System: I let you have children, not fight for hegemony

Chapter 240 The storm of public opinion escalates

Bashu is a mixed place, and all doctrines will not allow the situation where one family dominates.

"Depose hundreds of schools of thought and respect only Confucianism" only appeared in the Han Dynasty, and there are many Confucian competitors now.

Among them, Taoist Laozi and Mohist Mozi were greatly influenced by the culture of the Shang Dynasty and did not really accept the patriarchal ideas of the Zhou people. Among the seven pre-Qin scholars, these two respected women's rights much more than others.

"Come on, let's try this Wensi Tofu Soup first." Many fish didn't take these Confucian scholars seriously.

The sky is big and the earth is big, and eating is the biggest thing.

Liu Ji is still a teenager at heart. As soon as he heard about the delicious food, he immediately put his worries behind him.

"Tofu? I've only ever drank Dou juice ground with a millstone." Liu Ji stared at the hair-thin white food in the lacquered wooden bowl, swallowing saliva.

Drink it in small sips, it’s really delicious! I have never tasted anything so smooth and tender, even tenderer than the freshest fish meat!

The tofu paired with the bright chicken soup will make you swallow your tongue.

"As expected of a queen, she can even make such delicious food!" Liu Ji drank the whole bowl in a few sips and asked his servant to continue adding more.

Many fish smiled and said with a hint of pride: "This is not my credit, it was done by the common people themselves."

When people have a full stomach, the first thing they do is to eat better.

The emergence of millstones allowed the people of Bashu to start various experiments.

Grind beans, grind shrimps, grind bugs, grind dried mushrooms, grind dried fish, grind juice... everything can be ground.

The final thing that is successfully ground is the bean juice, and the bean dregs cannot be wasted and can be made into cakes.

Some people from relatively wealthy families make bean juice and finally make tofu and beancurd!

Those with money would sell soy products in Panjian shops in Fucheng.

Those who are poorer carry their own burdens and sell beancurd and tofu in the streets to earn some hard money.

Just when everyone thought that the matter was settled, Bashu returned to normal, and the five textile shop girls officially joined the Textile Bureau, the Confucian scholars from Niaojie set off a new storm in Xianyang!

They wrote letters to all the high-ranking officials and nobles they could get in touch with, especially Xunzi!

When Xunzi received the letter, he was preparing to submit a letter about the etiquette system of Qin.

"This..." Xunzi opened the letter and read it for a long time. His heart sank and his face looked very ugly.

Li Si, who was living in the academy, also received letters from Confucian scholars. His first reaction was that the Confucian scholars were crazy! Then he hurried to Xunzi's courtyard.

Li Si had been a student of Xunzi for many years, so he didn't know that although Xunzi was liberal, he had the same views on women as other Confucians.

The reason why Xunzi did not promote these is that he was focusing on etiquette and his extreme disregard for women.

As for the many fish, that was tacitly understood by everyone.

Now, a group of reckless Confucian scholars lifted the fig leaf and put everything on the table!

"Teacher, have you received the letter?" Li Si was not sure what Xunzi was thinking.

Xunzi nodded and continued to sort out the bamboo slips on hand in silence.

Li Si saw with sharp eyes that Xunzi had newly carved a few small characters on the bamboo slips, "Etiquette for Women of the World".

Li Si clenched his fist slightly. Xunzi loved many fishes, but in his heart, the first one was always his theory.

Xunzi was busy formulating the etiquette system for worshiping gods, ancestors and national events. Previously, for unknown reasons, he had not proposed the etiquette system for secular women.

But it was obvious that he wanted to take advantage of this storm and use female officials as a breakthrough to bring up the issue of etiquette again. It would be best to pass the long-term mourning proposal.

Not only Xunzi and Li Si received the letter, but also many noble people, but they did not want to offend Duoyu and Qin Wangzheng on this matter. "These Confucian scholars are so stubborn. Why do they want to provoke so many fishes?"

"Is there really no instruction behind them?"

"That's a lot of fish! She has the entire navy of Great Qin in her hands. Who dares to let her return to the harem? With her temper, I'm afraid she will send someone to blow this guy's head off."

The nobles should think that they are deaf or blind, and that they cannot read the letters of the Confucian scholars.

However, this incident completely touched Confucianism and patriarchal law, and the Qin clan quit!

They first spread the word among the people and created the idea that many fish were those who wielded power in an attempt to subvert the ancestral family law.

"Do you want to let your daughter inherit your family business like many fish?"

"You want your wife to take your family property and children to marry someone else, or even change your surname?"


If it were just the words of the clan, the public opinion storm would not be so big.

However, what the imperial family came up with was the Confucian concept of king, minister, father, son, and son as the foundation of government. This is very harmful to Mohism and Legalism.

Qin Mo, who was a powerful force in the Qin State, jumped out first.

The Mohist "universal love" truly inherited the Yin culture's "emphasis on matriarchy" and completely ignored the entire patriarchal system.

For example, in the Shang Dynasty, there was polypatriarchy and polymatriarchy. Uncles were called "father" like father, and aunts were called "mother" like mother. The Mohists also believe that no matter who they are, they are descendants of God, and the sacrifices to uncles should be the same as the sacrifices to fathers.

The clan members of the Qin State were angry. The clan just wanted to stab other doctrines in secret to highlight the status of the clan. But the Moh family actually wanted to overturn the table? ! Want to fundamentally weaken the power of the clan!

The clan members of the Qin State brought this matter to the attention of Qin Wangzheng while writing letters to other clans in the vassal states.

Is this a trivial matter in Qin? It is obviously a major clan event in the world! It's an academic battle!

In an instant, all the eyes of the Seven Kingdoms were focused on Xianyang, and even the Huns were curious. What were these Central Plains people noisy about?

The Qin clan not only solicited foreign aid, but also called Xunzi over to confront the Mo family.

Xunzi used this widely watched platform to reiterate his Confucian views and his own private goods: "There are skills in being close to relatives, and there are equals in respecting the virtuous." Brothers and sisters."

Xunzi refuted the Mohist "universal love" as "a beast without parents", supported the Zhou rites that emphasized paternal tradition, and criticized the Yin Dao that emphasized maternal tradition.

Except for the Mohists who are good at talking, the rest of the Mohists are men of science and engineering who focus on their skills. How can they talk about Xunzi? In an instant, Qin Mo was defeated thousands of miles away.

The common people had no special ideas and mostly just watched the excitement.

"Qin Mo can't do it. Their great son is far away in Bashu, beyond their reach. They can't refute it."

"If I were them, I'd give them a whip."

"According to Confucianism, to establish a legitimate son, it seems that the king is not a legitimate son."

"Shh, you don't want your life? How dare you say this!"

When the Huns outside the Great Wall heard about this, they were even more incredulous.

"If my brother is gone, of course I have to pass on my position to my younger brother!"

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