Li Yan's brother has been married for more than five years and has been unable to have children. I went to the hospital for a check-up, partly because of Li Yan's younger brother, but also because of Li Yan's younger brother's wife.

The next thing I talked about was that I was going to do in vitro fertilization, but after trying it twice without success, I wanted to see if there was any other way.

The last time I contacted Zhang Lan was Li Tongtong's suggestion after another test tube failure. Li Tongtong has been paying close attention to Zhang Lan's news and knows that Zhang Lan has such treatment methods.

When the family talked about it that day, Li Tongtong mentioned that it would be better to ask Zhang Lan to take a look.

Then Li Yan contacted her on WeChat, but after thinking about it, she felt it was not easy to speak. Li Tongtong on the side had no such worries and directly asked when Zhang Lan would come back, preparing to wait for Zhang Lan to come back so that she could seek medical treatment.

This time I accidentally learned that Zhang Lan was preparing to pray for a son in two days. I had visited Li Yan’s family several times at the nearby Bodhisattva Temple, and I felt that I couldn’t miss this opportunity.

Then Li Tongtong called Zhang Lan and asked him to have dinner at noon, and then wanted to ask him a favor. Later, after Zhang Lan drove there, she found that the two sisters were here.

Zhang Lan thought for a while and agreed to let Li Yan's family members attend the ritual ceremony in two days.

The reason why he didn't refuse was that Zhang Lan's plan was that the ritual itself would last for a period of time, and having one more person paying homage or one less person paying homage would have no impact.

As for the matter of breaking off the engagement after the blind date, Zhang Lan quickly turned around. Coupled with some factors related to Li Tongtong, the little girl didn't say anything, but Zhang Lan knew that the little girl had other thoughts at that time.

Although he didn't say it clearly, Zhang Lan would not ignore this kind of sincerity. Or to put it bluntly, a beautiful little girl has her own heart. No matter what the future outcome is, Zhang Lan is happy to help this little girl make some requests to him, which he can do with a little effort.

In fact, from Zhang Lan's point of view, there was no need for Li Yan to speak about this matter today, Li Tongtong could just mention it to him directly. As a result, after meeting now, Li Tongtong got up and ordered some food and left, leaving Li Yan here to explain to him that her request by the way was completely unnecessary.

Based on this approach, if it weren't for Li Tongtong's presence in the middle, Zhang Lan might have left directly. Although Li Yan dressed up carefully today, what she said after the meeting was that she was not married yet after breaking up with Zhang Lan.

Looking at Li Yan in front of him, Zhang Lan sighed in his heart. To be honest, a woman in her thirties who knows how to dress up is really charming.

But similarly, when Zhang Lan looked at Li Tongtong not far away, he was still very sure of that sentence. No matter how mature and sensible he is, in the final analysis, men just like young and beautiful people.

When talking to mature people, some things don’t need to be said too directly. As soon as you finished speaking, she knew what you meant. When chatting, he will hold you in his arms without leaving any trace. He seems mature and sophisticated and understands people's hearts, but compared with the youthfulness and ignorance of young girls, it is always a little bit behind.

Turnip greens, all have love. Sometimes it may not be that I don’t understand, but maybe after seeing things too clearly, I feel that it is rare to be confused.

Things that I looked down upon when I was young, as I grow older, and when I look back at them, I realize that they were the most precious at that time.

During the meal, Li Yan didn't talk much. Li Tongtong would talk to Zhang Lan about some topics from time to time. Li Yan listened with a smile and occasionally interjected her own opinions. The meal was quite pleasant. The two sisters could talk about any topic and complimented themselves. Zhang Lan also sighed in her heart, who can withstand this situation?

The time and date were agreed upon, and the two of them were told what preparations they needed to make at that time. In fact, there is no need to prepare anything. Now I am just asking. I only need to play for two days to think about what I am going to make and what I will do to implement it.

The most important thing is how to fulfill your vow after it comes true. This needs to be considered. When the Bodhisattva is efficacious, you need to think carefully about how to fulfill your vows. Don't talk too much about it when you make a wish. When the time comes, it's your turn to fulfill your wish at a huge discount.

Sometimes it’s okay if it doesn’t come true. Even if you run away from the train when you make a wish, it doesn’t matter if you can’t pay it back later, because it doesn’t come true.

But the Bodhisattva is so efficacious. When the time comes, it will be fulfilled in your home. As a result, you can't achieve the wish you made at that time. It will not be good if you change the way to fulfill the wish.

Apart from this taboo, there is nothing else. Li Yan asked what the standards for merit money would be in addition to the preparation of offerings for ritual ceremonies. They also have an idea in mind, so they can prepare cash when the time comes. You can't just scan the QR code at that time. It's not like taking out your phone to scan the QR code in that situation.

Zhang Lan said with a smile: "There is no prescribed amount of merit money. It can be any amount. If you have difficulties, it's okay not to give it. Bodhisattva is compassionate. I don't know how other places do it. Nothing I do is too rigid." Require."

It was just a ritual in front of the Bodhisattva statue. Zhang Lan also figured out in the past two days that it was not a big deal. He was not short of money and there were many ways to get money. There was no need to take money too seriously.

Zhang Lan often says that he doesn't value money, but in fact, looking back, Zhang Lan still values ​​money in various behaviors.

The so-called behavior of raising charging standards and turning patients away. Zhang Lan always thought it was nothing, but after suddenly thinking about it two days ago, she turned around and thought about everything she had done. Zhang Lan shook her head and sighed. What happened to each of them?

There is no compassion as a doctor, but Zhang Lan's behavior is completely different from what he had imagined. There are many ways to refuse, but Zhang Lan chose the worst way.

Auspicious days of the zodiac are suitable for: getting married, offering sacrifices, praying for blessings, praying, giving birth to children, begging for children, begging for heirs, consecration, and adoption.

This day on the lunar calendar is suitable for praying for children and heirs. But early in the morning, the weather was not beautiful. Since last night, there has been a slight drizzle in the sky.

After eating, Zhang Lan was in the room preparing what he would do later. He held a piece of paper in his hand and compared each item, thinking about what he should do later.

Qin Yongjun walked in from the door and said: "Zhang Lan, I think the rain will not stop today. What are you going to do when the ceremony is held? Do you want to build a shed in the yard over there now?"

"Let's wait and see. It's only around seven o'clock now. We'll see when it's nine o'clock. If it doesn't stop raining then, we can set up an awning in the yard. I don't think it's a big problem. This kind of drizzle , It’s time to stop later.” Zhang Lan thought for a while and said.

No one can change the weather, but today it was the first time for me to do something serious. God was so unkind, so Zhang Lan felt that she should take action. (End of chapter)

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