Chapter 277: Revenge? nonexistent

Ever since he learned about the cost of raising cavalry, Meng Zhuang looked at the many fishes in a strange way.

Meng Zhuang was digging into his small treasury every night. How many heavy cavalry could he support? Otherwise, lower your requirements?

No, since I have seen the best heavy cavalry in the world, how can I be particular?

The worst thing is, when the time comes, show off your old face and let Mr. Ding'an give you a discount.

Meng Zhuang's eyes were firm, and he ignited his fighting spirit for the first time in a long time. He wanted to quickly destroy Chu for the sake of the heavy cavalry! Strive to get the reward from the king!

Too many Chu soldiers fled. Some fled to nearby Chu cities, while others fled into the mountains and forests with some of their people. The Qin army hunted them everywhere.

Most of these Chu soldiers who fled were men from ordinary Chu families. They fled back to their hometowns or nearby mountains.

When he met familiar villagers, he would take them in for a night and persuade them: "I heard that Lord Ding'an is here, why are you running away? Lord Ding'an will not do anything to kill prisoners and pretend to have military merit."

Chu soldiers recalled the God of Death on the battlefield and trembled: "You didn't see Lord Ding'an on the battlefield! She just waved her hand lightly, and General Xiang's head fell to the ground!"

"But General Xiang has been defeated. You are no longer the enemy of Lord Ding'an."

Chu Zu blinked in confusion: "Really? Not an enemy anymore?"

The villagers hated iron and said: "Have you forgotten? You were forcibly recruited into the army, and in the end your wife and daughter were starved to death!"

These words were like a heavy hammer, reminding Chu soldiers of the scene when he was recruiting soldiers and the dying young girl in his wife's arms.

The villager continued: "Jun Ding'an has made great achievements again. It would be great if we could be divided into her fiefdom. Look at how poor Chu Nan was before, and look at it now. Alas, it's been thirty years since Hedong. Thirty years in Hexi."

The Chu soldiers looked around blankly. General Xiang said that he would live and die with the Chu State, but the fathers and fellow villagers said that the Chu State was the Chu State of the King of Chu and his ministers and ministers. If the Qin people are defeated, will the King of Chu reward everyone? Will they be rewarded with land? Will he be exempted from corvee service?

Who is right and who is wrong?

Regardless of whether he was right or wrong, he was still found by the Qin army, and together with hundreds of Chu soldiers, he squatted on the ground in a state of embarrassment.

Their weapons and armor had been taken away long ago, and they were now defenseless prisoners.

"Brother, where are you from?" Chu Zu, who has a social awkwardness, asked in a low voice.

"I'm from Huaibei. Where are you from?"

The enthusiastic Chu soldier sighed deeply: "Xinyang County. Is General Xiang defeated?"

"Yes, why are you from Xinyang County here?"

The Chu soldier from Xinyang County licked his chapped lips: "Someone from above asked us to go to King Qin. My mother warned me that General Xiang must have been defeated, so she asked us to go to the capital. Sure enough, mother was right."

"But you were caught?"

The Chu soldiers in Xinyang County said dejectedly: "Yes, the Qin soldiers just fell from the sky, and they knocked us down in two swish."

"What is this? You haven't seen how powerful Ding'an-Jun is! Standing in front of her, you simply can't resist."

The Chu soldiers from Xinyang County nodded in agreement: "My mother said the same thing. She said that the king of Chu is young, how can he govern the world? Lord Chun Shen and others sit back and watch the famine in Chu country, and it is not worth our lives. She asked me to defect to Ding'an when I have the chance. Jun."

"Maybe... this is a good choice."

Qin Bing, who was guarding nearby, heard the words "Ding'an Jun" and came over immediately.

"Jun Ding'an and General Wang have already given orders not to kill prisoners. After a while, perhaps people from Jixia Academy will be sent to govern the Chu region. You must accept your fate honestly and do not harm Lord Ding'an!"

The soldiers of Chu in Xinyang County hurriedly raised their smiles and said to please them: "Sir, are there any students from Bashu Academy who will come to Chu to serve as officials?"

Qin Zu raised his eyebrows: "You know a lot."

The soldier of Chu in Xinyang County smiled like a chrysanthemum and couldn't hide his pride in his tone: "This is my eldest brother. He is studying at the Bashu Academy." Upon hearing this, the soldier of Qin realized that he was half a Qin citizen, so he softened his tone and said: "Your eldest brother Have vision. Nowadays, the Bashu Academy is not accessible to anyone who wants to."

Xinyang County Chu soldiers' eyes lit up: "My lord, are you from Bashu County?"

Qin Zu also sighed: "How can I have such a good life? I am from Nanjun."

For a moment, the two of them felt like they were in the same boat.

"Back then, my neighbor was drafted into the army, and the general surrendered, so he was demoted to Bashu. We all thought he would die in Bashu, but unexpectedly, he got lucky and lived a good life." Qin Zu said sourly.

Chu soldiers in Xinyang County: "Your Excellency, we are from Qin after all, and we Chu people are even worse off. The feudal lords forced us to grow cotton. They promised us that the cotton cloth would be able to be exchanged for food. As a result, they refused to admit it. Obviously I saw it. Their granaries are full.”

Qin soldiers scolded angrily: "They are nothing! Although our county guards are not as capable as Ding'an Jun, Qin's laws are perfect. As long as we don't make big mistakes, we can always survive. If we make a few achievements on the battlefield, He has a house, land, and servants.”

The Chu soldiers from Xinyang County were filled with envy: "My lord, you will definitely be able to advance several levels this time you go back."

Qin Zu chuckled: "It's not bad. Your Chu country is really lucky. Lord Ding'an saved the lives of many prisoners of war."

The two did not discuss this topic in depth.

After a long time, the Chu soldier from Xinyang County asked softly: "Tell me, how are the Chu kings and Chun Shenjun in the capital feeling now?"

Qin soldiers: "The grass and trees are all soldiers. They are terrified and uneasy. They regret their mistakes..."

Coincidentally, they were not the only ones discussing the matter between King Chu and Lord Chun Shen. The eyes of the whole world were focused on the battle between Qin and Chu.

The newspaper in Bashu County kept up with current events and specially opened a section "The Battle of Chu".

With the influx of refugees from the Chu State, there were many Chu orphans who lost their parents in Bashu County.

In order to accommodate these orphans, Liu Ji developed a new position - a newsboy.

For every ten newspapers sold, one penny was earned.

The money earned from selling newspapers is enough for these Chu orphans to survive.

The orphans from Chu State suffered from displacement and cherished this hard-won job very much. They would often stand in front of the printing factory at dawn, trying to sell some newspapers during the morning rush hour.

Qin's attack on Chu greatly increased the sales of newspapers, and these newspaper sellers worked hard.

"Selling newspapers! Selling newspapers! Lord Ding'an and General Wang teamed up to defeat the main force of the Chu army!"

"In the capital of Chu State, Lord Chun Shen and Li Yuan were fighting. Why?"

"Selling newspapers! Those who know the current affairs are heroes. The ten kings of Chu State surrendered!"

"Selling newspapers! The navy of Qin is invincible, destroy all the navy of Chu, and achieve coastline landing!"

"Bashu Academy's painstaking masterpiece, the latest battlefield simulation!"

Although the newspapers in Bashu County had exaggerated headlines, they described the battlefield in such detail that it was like seeing it in person, making it very popular.

 Thanks to Lyra Wantang, Lulu and Zheli for their recommendation votes


(End of this chapter)

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