Chapter 540 Gift

Ni Jiajia's parents did not decide to be hospitalized immediately. After leaving the doctor's phone number, they said they would go home and discuss it. After leaving the clinic, Ni Jiajia's parents said they planned to find someone at night and find an expert and professor to take a look tomorrow.

After Lu Yichen came out of the hospital, she was separated from the Ni family. After such a big thing happened, their family members had a lot to say.

When she called Zhang Lan, Lu Yichen had just come out of the hospital and asked Zhang Lan if there was any treatment.

Before, Zhang Lan would have refused and asked the Ni family to find a doctor for treatment.

But during this period of lying down and reflecting on himself from time to time, Zhang Lan's thoughts changed somewhat.

After listening to Lu Yichen's words, Zhang Lan said: "The treatment can be cured, but this is not another disease. You should not actively recommend it. If there is no other way in the end, you can tell them to come to me and give it a try. Not yet. If you know what the disease is, don’t interrupt.”

"I understand, master, Jiajia and I are best friends, she is not that kind of person." Lu Yichen knew Zhang Lan's concerns and quickly reassured her.

"It doesn't matter whether you are that kind of person, the important thing is not to test human nature. You are studying medicine, no matter how good the relationship is, some things must be done first." Zhang Lan said seriously.

"Okay, I'll talk to Jiajia after the specific test results come out." Lu Yichen replied.

Zhang Lan didn't say anything else. This was not another disease. After listening to Lu Yichen's recommendation, Ni Jiajia ran over and asked Zhang Lan to treat her, as they thought it was gout at first.

Now it is semi-certain that it is a tumor. If there is a glimmer of hope, Ni Jiajia's parents will not choose to go to Zhang Lan for treatment.

There are so many top hospitals in Kyoto that can treat corresponding diseases, so Ni Jiajia's parents will not give up all hope and come to Zhang Lan for treatment.

Put the matter of Ni Jiajia behind and wait until they come to seek medical treatment.The current problem is Zhang Lan's acupuncture clinic. Zhang Lan plans to further transform the courtyard into a residential building, so the original acupuncture clinic will have to find a way to move it.

In addition, the country had just released the regulatory documents for acupuncture clinics. Zhang Lan took a rough look and found that his original plan of just hanging a signboard in the courtyard was no longer feasible.

In Kyoto, no matter how good Zhang Lan's medical skills are, he still refuses to see a doctor and is not restrained.But some cosmetic projects still need to be done.

And now the relevant inspections are becoming more and more strict. No matter how empty Zhang Lan is, various documents are still indispensable.

Zhang Lan still has a specialty certificate. There is always a place where he can practice for a prescribed period of time before he can get his medical practitioner certificate before he can rest assured.

The basic case medical records needed for Zhang Lan's assessment are now sufficient. The only difference is the accumulation of time.

After thinking about it, Zhang Lan called Lu Qian and asked her to help find a suitable place near the courtyard and move the clinic there.It doesn't matter whether the door is open or not, the main thing is to survive the years and cope with various inspections.

Now that the document specifications for acupuncture clinics have been issued, before it was possible to sidestep the situation, or the relevant people could turn a blind eye and pretend not to see it.

But after having documents, some things still need to be respected.Everyone carries the sedan chair, and it is convenient for others to facilitate themselves.

Not long after Zhang Lan called, Lu Qian came over.Ask Zhang Lan what the clinic requirements are.

It's easy to find a house. There are people selling and renting houses around here all the time, but whether it's suitable depends on Zhang Lan's requirements.Zhang Lan and Lu Qian talked about their plans. Zhang Lan did not plan to look for a courtyard house this time. An old house like a courtyard house was not suitable for opening a clinic with various regulatory constraints.

And the most important thing is that the transportation is really inconvenient. It is better to find an office building or an old red brick house from the past.It’s easy to renovate and easy to park.

Zhang Lan’s main core appeal this time is convenient parking and convenient renovation.

It would be best if the place is bigger, and it is best if it has an upstairs and downstairs facility, where medical treatment and accommodation are integrated.Parking should be convenient, and it is best to have a parking space.Speaking of this, Zhang Lan suddenly remembered something and told Lu Qian about a single-family house near Wudaokou School that he had seen before.

If it hadn't been too troublesome to renovate the double storey later, and if it wasn't possible to go through the accommodation procedures, Zhang Lan would probably have bought the house.

After listening to Zhang Lan's request, Lu Qian took a shorthand note on her mobile phone and said: "This request should not be difficult, and the relevant houses are easy to find. I will screen it in the next two days. Is this guy going to buy it or rent it?" "

"Buy it in the name of the company. There is no need to rent it. Just treat it as an investment." Zhang Lan thought for a while and said.

Ever since she got rich, Zhang Lan's first thought about using a house was to buy as much as possible.It's not a question of losing or making money, it's simply that he doesn't like having to pay long-term rent even though he has money.

After talking about the house, looking at Lu Qian turning to leave, Zhang Lan said: "Sister Qian, please wait for me first, and I will get you something."

As Lu Qian's footsteps stopped, Zhang Lan got up and went to the bedroom.He took out a box from the safe inside, opened it and looked at it. There was a plum blossom hairpin inside.

He closed the box and was about to take the box and put it aside to lock the safe.Zhang Lan thought for a while, put the box back, and took another box from inside.

Arriving at the living room, Zhang Lan handed over the box in his hand.

Lucy reached out to take the box and asked curiously: "What is it?"

"You'll know after you open it and take a look." Zhang Lan said with a smile.

As Lucy opened the box, she saw a string of pearls in the box and immediately said, "This is not suitable for me, so you should take it back."

After speaking, Lu Qian closed the box and planned to hand it back to Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan waved her hand and said: "Don't worry, Sister Qian, I don't mean anything else. It's okay for you to talk to Yong Jun about this thing. Things are made for people to use. I found that you may have been a little unlucky recently. Take it with you when you go out." You can avoid it by doing this.”

When Lu Qian came in from outside to talk to Zhang Lan about the house, Zhang Lan noticed that Lu Qian's expression was a little abnormal.

Lu Qian is one of her own, so Zhang Lan naturally wants to find out what is going on.At first, Zhang Lan thought that Lu Qian might be feeling unwell. After looking at it with Gong De Ling's eyes, she realized that there might be something wrong with Lu Qian's family recently. A faint gray aura surrounded her, which was gradually eroding Lu Qian's skin. Body.

Under such a situation, it may not have any impact in the short term, and it may not have any impact in the long term, but maybe when you encounter an accident, if you exert a little force on your breath, what was originally a small matter may turn into something big. event.

(End of this chapter)

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