System: I let you have children, not fight for hegemony

Chapter 241 Let him force him to force himself

Various schools of thought almost broke out into a big fight. Qin Wangzheng was sitting in the palace. After dealing with the waves of clans, he drank tea with Li Si and others.

Perhaps he felt that clear tea was more refreshing, and Qin Wangzheng was also accustomed to drinking a cup of clear tea every day to taste the sweetness after the bitterness.

Li Si spoke for many fish: "Master Xu, are you preparing for the future?"

Many fish are 90% likely to be married to the King of Qin.

Could she be planning for marriage? How could such an ambitious and capable girl be willing to be lost in the harem?

Yao Jia served King Qin Zhengxu a cup of hot tea and whispered: "Master Xu, by doing this, isn't it arousing the ambition of my wife?"

The Queen Mother in the palace had the intention to seize power. In this matter, the Queen Mother, who had always disliked Duoyu, decisively sided with Duoyu. Even the Queen Mother Xia Ji supported many fishes.

The last example of the Queen Mother's exclusive power was during the reign of King Qin Zhaoxiang. The King of Qin finally regained some of his power...

Li Si secretly glanced at Yao Jia. This man was from the Wei state and had been highly favored by the Qin government recently.

Qin Wangzheng was silent for a while and said: "Duoyu believes that whoever deserves the credit should be rewarded."

Yao Jia: "A woman can be rewarded with a house and property, but she does not necessarily need an official position."

There was no imperial edict system in this era, and a woman's reward was basically linked to her husband's family.

In history, the first official title to a woman was from Liu Bang, who made his sister a marquis, followed closely by Empress Lu, who made her sisters a marquis.

Since then, it has become a common practice to confer royal titles on women of the royal family.

Qin Wangzheng closed her eyes. She had many strange thoughts and strange persistences.

The matter of establishing women as officials is really a small matter, but it has attracted hundreds of clans and schools of thought in various countries.

The King of Qin could not clearly stand on his side. If he supported many fishes, he would definitely be counterattacked by the clan, causing turmoil in the Qin State. If you oppose many fish, you will cut off an arm.

Lots of fish, have you ever thought of this? Or do you already have a countermeasure?


The storm in Xianyang finally reached Bashu.

When Mao Xue was on duty, his colleagues who used to be kind to him looked strange.

When Mao Xue was ordered to visit the famous Zhi Niang, she was also turned away by Zhi Niang's family.

"Ms. Mao, we are ordinary people, and we really can't stand what others say. Don't come here again."

"Ms. Mao, why don't you go back to the textile workshop? Do you know how many storms you have to face for the sake of the few of you?"

When Mao Xue got nothing and returned home exhausted, Mao Ying had been waiting at home for a long time.

"Are you also here to persuade me to give up?" Mao Xue held back tears.

"Alas." Mao Ying was silent for a long time, sighed, and left without saying a word.

This silent accusation kept Mao Xue awake all night.

When Mao Xue went to the Textile Bureau the next day, the other four girls handed in their resignations with red eyes. Mao Xue opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but no word came out.

"Ms. Liu." Mao Xue looked at the visitor in surprise. It was Liu Ji's biological mother, Mrs. Liu.

She brought out a bowl of trembling, smooth tofu to Mao Xue.

Mao Xuewang held the pottery bowl, tears dripping down into the tofu.

Madam Liu's words seemed to be far away in the horizon, but also close at hand: "The beans have to be soaked for a whole night, and then ground with a millstone to break the bones and muscles, so that the bean juice can be squeezed out. The bean juice must be put into the weng, cooked over high heat, and removed. Impurities need to be dotted with brine to become beancurd. Only when beancurd is pressed by boulders and the water is squeezed out can it become fresh and tender tofu."

Madam Liu looked at Mao Xue intently and said seriously: "The poor and humble beans will become precious tofu after going through these hardships! The value will increase ten times. Not to mention people?"

"Would you rather make plain beans, or bean juice, bean curd, or tofu? The lady has provided the mill, it just depends on personal choice." Mrs. Liu walked away with her head held high.

Mao Xue stayed there until dark, then wiped away her tears and strode home. Since the female monarch has not removed her from her position, she should naturally be in her position and pursue her own affairs!

Many of the fish, whom Mao Xue regarded as their spiritual support, were not having an easy time at this time.

Hu Feizi was shocked when he heard about this. He rushed back from the mouth of the sea overnight and feasted on many fish.

Xunzi's letters also came into the hands of many fish under the whip of the horse.

Xunzi quoted scriptures in his letter, sprayed many fish with blood, and even bluntly stated that he would not show mercy this time.

"Impulsive! You are so impulsive! Why do you take the initiative to hand someone such a big deal?!"

"You are a thorn in some people's eyes and a thorn in their flesh! You! Alas! Han Fei, I asked you to assist the queen, and this is how you assisted? Don't you know how to persuade me? And Liu Ji, don't always praise me "Nvjun, did you instigate this?" Hu Feizi scolded Han Fei and Liu Ji until they couldn't hold their heads up.

Han Fei lowered his head, not daring to argue, but he was unconvinced in his heart. The king is the maker of laws, and the female monarch, as the head of a county, is willing to establish rules and allow women to serve as officials. What's the problem?

Liu Ji was not convinced either. The female monarch had foresight and had her own intentions!

Hu Feizi was so angry when he saw the two of them doing this, he gave them a hard blow on the back!

Many fish were sitting in chairs, watching the swaying shadows of honey candles and the twinkling lights.

"Hu Feizi, how they stopped Mao Xue and others from becoming officials today, these people will use the same method to restrain me in the future. Instead of waiting until Kyushu is unified to explode, it is better to arouse conflicts in advance."

At least, at this stage, both A Zheng and Da Qin need themselves. Even the other six countries are secretly stirring up trouble, hoping that they will break up with Da Qin, and then they will lend a helping hand and take him in.

No matter how big the storm is, at most it will only injure one's muscles and bones, but there is no risk to one's life.

If he waits until the Qin State is unified, the interests will move people's hearts, and the storm he will face will be even greater!

Many fish stretched and stood up slowly: "Since everyone has such opinions, let's invite everyone to come together to discuss the Tao of Bashu. Whoever wins will listen to whoever wins."

Hu Feizi exploded: "Nvjun, listen to what you said?! This is already a mess, and you still want to be a stirrup!"

Lots of fish...that's a flavorful rebuttal.

"Nvjun, let them quarrel in Xianyang, why do you invite them to Bashu?" According to Liu Ji's idea, those who dance the most happily will be killed!

Han Fei thought about how much pressure a large group of quarrelsome and trouble-seeking people would bring to the city's security! There will definitely be spies from various countries among them!

Han Fei's eyes widened when he thought of the mountain of government affairs: "Nvjun, think twice!"

Many fish people brought a box of things and said with a wicked smile: "Don't worry, I have good things for you."

Thanks to Xiaoyao_Ce for the recommendation vote

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