As night fell, the Chu soldiers fled in all directions. More than a thousand Qin army horsemen were chasing them, while the remaining Qin soldiers were cleaning the battlefield.

Many fish were riding on war horses, and bright red blood flowed down the spears to the ground. She lowered her head and looked at the body that fell at her feet.

The corpse's eyes were wide open and it looked like it was dead.

The attendants around him were scarred, and some even had their arms cut off directly, but they ignored the pain and gathered around the body, wailing.

Then, they wiped away the tears on their faces and shouted in unison: "The Lord has an order. As long as the Xiang family has descendants alive, they will live and die with the Chu State!"

They shouted three times in a row, each time more horrifying than the last, making people's hair stand on end.

After finishing speaking, they laid out Xiang Yan's body, took out the dagger from their arms, and stabbed themselves into the heart.

For a moment, the battlefield was silent.

"General, if you ever die in battle, I will die before you."

"Whoever wants to hurt you must step over my body first!"

"We will not let our lord die like the Chu people did."

"Yes, everyone in our county is willing to die for you!"

The scene of Xiang Yan's attendants collectively going to their deaths deeply stimulated the cavalry.

When they thought that Lord Ding'an would die in battle one day, they wished they could die in his place.

Many fish looked at a small black dot running in the distance and said calmly: "No, if that day comes, I hope you will live with my last wish."

The little black dot running away in the distance is Xiang Sheng.

He cried until his nose ran down his face, and his heart was broken into pieces. What Xiang Yan had said to him before the charge came to mind.

He said: "You have a reputation for bravery and are a good horse of the Xiang family. Today I want to entrust you with a big task! If I unfortunately die in battle, you will cut off my head and give it to my children and grandchildren."

He said: "Tell them, our Xiang family will live and die with the Chu State!"

The tip of Xiang Sheng's tongue was bitten and bled. Ding'an Jun defeated Xiang Yan too fast and he had no time to cut off Xiang Yan's head. However, Xiang Yan's last wish will definitely be fulfilled!

Xiang Sheng took advantage of the darkness, hid among the fleeing Chu soldiers, and ran out.


Meng Zhuan looked at Xiang Yan's body and sighed. What a proud person Xiang Yan was. He was like a born sweetheart and a hero. He commanded an army of 100,000 like an arm. If he was given more time to grow up, he might be the Qingtian of Chu. column.

It's a pity that he met God's own daughter, Lord Ding'an.

"Jun Ding'an, let me help you dismount." Meng Zhuan was very attentive.

Many fish were surprised and hurriedly turned over and dismounted: "How did this happen?"

It is too arrogant to ask the commander of the army to help him dismount!

Meng Zhuan said with a smile: "You and I are friends of life and death. If Lord Ding'an hadn't arrived in time, we still don't know the outcome of this battle."

Many fish were flattered, but accidentally caught a glimpse of Meng Zhuan quietly touching his horse's armor while he was talking.

Many fish…

Meng Huan's thank you is fake, but he wants to observe the heavy cavalry up close is the real thing!

Many fish can't laugh or cry. No wonder there is a saying in later generations that a man is a boy until he dies.

The temptation of war horses and armor to them is equivalent to the temptation of luxury cars and firearms to men in later generations. It is irresistible.

Many fish pretended not to see it and went about their own business.

As soon as she left, the Qin soldiers, who had been staring straight at the battlefield, came over to meet her. They did not dare to touch the horse, but only looked around the horse with excitement on their faces.

"General Wang, this horse has been running wildly on the battlefield for so long, but only panted slightly. It has such excellent endurance and speed. How much does it cost to buy it?" Meng Qian's soldiers looked at the horse with red eyes.

Meng Zhuang shamelessly touched the horse's mouth, and the horse snorted in disgust. Not only was Meng Qian not angry, but he laughed loudly: "What a good horse! It has personality! Such a horse should cost at least a hundred gold."


The soldier gasped and quickly retracted his hand that was about to move: "Oh my God, I will never make a hundred gold in my life."

The person next to me joked: "You can't even kill enemies on the battlefield as well as this war horse, and you still want to compare your wealth with Grandpa Ma?"

The bravery of this war horse is vividly displayed on the battlefield.

Lord Ding'an rode on it and fought bravely to kill the enemy. The horse would also look for the right moment and use its hind legs to kick away the Chu soldiers who wanted to sneak attack.

It was so strong that it could knock several war horses away directly. The horses that were knocked away fell to the ground and howled, but it ran around the battlefield like nothing happened.

Later, when the Chu soldiers on the battlefield saw its figure, they ran away far away.

The soldier diligently helped the war horse to untie the armor: "Grandpa Ma, thank you for your hard work. I will help you clean the armor."

"Ouch," the soldier almost ducked, "This is too heavy!"

Meng Zhuang glared at him angrily: "You still don't exercise enough on weekdays, and you can't even move the armor!"

Meng Zhuang took the armor and almost dropped it to the ground. Seeing the soldiers around him cover their mouths and snicker, he said respectfully: "It's really heavy."

Everyone took the armor, but with little strength, they were brought down to the ground, earning Grandpa Ma's disgusted look.

"Are the armors on Lord Ding'an and the others also so heavy?"

"Oh my god, how strong do they have to be? Are they afraid they can fight a liger?"

"If you want to develop such a physique, you must eat a lot every day."

"Look! There's not a single scratch on this armor!" the sharp-eyed soldier exclaimed.

Meng Yun directly wiped off the traces on the armor with his hands. The armor was as bright as new. It was obvious that the marks on the armor just now were dust or blood stains, not scratches.

Meng Zhuang lovingly handed the armor to his bodyguard: "Take good care of it and don't lose it. I can't afford to pay for it."


Meng Zhuang hesitated for a few moments, but still walked out to find Lord Ding'an.

At this time, many fish had taken off their armor and put on normal clothes. Seeing Meng Zhuan frowning, they explained: "The armor is too heavy and it is difficult to move."

Meng Zhuang nodded, rubbed his fingers, hesitated for a long time, and asked: "This horse..."

Many Fish put down their official duties and explained: "They came from the Huns."

Meng Qian was suddenly startled: "The Huns' war horses are so powerful?"

"No, the Xiongnu's best war horse is not in the royal court, but in my place!" Many Fish said proudly.

It’s hard not to be happy about this. At first I thought it was a windfall from heaven, but later I found out it was a cornucopia of treasures from heaven!

Meng Zhuang looked at the many fishes suspiciously. Could it be that Lord Ding'an had something to do with the Huns?

Duoyu coughed twice and explained simply: "I have a caravan specifically for the Huns, and the person in charge is a foreigner."

Meng Zhuan: "That armor..."

"There's something added inside, which makes it harder than ordinary iron."

Meng Qian finally asked the question hidden in his heart: "How much does it cost to raise such a cavalry?"

Many fish were silent and said with tears: "Not counting maintenance costs and cavalry expenses, it costs nearly two hundred gold per person and one ride."

Meng Zhuan suddenly stood up and said goodbye!

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