Chapter 541 String of Pearls

Zhang Lan has also been studying things like evil spirits, because the aura of heaven and earth seen by meritorious spiritual eyes is really different from that of normal eyes.

However, Zhang Lan recently started looking through the information and found that this aura is similar to the human body's magnetic field that some people on the Internet said, as well as some speculative magnetic field pictures posted.

As for various evil spirits, if you carefully search for the causes through scientific means, you will find that many problems can actually be partly explained by scientific explanations.

The gray evil energy around Lu Qian, in Zhang Lan's opinion, means that Lu Qian's recent surroundings may be influenced by the environment or the influence of the people around her, which keeps Lu Qian's nerves in a state of constant fatigue or tension.

In such a situation, if Lu Qian could recover herself, or find a place to rest peacefully for a period of time, everything would naturally be fine.

But if it stays like this, maybe something will happen to you because you are in a trance or distracted.

Zhang Lan originally planned to give Lu Qian a plum blossom hairpin to improve her protection, but after thinking about it, it was more appropriate to give her a pearl chain.

The plum blossom hairpin is mainly aimed at physical defense, and has no protective ability against some mental problems.The pearl chain is different. While it has a certain protective ability, it also significantly improves the spirit.

For people like Lu Qian, Zhang Lan knew that as long as she could feel relieved, many things would naturally be solved.

What smart people fear most is getting into a corner or entering a dead end in their thinking. In many cases, it's not that they don't know there is a problem, but they just can't get around that corner, or they don't want to get around that corner.

At this time, apart from a reminder from someone she trusts, the easiest thing is for her to have another kind of thinking ability.

In other words, if you need a wake-up call, the role of pearl chain in increasing mana is here.For those who don't have a game panel, in addition to defense, the equipment provided by Zhang Lan actually increases energy and brain speed by increasing mana.

Talking about something is actually something that the brain does not have the energy to consider when it is thinking about something.

Following Zhang Lan's explanation, Lu Qian took the pearl chain and put it on her wrist.Then Lu Qian's eyes lit up, she shook her wrist and looked at Zhang Lan and said, "This thing is very useful. As soon as I put it on, my brain felt cool and my thinking speed was much faster than before. Thank you, Zhang Lan, How much does this thing cost?"

Zhang Lan quickly said: "Sister Qian, you can just use this thing. There is no need to talk about money. You should know that I have changed hands before with magic weapons, and I still have some small things on hand."

Zhang Lan didn't explain much, or he couldn't explain the principle clearly.However, the gaming equipment he made with his merits actually have similar functions to magical weapons, and there is no difference in explaining them with magical weapons.

When Qin Yongjun returned home, Zhang Lan and Qin Yongjun mentioned giving the pearl chain to Lu Qian.Qin Yongjun didn't care either, but he was very concerned about what Zhang Lan said about Lu Qian's recent troubles. He asked Zhang Lan if a pearl chain was enough. If not, he would give Lu Qian a plum blossom hairpin for added protection.

In just a few months, Lu Qian managed Zhang Lan's home in an orderly manner, and Qin Yongjun was worried that if something happened, no one would be able to take care of everything at home.

Zhang Lan smiled and said: "It's okay, a pearl chain is more than enough, it's not a big deal."

If it was black energy surrounding him, Zhang Lan might still be worried about something, but it was just gray energy and the erosion rate was very small, so there was no need to worry too much.As for when Lu Qian and Qin Yongjun asked for money later, Qin Yongjun also refused.To be honest, if it weren't for Mr. Qin's existence, it would be impossible for Lu Qian, a top-notch dual-business person like a housekeeper, to work at Zhang Lan's house.

Zhang Lan had heard before that there were some places in Kyoto that provided training for rich butlers. The organizer was originally said to be a butler-like career after the rich went bankrupt. In order to find another job, they helped some newly wealthy people to contact the corresponding ones. connections, arrange banquets, etc.

But what to say about this kind of thing? There are corresponding talent schools abroad, and many people accept the implementation of similar systems.But this kind of thing was somewhat unfeasible in China before.

Because most Chinese people have a characteristic that they rarely really believe in authority.Moreover, decades of development have made people feel in their bones that if there is a chance, I can do it.

The roc rises with the wind in one day and soars up to [-] miles.Young people are all thinking that Pingfeng will be able to use their strength to send me to the blue sky.As for being a housekeeper, unless they really understand themselves, or accumulate personal connections for their children, few people would do it.

Unless the class is solidified, there is no way to rise.Otherwise, most capable people will work hard towards themselves from the bottom of their hearts.

Now, after decades of peace, according to the dynastic laws of history, the first round of major reshuffle is about to begin.In such a major reshuffle, those strata accumulated in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China will be purged again, leaving an upward path for subsequent efforts.

Twenty or thirty years after the reshuffle and change, the prosperous era will follow.

Before the big reshuffle, what ordinary people could feel was that the class was gradually solidifying.One by one, the ascending channels were replaced by those so-called hereditary replacements.

But this has nothing to do with Zhang Lan. No matter how the peaceful era changes, there will be no change in the safe and sound money.

Shuffling the cards will only remove some of the people who are gradually hereditary and neglectful, and then remove some of those with original sin or bad foundations.

No matter how you calculate it, this kind of cleaning will not extend to Zhang Lan.

In the peaceful and prosperous times, this is the time when ordinary people can truly inherit their craftsmanship.No matter what you find, you must try your best to preserve it if you can have it at this time.

Because in this peaceful and prosperous era, every step forward by ordinary people requires the efforts of everyone in the entire family.And a craft that can be passed down is a guarantee that the entire family will not decline.

Zhang Lan and Qin Yongjun talked about their plans to move the acupuncture clinic away from the courtyard and find a place nearby to set up a regular outpatient clinic. It doesn't matter whether they see a doctor or not.

Qin Yongjun is very supportive. During this period of time, she has been handling some matters of the Qin family, and she has deeply understood the truth. No matter what time, correct procedures are the most important.

As long as there are no problems with the procedure, anything you say later can be rounded off.And once the root cause is caught, all the talk of extenuating circumstances will be in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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