Chapter 336
In the next few days, Shaoyao became a little anxious, and received news almost every day.

The situation in Tubo is very bad. Except for a few large cities, almost all of them have been occupied by Daxia.

Not even a quarter of the land can be controlled now.

If the terrain hadn't been difficult to defend and difficult to attack, Daxia would have been completely defeated.

Moreover, Daxia has stopped attacking and is gathering troops.

Gathering towards the Turkic border.

All circumstances indicate that Daxia may begin a large-scale attack on the Turks.

The Turks suffered too much losses in the last battle and could not recover in less than two or three years.

Now that Daxia is so powerful, the Turks are no longer their opponents.

Moreover, Shaoyao could also guess that the reason for sending troops to Daxia must be to recapture Lin Hai.

This information has been kept hidden from Lin Hai, not wanting him to know.

Although Lin Hai was captured only a few days later, he had already solved a lot of things for the Turks.

Shaoyao believed even more that Lin Hai was the talent that the Turks lacked most.

Keep Lin Hai by your side no matter what.

Although Lin Hai did not receive the news, he also believed that it was absolutely impossible for Lin Tiangui, Yu Huashi, and Gong Yanwu to see him stay in the Turks.

I will definitely find a way to save myself.

What's more, after defeating Tubo, you will definitely be able to rob a lot of money and food.

With enough money, it is not difficult to mobilize an army.

As long as the Daxia army enters Turkic territory.

The Turks will definitely mobilize a large number of troops to resist.

At that time, we can take all the prisoners and find a way to join the Daxia army.

The reason why they go all out to dig coal mines is not really for the Turkic people.

Or to find a reason to gather these people together.

Only in this way can Daxia's army attack and rescue everyone.

Moreover, this coal mine has very rich reserves, which makes Lin Hai excited.

The Turks can be wiped out sooner or later.

This coal mine is enough to provide warmth for the people of the entire Great Xia in winter.

Lin Hai looked forward to the stars and the moon, hoping that Daxia's army would come over quickly before winter came.

Otherwise, we will have to wait until winter, once it snows heavily.

Marching on the steppes was almost impossible.

The fastest we can do is wait until next year.

Lin Hai also saw Shaoyao becoming more and more anxious.

After all, it can be guessed that Daxia must take action.

At this moment, [-] troops have been gathered on the border between Turks and Daxia.

At the border between Tibet and Turks, an army of [-] was also gathered.

They were led by Lin Tiangui and Yuhua Shi respectively.

They decided to march in two groups.

Along the way, they not only had to attack the city but also captured all the Turkic people.

Exchange the Turkic prisoners for the Daxia prisoners.

Lin Tiangui acted steadily, taking away everything he could and transporting it back to Daxia.

Yuhuashi is the main force of cavalry reaching the royal city to contain the enemy.

Yuhuashi looked at the Turkic territory in front of him expressionlessly.

"Lin Hai, please don't let anything happen to you! I'm here to save you!"

"Everyone listen to the order and set off to rescue Lin Hai!"

The army roared in unison and rode off.

Yuhuashi led the army at the front, with Wang Dayong and Liu Ergou beside him.

After several battles, the hunters made rapid progress.

And he has made many contributions.

Almost all were promoted.

Has completely taken control of the Northern Expedition Army.

News of the army's development soon spread to Turkic territory.

After the Turkic Khan got the news, he was shocked. "Daxia actually sent an army of [-] to attack our Turks. They really spent a lot of money!"

A general stood up and asked for a fight.

"Khan, my subordinates are willing to fight! As long as you give me [-] troops, I will definitely defeat the enemy!"

"My subordinates are also willing to fight!"

All of a sudden, many generals wanted to lead their troops into battle.

The Turkic Khan did not agree immediately.

“I can understand how you feel, but Daxia is different now than before.

They already have enough horses and new weapons.

It is almost impossible to win more with less. "

"That's right, although we have made artillery, we don't have gunpowder on hand.

There is no way to fight against Daxia.

Tubo has just been defeated, and we must not follow in Tubo's footsteps. "

One of the ministers spoke up.

When they thought of Xia Jun's new weapons, the generals who had experienced that battle all showed fear.

“My subordinates believe that if they want to resist the Xia army, they should send troops to harass them.

Don't let the opponent march too fast!

And rely on city defense to delay as much time as possible.

As long as the roads are blocked by heavy snow in winter, the Xia army will have no choice but to retreat.

This will buy you enough time to research the artillery. "Someone suggested.

The Turkic Khan was convinced.

"That makes sense, just do as you say! Daxia sent a total of two armies.

We can only send [-] troops, divided into two groups to attack.

Never fight them head-on, but try to harass them and prevent them from advancing.

In addition, someone was immediately sent to notify Princess Liu Yi and ask her to return to the royal city as soon as possible. "

Orders were issued one after another, and the Turkic elites quickly set off.

Soon Shaoyao also got the news.

Find Lin Hai on the coal mine.

"My father sent someone with news and ordered us to return to the royal city as soon as possible."

Lin Hai was full of doubts: "Why? Coal mining has just got on the right track, and there are still many things that need to be solved!"

"It doesn't matter, leave the things here to others first! We have more important things to do!"

Lin Hai saw Shaoyao's anxious look,

He asked tentatively: "I am asking you to go back in such a hurry. Could it be that something big has happened?"
Or is it that Daxia's army has already attacked? "

"You're absolutely right, it's true!"

Lin Hai couldn't help but look happy anymore.

After being away from home for such a long time, I have been missing Qiaoer and the others very much.

If he knew that he was captured by the Turks, he would definitely be sad.

Lin Hai felt extremely distressed every time he thought about this.

"It seems that you are very happy and hope to return to Daxia!" Shaoyao said angrily.

"Of course! I have a very good relationship with the prince, and the queen mother also values ​​me very much.

You won’t leave me alone in Turks!
I advise you to put me back!I am confident that they will retreat immediately.

The Turks are no match for Daxia now. Do they really want to be destroyed? Lin Hai persuaded.

"Hmph, you think too highly of yourself! Maybe it's just the Queen of Daxia who thinks she can defeat Tubo and our Turks.

It's a pity that they underestimated my Turkic strength.

As long as I am here, it is not certain who will win! "

Shaoyao said stubbornly.

“Hey, it’s only the Turkic people who will suffer if you do this!

This expedition will definitely not be lenient.

How do you deal with the people of Daxia? The Turkic people will soon taste the bitter consequences." Lin Hai shook his head helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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