When you have doubts, you always want an answer.

Regarding the topic of immortality, countless talented people have been pursuing it since ancient times.

There are too many worries, so let’s put them aside for now. When you don't have the ability, put the problem aside for a while and wait for fate or opportunity to come, and it will be solved naturally.

After talking to Qin Yongjun, Zhang Lan studied some of the procedures needed to do things in the next few days.

There should still be image projects, regardless of whether they are effective or not.

As Zhang Lan started to prepare things, and after arranging the process, he talked to his mother and asked her to notify Aunt Xiaomei to make preparations.

Although Zhang Lan did not specifically mention it to anyone else, the news spread that Zhang Lan was going to perform a ritual ceremony in front of the Bodhisattva statue to pray for children in the next few days.

This morning, Zhang Lan drove to the city.

"There's no need to continue talking about this. If you have anything to say, just say it."

In a coffee shop in the city, Zhang Lan put down the coffee cup in his hand and said to the person in front of him.

Zhang Lan looked at the woman sitting across from him. She had a pretty face. Her eyebrows were carefully drawn on her face. Her eyes were covered with thick eyeshadow, which revealed a vague sense of shrewdness. Her beautiful face was whitewashed. flush. The thin lips sparkled in the sun.

"She is a beauty." Zhang Lan sighed in her heart.

Although he lamented that the woman in front of him was a beauty, Zhang Lan felt indifferent to what she asked him to do.

Although Zhang Lan now appreciates beautiful people, at this time, Zhang Lan pays more attention to the soul than the appearance.

In other words, Zhang Lan has met a lot of beautiful people in the past two years. No matter how good-looking they are, Zhang Lan is too lazy to give them any face without touching her soul.

Sitting opposite Zhang Lan was Li Yan, her former blind date. Ever since Zhang Lan's father was hospitalized and Li Yan's family chose to break off the engagement, the two of them had not had much contact since then.

To say that there was no dialogue would be false. Zhang Lan can understand the other party's choice. The situation in Zhang Lan's family was what it was at the beginning, and the two of them knew each other on a blind date, so it is natural for people to choose to break up.

So Zhang Lan didn't take her seriously, and she didn't have any other thoughts about Li Yan, she was just an ordinary person. On the other hand, Zhang Lan has always been in contact with Li Yan's sister Li Tongtong, and Zhang Lan is also somewhat aware of Li Tongtong's subsequent thoughts.

However, Zhang Lan soon met and married Qin Yongjun, so she consciously reduced contact with Li Tongtong. It's not that it's impossible, it's just that there is a certain moral bottom line in my heart. Regardless of whether it is true or false, what should be done must still be done.

If Zhang Lan had other ideas at the beginning, after the child was born, Zhang Lan lost interest in talking about nothing.

There are many fun things in the world, but Zhang Lan doesn't have such a hobby as "repairing a car and driving a car".

Women are quite charming, and Zhang Lan doesn't refuse her when the occasion arises. This thing is indeed quite eye-catching.

But compared to the spiritual pleasure that female sex brings to people, other aspects can bring more.   The so-called hobbies are things that can bring you a sense of spiritual pleasure. Unfortunately, for Zhang Lan, women are not at the forefront.

When Zhang Lan came to the city this time, she received a call from Li Tongtong, saying that she was inviting Zhang Lan to dinner and asked for advice on some matters.

As a result, after Zhang Lan arrived, she discovered that besides Li Tongtong, there was also her sister Li Yan waiting for Zhang Lan in the cafe.

Let's not talk about eating. As for asking for advice, Li Yan came here specifically today after knowing that the relationship between Li Tongtong and Zhang Lan was okay.

Li Tongtong went to the ordering area nearby to pick up food. Canghe City is a small county. The so-called cafe is a place that is combined with a large restaurant, and the owner is the same.

There are two parts on the same floor separated by partitions. Zhang Lan's area is for drinks and coffee, and the other side is the dining area.

After the initial exchange of greetings, Li Yan talked about the past. Zhang Lan interrupted directly, saying that she had something to say and that it was not necessary before. The two of us were on a blind date before, and even though we had been dating for a while, there was no special feeling in it.

The foundation of the relationship for a period of time also disappeared after I chose to break up. It is somewhat unnecessary to mention it now. I can understand your difficulties, but these things have nothing to do with me.

Then Li Yan made it clear that Li Yan was looking for Zhang Lan to pray for a son and heir in two days.

Zhang Lan was a little surprised. He had only started preparing for this ritual in the past two days. After talking to Qin Yongjun later, Qin Yongjun might mention it to others to see if he would participate, but this has nothing to do with Li Yan. Li Yan got the news from there.

Naturally, if you have any doubts, ask. Zhang Lan asked Li Yan where she got the news. Li Yan's answer was that Aunt Xiaomei, who came to Zhang Lan for help before, was one of Li Yan's cousins.

Then in the past two days, Zhang Lan and Xiaomei told her when to come and what things needed to be prepared. Later, when Li Yan's mother accidentally chatted in the WeChat group, she talked about what Xiaomei had been doing these days and learned the news.

In the village, Zhang Lan didn't let out the news that he was going to perform a ritual in two days. When he told Aunt Xiaomei, Zhang Lan didn't go into too much detail. He only said what he needed to prepare and when he would arrive.

As for whether to take someone with him or not, Zhang Lan didn't say anything about money, and Aunt Xiaomei didn't ask either. However, Li Yan explained that when Zhang Lan treated people before, he was famous for charging expensive fees.

Zhang Lan didn't mention how much money he would pay for the ceremony this time, but only what he needed to prepare. When Li Yan's mother asked if she could take someone with her, Xiaomei couldn't make the decision, but according to Zhang Lan, it was best for her to be alone.

The Bodhisattva's miraculous effect in the yard next to it is already quite famous in Canghe City, and those who are interested in it probably know what's going on.

Now Zhang Lan wants to perform rituals for people to pray for children. Thinking that Zhang Lan has not seen many people in the past two years, Li Yan's mother felt that this kind of opportunity did not come often, so she thought of some way to join in.

Li Yan's mother knew the relationship between Zhang Lan and her family. Although we didn't break up at first, it ended peacefully. But now that she has come to visit her, Li Yan's mother is also worried that it will be difficult to talk about it.

Li Yan's mother asked if Li Yan and Zhang Lan still had contact, and the answer was that there was not much contact, but Li Tongtong was in constant contact and had called before.

When Li Yan and Li Tongtong contacted Zhang Lan a while ago, they had something to say, but they didn't say what specifically at the time. They only said they would wait until Zhang Lan came back.

Now speaking of it, it is actually the same thing. I just want to ask Zhang Lan to take a look at Li Yan’s family. In other words, Li Yan’s family wants to have a child and wants Zhang Lan to take a look. (End of chapter)

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