said in an exaggerated tone: "This man is handsome and comes from a noble family. His eldest father served as the prime minister of three dynasties of Korea, and his father succeeded him as the prime minister of the second dynasty of Korea."

Han Fei raised his eyelids slightly and looked at Liu Ji. Why didn't he know that man had come to Bashu?

Many fish signaled Liu Ji to continue.

"He once met an old man and was given "Tai Gong's Art of War" by the old man. According to the old man, someone who reads this book can become the teacher of the king." Liu Ji's tone was envious, and he really wanted to read it.

Hu Feizi: "What is this person's name? How old is he? Where is he?"

Liu Ji: "This person's name is Zhang Liang, he is fifteen years old, and he is studying at Bashu Academy."

Many fish's hand holding the teacup slipped and they almost spilled the tea, Zhang Liang? The Three Heroes of the Early Han Dynasty?

Many fish calmed down, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu came to Bashu, what does one more Zhang Liang mean?

"How did you meet him?"

Liu Ji chuckled: "After the fall of Korea, Zhang Liang's family still had three hundred guards. He originally wanted to go to Xianyang to assassinate the king, but he heard about the discussion about Taoism in Bashu and the publication of paper, so he decided to go to Bashu instead."

"He believes that with the female monarch here, even if he assassinates the king, the Qin Dynasty will not collapse. After all, the female monarch has survived two Qin kings..."


Hu Feizi gave Liu Ji a hard blow on the back of his head, making this brat grin without fear of having ears through the wall!

Liu Ji grimaced in pain and did not dare to be presumptuous anymore. He said concisely and concisely: "How could Zhang Liang escape my eyes with his ulterior motives? So I deliberately approached him and became close friends. I also recommended him to Bashu Academy." , serve the female monarch in the future.”

Many fish were in a daze and asked: "How did you persuade him?"

Liu Ji said matter-of-factly: "I told him that South Korea's position is destined to be destroyed. It will be destroyed anyway, so why not drag other vassal states into the water? By then, all the vassal states will be one family, and there will no longer be distinction between you and me."

Many fish gasped at the air conditioner and asked: "Who else would you like to recommend?"

Liu Ji: "Xiao He! He is studious, quick-thinking, thrifty, easy-going, and very knowledgeable about laws and regulations. He has come out on top in the Bashu Academy. He is over 20 years old, and he is good enough for the queen."

Without being asked, Liu Ji took the initiative to explain: "We met at a breakfast shop in the east of the city. We had a great conversation and became good friends."

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